In (partial ) support of Danny Hazard

by stillajwexelder 138 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    After all these years Danny must be feeling suppressed and seeing what he did in the video is a picture of that suppression becoming a flame.

    Unfortunately he let the wrong guys have it. The morons at the top who run the excuse for christianity should have been in the firing line and a bucket of cold water would have been more suitable .Danny, in future please chose your weapons carefully remember the pen is mightier than the sword and remember don't take the law into your own hands.You can in law stop them from calling on you.

    There is a way to stop the Whacktower and that is by letting the the world know of their stupid practices.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    It's been almost ten years since I've gone from door to door. I remember stopping at homes with "no trespassing" signs many times. I was probably wrong, but my take on it was that I was not to walk on their lawn. I thought that the law said that if there was a sidewalk going up to their front door, even if they have a front door, and especially if they have a doorbell, then it's OK to go up to it and knock. I also understood that the Society suggested that the publishers stop at a "Do Not Call" about once a year to make sure that the householder still felt that way or perhaps the person had moved out away.

    At any rate, using the same logic, I could have been pepper sprayed or so could some of my relatives who still go from door to door.

  • ninja

    hey danny.....onwards and upwards mate....put this behind you and move of the underdog

  • Gregor

    It happens every day. We wake up in the morning to a news story that someone has walked into a (pick one) Post Office, Employer, School or Church, and opened up on innocent peple with a firearm, killing...2, 4, 7? people and wounding...who know's? before turning the gun on themselves. I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE WHO COULD DO THAT!! That includes being involved in the same discussion group as this kind of lunatic. SIMON and MODS. You should seriously consider distancing yourself from this loose cannon, Danny Hazzard. I will watch to see how this plays out.

    Danny, Get help now!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It's the responsibility of the property owner to discern if the person coming on to

    their property is a personal threat to himself or family or if there is an attack to their

    property such as vandalism or thievery. Since this wasn't the case, the assault was unlawfully perpetrated

    and Dan could be charge with assault and personal damage. You can't take the law into your own hands

    whenever you feel like it or personally think it's justified. There are certain guidelines regarding

    no trespassing laws for personal property owners. And there are plenty of other situations where individuals may

    indeed come on to a persons property such as a news paper boy, a delivery person, a door to door salesperson,

    an electrical meter reader, even a child wandering unknowingly on to a property and there are others.

    It's called an a assault without due cause and is punishable by law.

    Dan should consider himself lucky if he doesn't get charged.

    Which brings up the question what were those JWS. doing on his property in the first place

    did they not notice that his address in that neighborhood was on a DNC list and they came on to his property

    by accident, there allot of unanswered questions and explanations going on here and Dan doesn't seem to want to respond

    so will have to leave it to some speculation unless some other information comes forward.

  • Vinny

    (This was typed up on the other thread before they capped it).

    Sunspot said:..."A few weeks ago you were warmly inviting me and hubby to your HOME in Hawaii---and today you throw zingers at me for offering my opinion on this subject. The IDEA that this entire situation stems from is that the JWs do not feel they have to abide by anyone's wishes BUT the WTS, no matter how many times and how many WAYS it is presented to them! IF they had NOT been on the property in the first place---we would not be having this conversation!! "

    ***** You are still welcomed to my home in Hawaii. Just one rule; NO COMPUTER TIME FOR YOU! You need to just get away from it all for a while IMO. Enjoy the nice weather, palm trees, tradewinds, sunsets, pretty gals for your hubby, lots o food etc etc... but NO DEBATES allowed. : )

    There were many ways that Danny could have handled that whole thing. I saw the video. There was no reason to attack those two old men as he did. But this is what can happen when one loses objectivity and allows disdain and any kind of negative crusade to take over... it can lead to things regrettable. And it has.

    Sunspot said:..."It is NICE that YOU have gotten your son back and out of the WTS and things in YOUR life are peachy, but some of us are not that lucky to have everything work out so well. So NOW you can sit back and criticize OTHERS for doing exactly the same thing that YOU were doing a few short months ago. Congratulations on your sudden transformation....your wings and halo are in the mail."

    ***** Actually I was hoping more for a Crown and Throne.... : )

    For the record, I am still shunned by 1000 JW's on this small island in the middle of the Pacific. My stepson will not speak to me nor his own mother (who did is not DF'd or DA'd). Every single day I have to make sure that humpty dumpty wifey is put back together. She is HEART BROKEN from losing her son. They also have our first grandson (almost two years old now) that we have no idea what he even looks like. I also lost my biz partner and several employees. I am viewed as an unrepentant apostate and very dangerous person though have done nothiing wrong aside from disagreeing with current WTS teachings.

    So, you might want to think a little bit next time before you tell me how great things are going for me...

    Yet, most JW's are simply the same victims that you and I were not too long ago.

    Deep down Annie, I believe you know there is truth to what I am trying to help share with you here.

    So get hubby to come on down for a mini form of rehab with no computers and lot's of clean fresh air.

    can you guys do the hula?


  • NewYork44M

    I would like to provide a FULL vote of support for Danny. My connection with Danny is that we are both the same age. We both came from a long line of jws. We both have the same anger against the wt.

    When I first came upon some of Danny's info I had similar emotions as what has been described here. However, over time I now realize that there is a place for Danny in the whole anti-wt movement.

    I hope that he finially gets peace with his family and life. But I know how much he as lost and I 100% understand his anger. If he softens over time, that is fine. However, Let me state now and for the whole world that I FULLY SUPPORT DANNY and I wish him the very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gerard

    I don't know about you guys but I did not sign any contract letting Danny to represent me & my wife. His decisions are his. Mine are mine.

    It is not about us vs. them. Stop the groupthink and borg mentality.

    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. -Bob Marley

  • sammielee24
    wouldn't have done that but nor will I condemn someone for something where I don't know all the facts.

    I think this is where I fit in - I don't have all the facts. Would I feel it was so wrong, if Danny came out and told me later that the very same guy he 'sprayed' had in fact been involved with molestation that occurred in the KH? Would we think differently if we knew some facts like that because wouldn't many of us understand his actions then? Without knowing all the facts, I can't condemn. Were they calling his house? Did he have a DNC? Had he discussed this with the local police? .....sammieswife.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    New York there are many people here and elsewhere that support Dan's aggressive stance against the JWS, including myself

    what were not in support of is the type of violent action as what Dan did to those two elderly witnesses. It was going a bit overboard don't you think ?

    Whats next machine gunning down witnesses on the streets while they are out in service or maybe a bomb placed strategically at the local kingdom hall !

    Violence should never be the course of action in situations like this, and may even strengthen the flock in their agenda of spiritual warfare.

    I think everyone thats read Dan's story has empathy for what he has gone through and there are many sad stories to tell of are own,

    but violence is not the answer to cure this problem, difficult as it seems.

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