Watchtower's annual Christmas edition - such hypocrisy!

by ozziepost 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    Why is there no mention in that article on the cult's website that Jesus is really an angel named Michael?

    You would think with all the publications the cult has that tells us Jesus is an angel they would at least mention it in their Christmas Special.

    Oh wait...

    that might expose the hook.

    Gotta keep the hook hidden under the bait to catch fish.

  • LouBelle

    well actually guesty boy - why don't you go to your official JW website - type in Christmas in the little search box (on the right hand side of the screen) and guess what pops up:

    Christmas time here's taken from a 2000 article - so ja - they were doing it 7 years ago, they were doing it 27 years ago (I was in your so called truth for 28 years so I know what I'm talking about)

    Hell I'm even gonna ask one of my JW family memebers to send me the new watchtower/awake just to prove you wrong.

  • WTWizard

    They seem to do it every year. It is to make the public aware that they do not celebrate Christmas. Invariably, the article is about the origins of Christmas, how it leads to so many problems like drinking and driving, huge bills, and decadence, and how it's not proper for Christians to do it. They always misapply Luke 2:10-14 to mean that Jesus was born in the fall. Never do they allow people to celebrate it on December 25 because it's the traditional day that people associate with Christ's birth.

    Whether or not they had a Christmas issue this year is beyond my knowledge. What they would do in the absence of a magazine is to verbally quote something about Jesus, and misapply the scriptures surrounding the Nativity to show how bad the event is. They claim that the Star of Bethlehem is actually Satan leading the Magi to Jesus to kill him, and that there were more than three Magi. I say "What difference does that make?" They did show up, and they give Jesus gifts (hence the tradition). And they did not kill Jesus at that time. And, who cares how many Magi it was?

    In fact, this is found in the Reasoning book. They have a whole section on how to misapply the scriptures to prove that Christmas is unscriptural. Even if it's not in the magazine this year, you can bet your bottom dollar that people are going starting BibleWatchtower studies using this passage.

    Then again, I have noticed that every time they do feature Christmas, they always have a front page that is decorated. A Christmas tree and other decorations are featured. Yet they do not allow anyone in the flock to set up a Christmas tree. If anyone does, they can be expecting a call from Brother Hounder. Even if it looks exactly like the one on the litter-ature. That is where they hypocrisy comes in.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    From the Watchtowers perspective shunning Christmas is never really about the "truth" per se.

    I remember being in Catholic school learning about how Jesus really wasn't born on December 25th and that there where other influences in how the holiday came about.

    Why didn't this knowledge about the "truth" in Christmas change me and my classmates? Because the adults and kids alike simply didn't care!

    Fast forward to me at the age 17 getting all excited about what the JWs where teaching me. They where able to make me believed that such things mattered. I know cared about issues that I could have cared less about years eairler simply because I was being told it was important.

    The Watchtower does a great job at making people think that hardcore positions on these types of things matter. They attach to their rejection of Christmas loyalty to God, raising their own importance.

  • mouthy

    SOOOO ... December/02 now is the same as December/07?????

    Well Guest it doesnt matter what year is used by the Watchtower..They throw dates around wholesale. They believe in recycling ,,,,,
    go back in the library( WT) check out how many dates the told us THE END was coming.

    See the picture where our dear Brother Russell celebrated Christmas.
    Wake up my love ----

  • nomoreguilt

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! So here you are at the local mall, bakery, what-not-store etc. The proprietor or a fellow customer says to you" MERRY CHRISTMAS". You are supposed to come out with company's canned response, "GEE, I'm sorry, but I, we , they, don't celebrate Christmas. " GEE Brother, you made such a fine witnesss. So, why say that you are SORRY! Like so many others in the borg, they have an inward secret disire to have the biggest, bestest tree, yard, Santa, you name it. Correct me if I misspoke myself. HO! HO! HO!

  • UU Now
    UU Now
    MERRY CHRISTMAS! So here you are at the local mall, bakery, what-not-store etc. The proprietor or a fellow customer says to you" MERRY CHRISTMAS". You are supposed to come out with company's canned response, "GEE, I'm sorry, but I, we , they, don't celebrate Christmas. "

    My JW mom has always responded to "Merry Christmas" in that context with "Thank you," and she taught her four childrent to do the same. A neighbor might get the spiel, but a cashier or sales clerk wouldn't.

  • 144001

    The prohibition of Christmas lacks biblical basis but is a great marketing ploy for this cult. "We are different from the world . . . " indeed, but unfortunately, few of the "differences" are positive and most are overwhelmingly negative. It really sickens me to see how this cult profits from its exploitation of its members, which is executed in a manner apparently calculated to make their lives as miserable as possible.

  • hamsterbait

    The "Christmas "article in the most recent mags was not highlighted on the cover.

    "Can a Pagan Holiday be made Christian?" p8 December 15 2007 - as usual the claim that God knows the origins makes it wrong. (Conveniently forgetting about wedding rings and more recently pinyadas)

    I wonder if the Troll will admit he is incorrect and eat his own words. At the very least Guest has now shown what a liar he is - either because he did not read the Dec 15 magazine, or because he is prepared to deny this article is in it.

    They are soft pedalling on Christmas at the moment as their recruits and contributions are down.

    The anti-fun stance is a big turn off to the public, and with all the scandals hitting the news, this would probably reduce further profit$.

    Yet the Apostle writes in Romans and Colossians that if you decide to celebrate a festival no one should condemn. "Let each one do what he has resolved in his own heart."


  • minimus

    I wouldn't call that a "Christmas edition of the Watchtower". That's a bit misleading, and no I am not a troll.

    I think they use the mags to the most current happenings to get a bit more exposure. They did the same thing with the magazine on terrorism after 9-11. They called it "food at the proper time", in their almighty wisdom. Actually, when one reads these articles, I think most would not believe that their was any promotion of XMas. And I think that's what an "annual Christmas edition" would do.

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