Gentlemen, Ladies and Muslims!!!!

by Gill 91 Replies latest social current

  • Gill

    Scotsman - Who is going to pay for 'special toilets' for a select member of the community in which YOU will not be tolerated to enter as YOU will probably be considered as unclean as a pig in a pen?

    Now who is xenophobic?

    For genetic reasons I can prove my non xenophobia! Look at the practices of Islam such as in Saudi Arabia and then come back and tell me what a forward bunch of thinkers they are since women are second rate citizens and flogged for being raped.

    Come on and wake up! This is not xenophobia! This is legitimate outcry against polictical correctness gone MAD!

    Should everyone shut up just because some one else uses the 'politically incorrect' or 'xenophobia' big stick to beat them with.

    Legitimate concerns remain that....LEGITIMATE CONCERNS!

  • fokyc


    I am surprised how many people find your story difficult to believe,

    Having spent many years in Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey etc. I can vouch these 'Toilets a la Turk' are common to the middle east and down to Egypt, here is a recent experience from a young lady in Bulgaria WITH PICTURES:

    The most basic are 2 stones for your feet with a hole between for the product, just ensure you miss your shoes!


  • scotsman

    We (them and us!) will all pay. I agree that your local university shouldn't have to provide 'toilets a la turk' (thanks fokyc) but I find the response on this thread to be repellent.

    I eat in the local mosque restaurant at least once a week and they accept my atheist(lite) homosexual presence without prejudice. The shop I live above is owned by a Muslim who is always generous to me and my partner. She does not represent all adherents Islam, nor do those who are breaking the precious toilets.

    This thread reads like the Daily Mail. 'Nuff said.

    Have a nice day, and watch out for the reds under the bed too!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    In my books thats called vandalism. If these folks were raised in Brittain they know better. People can take a crap from the ceiling for all I care, but they better clean it up afterwards and leave it the way they found it. If there is damage they should pay for the damage from their paycheck!

    If I was an employee that pulled that kind of shit I would be instantly fired. Civilization should never take a step backwards to accomodate uncivilized behaviour. If I was living in a country that didn't have proper facilities I would live with it, but even cats have enough sense to use a littter box and bury it. Some are even clever enough to use the John. There's no excuse. Its rude, ignorant and disgusting. Obviously not all Muslims do this. Those that do, should should be treated as vandals. Islamaphobia is the very reason they are not. Its the same way the west got all scared about the Danish cartoon incident. It's a silent slow takeover. Intergration is not on the agenda for most. Ooops lets not upset anybody now. I sure wish people could make excuses for me if I did that. Heck maybe they could even send me a check for offending me.

  • Dansk
    but I find the response on this thread to be repellent.

    Not all responses, I hope!


  • scotsman

    Sorry Ian, looks like I'd picked up the broad brush everyone else is using lol.

    I find the tone of a number of comments on this thread to be repellant.

  • Dansk

    Sorry Ian, looks like I'd picked up the broad brush everyone else is using lol.

    I find the tone of a number of comments on this thread to be repellant.

    It's OK. You have good reason to be passionate about your response. Being a gay man you will be familiar with discrimination, ignorance and arrogance. Ian

  • Gilberto
    Being a gay man you will be familiar with discrimination, ignorance and arrogance.

    Is that a generalisation?

    Only kidding Ian.

    Ian, you are such a nice bloke, I love the way you seem to be able to approach any subject with great tact.

    I have never met you, but I would love to do so.

    Maybe one day I will attend an apostofest.

  • katiekitten

    Holy crap, we got reds under the bed too???

    Now you tell me. Thats where I been keeping my wee bucket!

    Im not a xenophobe really, even if I sound like one. I have taken abuse on the bus for sticking up for a moslem woman trying to sell cabbages (and believe me the abuse us northern women can throw out is formidable - I nearly cried). I took abuse at school for being friends with moslem girls - although they were probably more embarassed at being stuck up for by a JW!

    But I do think when in Rome etc etc I dont mind squatees at all, theyre the best bogetries at Glastonbury. But if all there is is flushees I think a normal human being can learn to use them, rather than demanding thosands of pounds be spent on squatees. Can you imagine if I went to work in a sqatting country and demanded they installed a flushee for me? What a prissy stuck up narrow minded imperislist ex pat I would be branded.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    i guess every (ex)jw is familiar with discrimination, ignorance and arrogance. tolerance to those who deserve it. not tolerating george michael whacking at a public toilet doesn't have anything to do with homophobia either.

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