
by harleau 98 Replies latest social relationships

  • harleau
    you can do anything you want to do

    I realize, but there are consequences to every action.

  • momzcrazy


    I can go all night with this. I happen to notice that you are here too.

  • momzcrazy

    C'mon sugar, answer back. I'm in a mood now.

  • sspo


    In the false what? I am not baptised yet, but I am lookin forward to it. But my sister will be disfellowshipped. Then what? We can't talk?

    The answer is very simple......Don't get baptized, even if your sister will be DF you'll be able to talk to her as much as you want.

    Once you get baptized it's over and you won't be able to have a relationship with her, if you try you will get kicked out to.

  • Hortensia

    Harleau, honey, no one is going to destroy anyone. The world goes on spinning and life is what we make of it. One of the ways that people control you is by making you afraid. They do it in advertising all the time - we get scared of diseases, accidents, what people might think of us, body odor, and getting destroyed during a mythical armageddon. It's just a hook to keep you involved. It isn't true. In fact, most of what the JWs teach isn't true. How do I know? Raised in the org., was in it 25 years or more, there's nothing you can tell me that I don't already know about them.

    These people want to control you by making you afraid, and by separating you from anyone with a different point of view or lifestyle. Your sister is important. Screw the WTBTS and stick by your sister. Maybe you don't like homosexuals; it doesn't matter. Lots of people don't like a lot of things and yet we mostly manage to get along until we get involved with people who say that god has given them, and ONLY them, the right to say what is good and what isn't.

  • Finally-Free

    My sister says she's a lesbian.

    So am I but I'm trapped in a mans body, dammit!


  • Anti-Christ
    I realize, but there are consequences to every action.

    Yes there is but some are real, some are imaginary and some are man made. Before you decide to make a decision that might "force" you to shun your sister and affect your life and the life of the ones you love, please do some research on the JW and the bible before you make a decision and when I say research I don't mean with the WT publication I mean some real unbiased research. I was raised in that religion and it is a cult, a mind controlling cult. They lie about their past and about the bible. The only way you can make sure for yourself is to do your own research and to question every thing the WT says. Don't take my word on it, make sure yourself.

  • harleau
    The conflict this is causing me is outrageous. I love my sister. But I have grown to love the organization as well because of the truth it represents. Now what do I do? Do I give up something that I was raised to love or my sister, whom I was born loving? I think I 'm getting sick.
  • Quandry

    The conflict this is causing me is outrageous.

    Yes, dear. We have been there.

    Just do some research. Did you know that the WT used to teach that vaccinations are like taking pus into your body? That organ transplants are cannibalism? That the preaching work would end before the end of the 20th century?

    The Awake magazine said that all those who were alive and at an age of understanding in 1914 (around 15 years old) would not die until Armageddon. Let's see-that would make them at least 105 years old now. Do you think they ever used the word "wrong" regarding saying this? No, they just keep changing "the generation" teaching-in fact, it is being changed once again and will be in an upcoming WT magazine.

    These things are real. They and other ridi culous statements were IN THE WT and AWAKE m agazines.


  • momzcrazy

    OK you're back. Maybe you're for real.

    Yes, this is a hard decision. You must come to know for yourself that the organization does not represent the truth. It just doesn't. It was started by a man and is run by 12 men. We can tell you the real truth until we are blue in the face, but you must find it out yourself.

    If you are baptized and continue as a Witness you will lose your sister. Your child will lose their aunt.

    Read Matt 11:28,29. Do you have refreshment in your soul? Or are you toiling and loaded down? Who is loading you down?


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