Smell like a jock strap or like a perfumed girl? Shower Soap ?...

by Little Drummer Boy 64 Replies latest social humour

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    My husband likes Yardley's English Lavender - a sharp scent which leaves him smelling clean.

    that stuff rocks!! Yardley's also has an exfoliating bar with almond and oatmeal that just leaves a clean fresh smell. I came across Yardley's at my local Dollar Tree. You never know what you will find in those places

    I have looked for the liquid soap, everywhere I go.

    This is one reason I love eating at the Outback resturant. The first thing I do, is go to the bathroom, and wash my hands in Yardley's English Lavender soap.

  • Uncertain

    The peppermint smells pretty good on guys, but be sure you "Dilute, Dilute, Dilute." You can start with a little bottle and then graduate to the gallon-size or buy refills from bulk at Whole Foods. It doubles as shampoo for some folks too.

  • sweetstuff

    I would suggest a natural product containing tea tree oil, Original Source Mint and Tea Tree Shower Gel is a good one,(check your local health food store) has a manly smell, its great for cleansing and you can get it a liquid soap form, if your skin is super sensitive though, find a chamomile cleanser, which is perfect for the majority of sensitive skin types.

  • bigdreaux

    okay nvr, i'm gonna get a little metro on ya here. i like aveda soaps. they smell really good.

  • Junction-Guy

    The dollar tree stores used to carry a liquid oatmeal soap, that soap was great. At that time in my life I was having alot of skin itching due to my meds probably, or my nerves. They quit selling that soap, but if you can find it somewhere else I would highly recommend it.

  • nvrgnbk
    i like aveda soaps. they smell really good.

    OMG! They're fabulous, hon!


  • bigdreaux

    nvr, since i'm remodeling my house, i'm also addicted to hgtv.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Lava is all you will ever need.

  • bigdreaux

    hell yeah, lava is great, espically in those "tender" areas.

  • BrentR

    Horrible life,

    Homemade soap cleans just as good as any commercial soap does. Alot of people use castille soap they buy at the store. That is essentially the same stuff I make. There are only two ingredients so it's not like the homemade version can be be screwed up. it either soponifies (becomes a solid) or it doesn't. If it doesn't turn out you can't use it as soap.

    A local health food store carries handmade soap and it is very pricey and sells very fast.

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