The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420

    I still prefer not to stick the C label on me...but don't have any problem saying my parents raised me in a cult..or they belong to a cultish religion.

    I think I would almost rather be called a "C" that to be called a "cult member". I laugh at being called the first one, and fill rather sick at being called the second one.


  • happehanna

    Yes It is a CULT ! I was raised and born into a cult became a free thinking adult at 44 years old !

  • brinjen



  • dobbie

    Since going online to CAIC (cult awareness and information centre) which really helped me at my lowest, and i recognised all the emotions etc were normal on leaving cults, and that some form of mind control were more subtle than others, i now recognise them as a cult. They don't have to get them all to kill themselves to make them a cult do they! Esp all the total control over my hubbys family and the shunning etc can i see it so clearly now. IT'S A CULT!!

  • ness
    funny how your "C" word post is also post number "69" by you. wink wink nudge nudge.

    hehhheeee, that was not intentional I swear.

  • IP_SEC

    Who is comfortable saying they were raised in a 'cult' or were brainwashed temporarily by a 'cult'?

    I wouldnt say im uncomfortable with it. I usually dont because it is becoming an insignificant part of my past. Its just not what I choose to identify 'me' with.

  • bigdreaux

    since it was forced on me, i have no problem telling people i escaped a cult. it is self-empowering to me. if i had joined of free-will, i may feel different.

  • Guest39

    "no, not that one! how do your minds work people??" I was thinking "Cancer" - I have no idea what other C word you might have thought of. TC

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't have any problem telling anyone I was raised in a cult.

    I met a guy a couple of weeks ago that who was just as open about telling me that he was brought up in a cult, the Plymouth Bretheren.

    He didn't realise that I was brought up in a cult too. When I told him it was JWs he said "They are not a cult"! After comparing notes for a few minutes he realised that the only differences between the two cults were doctrinal. They even used many of the same buzz words and phrases.



  • Stealth453

    I use the term freely. I call them what they are....a cult.

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