Who Would You Like To See As The Next President Of The USA?

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • tan

    Sponge Bob!!

    He's so cool...just kidding. I like Hillary cause she's a smart powerful woman. Still neutral on that matter so I never really thought about it...working on it though.

  • golf2

    RON PAUL !!!! Hillery Clinton will get in. I picked her the last time.

  • yknot

    In a world where anything is possible.....ME !

    Of those running now: The impossible long-shot .......RON PAUL.........

    Why: Because I know what his core governmental values are, he still rides close to the Libertarian fencing but has relaxed enough to be running as a Republican. He is a well educated, mild and moderate man. He has intergrity and isn't likley to be bought by big business or lobbiest, so needless to say there isn't a snowball's chance in Aruba that he will get elected!

    Who will win? NOBODY....Cheney(( errr I mean Bush)) isn't going anywhere! He will declare a catastrophy under the Homeland Security Act.

  • SixofNine

    I'll give you one guess, minimus ;)

  • restrangled

    Bill Richardson.

    Take a look at his hilareous ads.....he's over qualified!



  • Skimmer

    Dennis Kucinich would get my vote at this time. He's the only major candidate to advocate prosecution of at least some of the war criminals in the current administration. Plus, his wife is a real babe and only half his age -- I figure he must have a big johnson and so won't be tempted into military conquests -- no need for compensation that seems to affect American neocons.

    Ron Paul is a second choice, but I already voted for him once when he ran for president on the Libertarian ticket.

    I have heard some people talking about voting for Romney or some similar troglodyte as the best means of accelerating the country's collapse so a new start can be tried sooner rather than later.

  • minimus

    Romney is a political animal who cares only if he wins. The women might like him because of his Hollywood like looks.

  • Gopher
    Dennis Kucinich would get my vote at this time. He's the only major candidate to advocate prosecution of at least some of the war criminals in the current administration. Plus, his wife is a real babe and only half his age

    TIME magazine had a good piece about candidates' wives. It drew this contrast:

    Jacqueline Kennedy's fashion statement:pill box hat

    Elizabeth Kucinich's fashion statement:tongue stud

    How times have changed !!

  • erandir

    I'd vote for Stephen Colbert!

  • Skimmer

    For those whom might be interested, here's the Kucinich web site URL:


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