Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shawn10538

    At this point, Obama. But at the time of election I will vote to keep the Republicans out of office, no matter what it takes. Since Republicans assasinated John, Bobby, and Martin, maybe Democrats will get some balls, and some guns, and take care of business like the republicans do.

  • Shawn10538

    Oh, and Romney, A MORON CULT MEMBER, is anybody really serious about him. I mean, the day a mormon can run fro president is a fearful day indeed. Then we'll have a real wacj job, probably worse than W.

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    SixofNine....I want to thank you so much for your wonderfully condescending denigration of my intellect. Its good to know that on JWD we can talk to each other with respect. Do you always respond this way when you hear an opinion you don't agree with? I'll bet that you're fun to live with. Its okay though. I personally have been married to a (literal) psychopath for twenty years, so I'm accustomed to personal attacks. At least you didn't try to stab me with a kitchen knife or run over me with my own car...

    I would have thought that anyone reading my previous post would have picked up on the over-the-top -tongue-in-cheek political satire that I was trying to convey. Obviously not. Okay...since you are so determined to take it so seriously...I'll step out of satire mode long enough to say just a couple of things.

    You were unhappy with my inference that Great Britain and Canada had inefficient health care systems. I could ask you how you know any different, since you don't live in either country, but I won't. I could refer you to the news reports that I have seen wherein British citizens were complaining about their system. They don't like being on a three month waiting list for simple medical procedures. Hmmm. Of course you would no doubt dismiss these reports as "right wing propaganda." You would then, of course point to reports (such as you have already posted) that show the opposite point of view as being "reliable." I, therefore, see no point in playing that game of verbal ping pong. Rather, I would appeal to your common sense. Do you not see that combining the word "government" with the word "efficiency" results in a huge oxymoron? Does it make sense to make a trip to the Doctor's office not unlike a trip to the License Branch? And really,"Hillary has proposed no such thing?".....Has not nationalized health care been her signature issue for at least fiteen years?

    Lets cut to the chase. I supect that the motivation behind your personal jabs at me stems from the fact that I didn't aim my satire at any Republicans, correct? Well, I aim to please, so here you go....

    John "deservedly-respected-war-hero-likely-not-to-be-elected-because-folks-aren't-sure-about-him-because-of-stuff-like-GET-OUT-OF-HERE-JUST-GET-OUT-OF-HERE" McCain?

    Fred "everyone-loved-me-on-Law-and-Order-so-OF-COURSE-I'd-make-a-great-President" Thompson?

    Rudy "also-tough-road-getting-elected-because-the-conservative-base-REFUSES-to-support-a-pro-choice-Republican-candidate-irregardless-of-the-fact-that-this-stance-almost-guarantees-the-election-of-a-PRO-CHOICE-DEMOCRAT" Guliani?

    There, is that better? Now, to get back to the spirit of my original post....heres a couple of campaign posters I'm working on....(ATTENTION HUMOR-IMPAIRED READERS:The following posters, as well as the preceding post, contain 95% POLITICAL SATIRE and should not be taken seriously. If humor-impairment is preventing you from enjoying your life, please consult your doctor. He can prescribe for you a pill producing a host of side effects serious enough to make you forget about your humor-impairment. If, however you either "get" it, or simply think that Iron Rod is not funny, then you are likely a well-centered person of sound judgement.)

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    Okay.I give up. I don't know what I did wrong at the end of my last post, but I can't seem to fix it. Oh well, you can still read it. What do you expect from someone is "mentally deficient?"

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    MINImus come and live in new york. MIKe Bloomberg is an ASSHOLE. If you like a new TAX every month MIKE BLOOMBERG IS YOUR MAN. but you need THERAPY to post about a man you know nothing about. to be president. now i know why you have 20,000 post . I've been reading some of your posts. and you just sit at your desk at work and scam your employer. with your stupid one line answers. SHARP AS A BOWLING BALL MINI. HA... Make me laugh some more b/c your so smart. john

  • calico

    Johnny--Why are you being nasty?

  • LennyinBluemont

    Bill Mahr (sp?)

  • nvrgnbk

    Bill Mahr (sp?)

    Bill Maher

  • John Doe
  • coffee_black

    John Doe...that is priceless! Lol!!!!


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