If You Were Single, Would You Ever Date A Married or Separated Person?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigwilly

    It depends. If I know both parties and/or am friends with the hubby, I wouldn't do it as readily.

    If I don't know the hubby, or have a very low opinion of him, I'd have very few qualms helping his wife scratch her itch.

  • minimus

    In the case of the married woman with the boyfriend, the husband has a girlfriend and now both husband and wife are on the same playing field ---and friends!

  • Smiles_Smiles

    My 2 cents is ... Brace yourself because I live in left field most of the time ... :-)

    I think it really depends on what each individual believes to be 'right/wrong' and the circumstance that individual is in at the time.

    I do not claim to be nor would I want to try to attain to be in the category of 'a moral person'. To me I could care less about all that. One thing I am is authentic. For me personally, marriage is not worth the paper it is printed on allot of times nor worth the government that makes it valid. But committment and the desire to hold up your end of that committment does have value in my 'left field' world. For me marriage and the desire to hold up your end of a committment are NOT the same thing.

    I am happily committed to a non-married man. And I can see us being together until we are both farting dust. I am pretty monogomous by nature but I know many (married and single) who are not. If I was "single" I can not see me 'dating' a married man. But there are guys in my past that if they were married or single and I was single that I would probably be open to having a sexual encounter with if either him or I wanted/needed it in our lives at the time.

    That's my 2 cents ...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I did once. I was 2 years into my divorce. She was newly seperated. A lot of drama and heartache

  • BurnTheShips

    It depends. If I know both parties and/or am friends with the hubby, I wouldn't do it as readily. If I don't know the hubby, or have a very low opinion of him, I'd have very few qualms helping his wife scratch her itch.

    Wow that is a low down filthy way to think.


    I have never and would never date anyone married.

  • BurnTheShips

    I do not claim to be nor would I want to try to attain to be in the category of 'a moral person'. To me I could care less about all that.

    Wowsers. This post should be on a "best of" thread somewhere. All of us are not moral on some level or another, it goes with the territory of being human, but to put off all hope of even trying to attain it!

    One thing I am is authentic.

    Authentically what? And if you did try to attain a more moral state you would be somehow "unauthentic"? That seems to be your implication?

    BurnTheShips of the unauthentic holyroller class.

  • mrsjones5

    Been there, done that, would never ever do it again.

  • minimus

    From what I can tell, morality is subjective.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Glad I could be the one to shock and appaul you on this day. One thing I dont do is argue or justify my thinking/feelings on subjects. I dont need the approval or validation. But thanks for the comments. Its great we are individuals and can show that in our thoughts and expressions.

    Have a wonderful weekend Life is Good!


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