
by harleau 98 Replies latest social relationships

  • new boy
    new boy

    There is nothing wrong with being a fact if I was a woman I would be one too...why?

    Because I love everyone should!

  • Priest73

    stick around an read some thread. good to have you here.

  • harleau

    Yeah, but homosexuality is against Christianity. True Christianity. O rI would be a Lesbian too, because men are difficult. But I mean, what am I to do?

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    that is the dilema you now have to address, if you get babtized, you can be dfd for seeing her?

    is that what you would let happen, your family split apart?

    make sure of what you want, honey

    big d, and i am a guy send me some pics, just joking

    big d

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    and iam not difficult!!!!!!!!!!!!

    big d

  • nvrgnbk

    I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body and I'm not disfellowshipped.

  • Priest73

    nvr, I'm a lesbo also. Yikes. but I bet you're not my type... -Chesty McCLure

  • momzcrazy

    Hello fellow Tennessean!

    I am in the same situation, only my sister and I both left last month.

    I met her girlfriend, and her daughter. They have stayed at my house hiding from a crazy ex husband. I email her girlfriend suggesting Xmas presents ( our first ). I babysit her daughter when she goes to court over the divorce. Do I like it? No, not really. But my sister is happier than she has ever been, and she deserves happiness like all of us. I don't understand it either, but I didn't understand when she moved to Ireland for a month ALONE!

    This is how I look at it, love your sister. She is still your sister. And Lord knows when this all comes out she will have few there to love her. And if everything all falls apart for her, you will be her safe place.

    You can PM me anytime you want, I know how you feel. When she told me she was leaving the org I was happy. Then she came over and told me she had a girlfriend and good feeling was gone.

    That which does not kill us makes us stronger.


  • harleau

    Geez.... I'm really in a ppickle here guys and all you can think about is two sweaty, naked women touching?

  • Gopher

    Science is now confirming what homosexuals knew all along, that your hetero/homosexual orientation is developed at birth or extremely early in life.

    So if a Creator made life so that certain people would be homosexual from early in life, why wouldn't any "inspired" book or "truthful" religion allow people to be what they are? Would it be fair for a God to create so many people in a way that he then turns around and condemns?

    Harleau, I recommend re-thinking your assumptions about "truth" and "religion" before choosing a religion over your sister.

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