Hello everybody

by JulieM 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    Hi Julie, welcome to JWD.

  • zack

    I love the smell of FREEDOM FROM THE WATCHTOWER.... It smells like VICTORY!!!!

    Welcome and thanks for sharing.

  • Honesty

    Hi JulieM.

    We are happy that you pulled back the curtain and saw the wizard.

  • RollerDave

    Welcome Julie!

    I read your story, and YOU ROCK!

    Glad to have you here, sorry about your loss, hope to hear more from you.


  • Scully

    Welcome Julie!

    I'm glad you're here. We've heard so much about you from Trevor and Marion already - I feel like you're already part of the "family".

    It's too bad you don't have any video footage of the elders coming to your door! That sounds absolutely priceless.

    It would be lovely to see some pics of you and Linda and Marion back in your old pioneering days. Despite how it all turned out with the JWs, I bet you were all quite happy as friends. I'm sure I'm not the only one eager to see a picture of a smiling Linda, to remember her by.

  • ninja

    Hi Jools.....I was gonna say something annoying like I usually do....but you sound scary.......he he kidding...welcome to the board....da ninja

  • ninja

    scully ....havent we had enough of elders being filmed at peoples doors for a lifetime.........he he


    W E L C O M E

    Julie -

    Trev told us a little about you not long ago. Any friend of Trev and Linda's is a friend of ours. Thank you for being there for them both. I truly am sorry for your loss as well, I'm sure that Linda was a wonderful friend.

    Stay here and visit as long as you like. It's been marvelous therapy for me.

    - Robin

  • flipper

    JULIE- Welcome to the board ! Mr. & Mrs. Flipper welcome you ! So sorry about the loss of your friend Linda . Trev can be so happy to have kind sensitive friends like you and yours to help him through too. Much peace to you my friend, welcome, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JulieM
    It's too bad you don't have any video footage of the elders coming to your door! That sounds absolutely priceless

    I wish we'd thought of that Scully, it was quite funny, as I wasn't overly cooperative. They opened up with "we have had reports about a change in your domestic arrangements", meaning they know I have a worldly bf. I didn't deny it, it would have been difficult since Gareth was there at the time, and after a bit more conversation, they invited me to a meeting with three of them at the hall. It's easy to guess what that would have been, and I told them in no uncertain terms that I wouldn't be there, then asked where the third amigo was (that's what the three of them get called sometimes lol). I'm sure he'd have been in on the judicial committee, he wouldn't have missed out on a chance to interrogate someone about there private life, but I denied him that pleasure, so my "domestic arrangements" are left to his imagination, and he has a vivid one.

    When I offerred them Crisis of Conscience, you'd have thought I was pointing a gun at them, they looked scared. My bf was mystified why 2 grown men would be scared of a book, but he's not been a jw. I'd been expecting a visit, and I knew what they'd do, but I couldn't be bothered to write a da letter, so they had to come back after their meeting to tell me I was to be df'd. That was an even shorter visit, but I did manage a couple more insults. I haven't heard anything yet, I've been busy helping Trev, but I'll bet the gossip mill is in overdrive at the hall now. I'd be interested to know what they are saying, though I can guess, but it doesn't bother me, sticks and stones and all that.

    Thanks for helping me get started here, I know I'm going to love it, and I'll sort some pics out soon.


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