The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff

    I have changed recently. I think they are a cult.

    With the change to the members only WT, to the Sept KM QB on no independant study groups, combined with the control that is there through disfellowshipping, they are a cult. In addition, something I didn't think about till last night, but only cults have "initiation rites" for their young. Some are more disgusting then others. (that polygomous sect in Utah being an example) Nonetheless, even for the kids, you are on the hook before you are at an age of reason. It just struck me that only a cult would require a decision you made as a 9 year old stay binding to you all your life. Baptism is that tool....

    I don't think they are like a Kool Aid cult, although if you do think that, I respect that. Frankly, I think they have blazed their own trail. They are on the cutting edge of "Mind control" cult technique. No need to compare them to any other cult, they are very unique.

    For that matter, I think a number of fundamentalist religions can qualify as a cult. Many religions (not all, I am not trying to tick off thiests) use the bible to exhibit extreme control over thoughts and actions of their flocks. JW's happen to be one of the weirder ones....

  • memario



  • LeslieV

    CULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is what it is.

  • nvrgnbk


  • BFD

    Oracle said: I have talked to witnesses who have to come to grips with all the same evidence that I have, yet they still have a morbid fear of armageddon, and are still suffering psychologically - somehow unable to truly break free from the years of brain-washing.

    I was raised in and was DF'd in 1978. I lived my life with that morbid fear of armageddon until recently. I still suffer psycologically to some degree but, I am learning to deal and heal.

    The truth is I was raised in a cult and if it ever comes up in conversation I am not uncomfortable saying it.


  • brinjen

    I hear you nvr

    OMG 1666 posts!

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Are you SURE that's how you feel?


  • nvrgnbk


    That's exactly how I feel...



    I couldn't have said it better myself, ozziepost.

    Thank you!

  • Quandry


    I need to know what tune to sing your song to.

  • oompa

    It is to me, but I have only told my sister and a Catholic friend. I find it uncomfortable admiting this to others though.

    major league cult, only those in don't know it....oompa

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