Watchtower's annual Christmas edition - such hypocrisy!

by ozziepost 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    If a paper comes out on Monday it is the Monday edition.

    If a Magazine comes out in Spring its the Spring edition.

    If it comes out at Christmas time it is the Christmas edition.

    Arguing over what constitutes an edition of a magazine does not excuse Guests deliberate lie about the Dec 15 2007 Witchtower.


  • MsMcDucket

    If they want to be truthful, they should tell the whole story about Jesus birth. Meaning with each age there's a birth of a Sun God- Son God and that this age's Sun God is Jesus.

  • Guest01210

    Well Well Well !!!

    ozziepost must have gone to bed ... I'm finally allowed to post again.

    Great way to get your way in a discussion.. eh? Cut the opposition off from being able to post ;)

    minimus ... good for you. It is just a tad misleading indeed.

    hamsterbait ... if you would kindly read ozziepost's original post, you will see the reference is not to the article you mentioned. He directs the reader to the sight to read a 5 year old article.

    Therefore .. no lie on my part. You are the one who is scraping the barrel trying to justify ozziepost's deliberate lie.

    I guess this should get me into posting gaol again .. oh well, guess it's your soccer ball and field. Go to it.

  • sweetstuff

    I guess this should get me into posting gaol again .. oh well, guess it's your soccer ball and field. Go to it.

    Kinda like life in the WTS huh? Play by their rules or get off the field.

  • minimus

    Guest, although I agree with your post, it does seem that you've come on board to challenge everybody. Is that just my imagination?? Hopefully you can see the BIG PICTURE, that the Watchtower Society has a HISTORY of deceit and their use of "theocratic strategy" is nothing more than a simple lie. The Watchtower sucks!

  • ozziepost


    ozziepost must have gone to bed ... I'm finally allowed to post again

    Not at all. As I told you (let the reader use discernment) your posting is limited - it ran out and now you're needlessly using up your allowance for today. Keep going.

    He directs the reader to the sight to read a 5 year old article.

    Wrong again. I directed attention to the banner page and as I've posted today, they've pulled it!

    BTW pls use your dictionary - it's site (the noun) not "sight" as in verb or noun.


    and i thought you loved me!

  • OnTheWayOut
    Aren't trolls tiresome! Oh well, that's 3 posts out of his limit he's wasted on this thread alone

    I didn't read his other posts, but your response was uncalled for and very unkind.
    He made a legitimate point about this not being in the magazine, but old info. from the

    Everyone is welcome according to the top left disclaimer. Be nice to the newbies so they
    will stick around. If anyone is truly a troll, it will be revealed soon enough.

    I was expecting a picture of a magazine from your link or some proof that there was a
    December mag with something about Jesus on the cover. I was going to (nicely) post
    something similar to this guest's questions.

  • ozziepost


    I didn't read his other posts, but your response was uncalled for and very unkind.

    Was it? Please check Guest's posting history. It won't take long for he's been here just a few days. Every post is similar in what way?

    I was expecting a picture of a magazine from your link or some proof that there was a
    December mag with something about Jesus on the cover.

    Why? The WTS have stated on their site that they put up the latest articles. If it's re-run, too bad, it's what they are publicising - or they were until they pulled it from their banner page.

  • OnTheWayOut
    We all know that the December issue of the W/T has always been a Christmas edition and sure enough the Society's website puts the Xmas article as their lead.

    Oh well, he's nearly used up his limit.

    Virtually nobody reads the website. Even though I know WT is a mind-control cult, I don't see much wrong
    with taking advantage of timing.

    The December Awake has "Death- is it really the end?" on the cover. I don't have the Dec. WT mags, so tell
    me what's on them that's Christmas-related?

    Did you actually limit the guest's posts because he disagreed with you? I read his other posts and he's not
    doing anything wrong. I can be just as disagreeable in my posts- but I mean well. If you chase away newbies,
    then the board will suffer.

    Please don't limit me for my opinion.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will say that his first post is blank. I don't know if that's his doing or a moderator's doing.
    But after that post, he did not violate some rules, he's free to have an opinion.

    Just like I am. I don't want to get involved in an issue on this. You can say what you want,
    but I am going to hit and run on your thread, that way you will feel like you were right.

    I am outta here.

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