List Reasons Why YOU Would NEVER Go Back To The "Truth"

by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Because it's all a lie.

    I will be leaving for California tomorrow, staying at my parents' house who happen to be jws. I will be attending a family function and intermingling with family members who are jws (thankfully not all of them are). I will not be there to provoke but I will be watching. Oh and I'm going to wear my cross. This should be fun.


  • Hortensia

    well lfcviking pretty much summed it up but here are my reasons:

    it isn't true
    full of hypocrisy
    mind control
    time control
    boring - I'd started stabbing myself just to keep from screaming and running amuck at the meetings
    liars and gossips - maybe not all of them but a lot of the ones I knew
    I'm starting to descend into obscenities - so I guess I'll quit.

  • RollerDave

    I'm in the truth right now,

    To go back to the WT I would have to clothe myself in lies, immerse myself in falsehood, and breath the toxic fumes of phoniness.



  • journey-on

    Plus, RD, you would have to get rid of your ApostaTruck.

  • minimus

    because i don't like cults.

  • jaguarbass

    As far as I can tell, its not the truth. If it is, I am deffective and a loving God would forgive me.

    I dont see the God of the wac tower being loving, so I would be screwed.

    Either way no one gets out alive. Were all going to die, some sooner than others.

    Everlasting sleep is what 100% of the world face in reality.

    Researching on the net. The new testement accounts of Jesus are all hearsay. There are no eyewitness accounts of anyone ever seeing Jesus of the bible.

    The JW's have a documented history of being false prophets.

    Insanity is described as doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

  • calico

    Because they won't protect children

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Because they are a bunch of self-opinionated, interfering, uncompassionate, unloving, self-assuming, self-righteous, judgmental, condescending, power mongers, fakers, snotty nosed, pious, megalomaniacs, interfering, Pharisaic, sh*t don’t stink tossers.

    I don’t think that I could handle the way that it encroaches on your life, takes over your life, challenges your free choice, even takes away your own desires to the point that when you do finally leave you don’t even know what you want to do with your life and riddles you with guilt.

    But the main reason I couldn’t go back is because I hated seeing the way that it hurt people and trod them down in the mud. I can’t stand seeing the innocent suffer to the self-righteous. When I was going that was what stood out the most to me personally.

    Apart from all of the above it is fine, except they lie, and not very convincingly either.


  • BluesBrother

    Having too much fun on JWD

  • TSR

    13 years of beatings at the hands of my JW mother.

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