The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MeneMene

    I was born and raised in it. I was always embarrassed to tell anyone I was a JW but never thought of it as a Cult until 1978. When reading about Jim Jones & Jonestown I noticed many similarities and that word "Cult" stuck in the back of my mind. It was about then I seriously started fading.

    Now I freely admit I was raised in a Cult and proud to be out.

  • ness

    wow, i am seriously on my own with this one eh?

    maybe im in

  • kerj2leev
    Its just not what I choose to identify 'me' with.

    Spot on IP_SEC!

    I think people can become "trapped", in a secondary way. They are constantly opening the wound of the past, to the point where the cult still has a measure of control on their lives! So much so that it becomes an "identifying mark" of who they are, instead of what they were.

    Oh bttt at hand, yes I said cult!

  • Grammy

    This is the part I'm curious about...

    It appears to me the majority who are comfortable with the word 'cult' were raised in it (myself included), whether that is a factor or not I'd be interested to learn...

    I wasn't raised in it I was recruited at the age of 32 by my younger sister....and YES I do feel very comfortable calling it what it is, a mind controlling CULT. Grammy

  • JWdaughter

    It's a cult and I have no problem identifying it that way. However, I would be more likely to have simply said I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and get an interested comment such as : What's it like being raised in a cult? Yeah, its a cult!

  • RollerDave


    I based me parody on a song from the South Park movie, "Bigger, Longer, and Uncut"

    The Song is called "Kyles Mom Is A Bitch" and a video of cartman singing it, then being discovered by Kyles Mom doing so can be forund here.

    Still thinking what kind of parody I can do off of this one:

    It wouldn't even need to have any rude lyrics, just putting ANYTHING to this tune is automatically ofensive!

    There, you go, more dreck from Roller the Notorious

  • tfjw

    Cult. I have no problem saying it to anyone. That is what it is...a cult.

  • bikerchic

    Cult? You say it like it's a bad thing......I tell people I was raised in a cult (Jehovah Witnesses) as a warning! I used to be surprised at the replies I got, not anymore seems everyone else thinks it's a cult too.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have said to non-JW family and to co-workers, "I was in a mind-control cult."

    clear view of my wife and I told her the descriptions of a cult fit the WTS.

    I only refrain from further saying it to keep from being DF'ed.

    I am one who is "comfortable saying they were brainwashed temporarily by a 'cult' " !

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I'm against the term cult. What is a cult? The Catholic church? or Christians are they a Jesus cult? What about democracy? Is evolution a cult that influences your thinking and life, "survival of the fitest. {Darwin-ites}

    A system of beliefs or principles a group follow, set out by a man or men, which effect the life of the group. Very general.

    Like Sect! Of What? Of the presbyterians who are a sect of the Catholic church, which is a sect of the Jewish faith!

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