The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    There a cult to the fishes in the deep blue sea, there a cult to you and me

    Down with the CULT..... Those Joes are so devout.....

    There a cult to the fishes in the deep blue sea, there a cult to you and me

  • Junction-Guy

    Most definitely a cult, and I warn everyone I can about it.

  • Es

    I also dont have a problem referring it to a cult


  • monophonic

    ah, i guess the 'c' word IS offensive. :)

    well, the powers that be could've given me the chance to edit my own post w/o deleting the whole thing since there was some swearing and adult humor in PART of it (no, just dump it all they did), i could've put ^%$ to make it rated pg, so i find that offensive and have seen swearing before here, so didn't know there was a guideline which i will look for.

    if someone could point that out to me, that would be appreciated.

    rules will be respected, where are they? censoring my whole comment puts sand in my crotch...can i say that or will this whole post be deleted as well?

  • Twitch

    I have no problem describing it as a cult. It has most if not all the characteristics of one and if people ask, I tell them like it is.

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    I do use the term freely, execpt to my family, "If I ever speak to them again" .

  • Shawn10538

    definitely a cult and I never hesitate to tell people I was raised in a cult. Most of my friends know I was raised in a cult and lived in the cult compound in New York for 6 yeARS. Most of them think it is interesting, and are always asking me questions about how it was to grow up in a notorious religious cult.

  • sweetstuff


  • return visitor
    return visitor

    if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ... its a duck!!

    And the JW religion is a cult

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It took me awhile. I am now completely comfortable with saying I was in a cult.

    IF someone was in the army, or in a club, why would he not say he was? If someone, by definition, was in a mind-numbing cult, he must eventually come to that admission. Within a couple years most seem to make that leap.


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