Watchtower's annual Christmas edition - such hypocrisy!

by ozziepost 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finally-Free

    It's standard watchtower procedure. Every year, without fail, they publish an article designed to convince people to stop celebrating Christmas. You hear them trash Christmas from the platform in kingdom halls, and they try to come across as very smug and superior because they won't celebrate this most disgusting and demonic holiday.

    They're not content to simply refrain from celebrating it. They feel the need to try to ruin it for others.

    Yet I never once heard a JW complain about getting paid for staying home from work on this terrible heathen day.

    They're such a negative, hypocritical people.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    Those bastards work on Christmas .. ha ha ha.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks, Stilla.

    I didn't know if the claim was true for 2007, but I did know that a newbie was
    attacked for asking a valid question. You seem to back up Ozzie's claim, but I
    still would like him to show me the December 2007 article that backs his claim.
    It may very well be there, but it would be a shame to limit a newbie, call him a
    troll, start a big controversy, AND BE WRONG. I hope he's at least right in
    his original statement. He didn't claim that it was done in the past, he claimed
    that it's done every year:

    (first post of this thread) ...but never fail to bring feature articles in thir December issues that take advantage of that.

    Did they never fail this year, Ozzie. Stop bullying people and back up your words.
    You know I am quick to call someone a troll if it's obvious, but there's nothing wrong
    with challenging a claim and asking for proof. It might even be there, I don't know.
    Show us.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yet I never once heard a JW complain about getting paid for staying home from work on this terrible heathen day.

    And not many refuse their Christmas Bonus - me being one of them. A $1000 dollar check is very nice thankyou. In 2002 it was $5000 so no way would I refuse

  • stillajwexelder

    but I still would like him to show me the December 2007 article that backs his claim.

    Well I am not going to show you - admittedly there is less this year but sure enough on Page 8 and 9 the article is entitled "Can a Pagan Holiday be made Chtristian?" When the CD-ROM comes out in the next 2 or 3 weeks I will post the whole magazine.

    did I say H Y P O C R I S Y

  • MsMcDucket

    That ain't no newbie that's a hardcore JW apologist lurker coming out!

  • stillajwexelder

    That ain't no newbie that's a hardcore JW apologist lurker coming out! Look stop having a go at newbie apologists. It hurts if you been brought all you life to have it indoctrinated in you that the Jehovah WATCHTOWER is god. Of course they are going to defend them

  • OnTheWayOut

    Guest, I called him out for ya. But it looks like he did what he accused you of.
    He hit-and-ran on you. He made accusations, he limited your posts, he didn't
    explain himself, and now when a long-time poster asks questions, he went to bed
    or just stays away. You may get your next 5 posts back another day and handle
    this yourself. I really will stay out of it now, as I couldn't stand being limited to
    5 posts a day.

    OTWO of the 11+ posts-per-day class

  • stillajwexelder

    Ozzie's points remain relevant. You have a link on your site relating to xmas. A poster (who happens to be ozzie) points out some hypocrisy. A day later the article appears to be pulled. I mean come on guys, is this not a teensie weensie bit suspicious?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I consider both OTWO and Ozzie friends. I only seek to step in as a friend to say.... come on guys, let's back off a little and shake hands. Ok?

    Ozzie has stated a fact - the WTS did banner the article themselves, and according to Stilla, there is some Christmas Bashing in the December magazine, as usual. I was hoping that someone would post up the covers, since that is usually where the WTS puts the bait, with the switch coming in the inside articles.

    On balance, OTWO is correct that AGuest has the right to post his opinions. Time will tell if Ozzie is correct about the guy [and as a Mod Ozzie might just have info we are not privy to] being a troll. But even trolls can figure it out, and eventually get out, hence a sensible call for tolerance perhaps?

    It's Christmas season guys - and now we can celebrate it if we choose. So in that spirit, can we shake and get on?

    Jeff [Just trying to make the peace, and hoping he doesn't offend either of his friends class]

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