The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brinjen

    This is the part I'm curious about...

    It appears to me the majority who are comfortable with the word 'cult' were raised in it (myself included), whether that is a factor or not I'd be interested to learn...

    (Sorry ness, not trying to hijack your thread)

  • erynw

    Completely Cranium Cluttering Cult.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Does any of this sound familiar: ?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    hmmmm... interesting question.

    Up until recently I used the term "cult-like" organization or religion, when I referred to my JW faith. I couldn't, for whatever reason, bring myself to admit that I had been raised in a cult. I guess I kept reflecting on all the good parts of my upbringing in the JW faith, and didn't think it was fair to classify the relgion as a cult.

    However, as I continue to wipe the goo from my face, and tear off the matrix like power cords from my spine...I can see with crystal clarity that it is indeed a most frightening cult.

    Perhaps one of the most dangerous and powerful cults in existance today.

    I have talked to witnesses who have to come to grips with all the same evidence that I have, yet they still have a morbid fear of armageddon, and are still suffering psychologically - somehow unable to truly break free from the years of brain-washing.

    Yes indeed, it most assuredly is a cult. It is Powerful. It is Dangerous.

    And sadly, it still holds a tight grip on many of our dear loved ones. It's not cool.

    The people deserve to be freed.

    The Oracle

  • alias

    I'm in the column marked "High-control group, definitely with its own CULTure..."

    I'm aware of many cult-like groups with varying degrees of intent and control. Perhaps many associate the "c" word with lettuce-head worshiping bald people (remember Rerun in "What's Happening!!").

    What I learned from the JW culture has been invaluable insight into other groups and when boundaries are trampled on.

    wiser than before,


  • monophonic

    [Removed by request after complaints received]

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Although I wasn't always comfortable saying it, I am now. CULT!!

  • orbison11

    if it comes up, i tell all my clients/friends that i was in a cult

    and that i am so very embarassed by it

    it takes them about 2 guesses to say jw's,,so what does that tell you about the publics knowledge of cults/jw's???:)

    i am embarassed, as i was not born into it,,i went into it as a young adult,,as my x husband was the one interested

    he was not one to follow rules, people, etc,,so when i 'thought' he was going to go to 'church' and read the bible,,i was happy,,,,,not that i am a religious person,,but i thought,,,now there would be 'rules' for him to follow in our life



  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Commercial Cult light

  • RollerDave

    I got no prob saying I was raised in a cult.

    As, uh, 'eccentric' as I can be, it helps people overlook some of my, uh, 'charming quirks' when folks think I was raised by wolves.

    Watchtower's a cult, they're a big fat cult,
    they're the biggest cult in the whole wide world,
    they're a stupid cult if there ever was a cult,
    they're a cult to all the boys and girls.

    Monday they're a cult, on Tuesday they're a cult,
    and Wednesday to Saturday they're a cult,
    then on Sunday just to be different they're a
    super King Kamehameha cult.

    Have you ever seen the Watchtower,
    they're the biggest cult in the whole wide world,
    they're a mean old cult and they have stupid suits,
    they're a cult cult cult cult cult cult cult,

    cult cult cult cult cult cult cause-a
    they're a stupid cult,
    Watchtower's a cult and they're just a dirty cult,
    Watchtower is a cult-ah.

    (with apologies to Cartman)

    RD, of the 'raised in Kyles Mom' sheep class

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