JW Gets 37 years in prison after violating probation

by kwr 85 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Quandry

    I can speak to this topic personally. My brother, at the young age of 17 had sexual relations with his girlfriend. Both were baptised witnesses. He was disfellowshipped. A highly intelligent honor student, his disfellowshipping sent him into a down spin he never recovered from. At that young age, what he needed was his friends and family to surround him with a safety net and encourage and support his effort to get back on track. But, instead, what he got was shunning. Being raised a witness, he was socially inept at making friends outside the borg. He graduated with honors, but my JW father didn't even attend his graduation! The pain and humiliation he suffered scarred him to the bone. He struggled to get on some kind of footing, but succumbed to his lonliness and rejection. I cry to this very day because I watched him sink deeper and deeper into alcoholism as his long-time friends abandoned him at a time in his life when he was most vulnerable and needed their help.

    It's right. We are all responsible for the choices we make. But the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses perpetrates the most heinous acts with its practice of shunning. Disfellowship wrongdoers....okay. Take away their right to be called a JW, but don't tell their long-time friends and family to treat them like they are invisible. Don't jerk their LIFE our from under them at such a tender age. This does contribute to a young person's tailspin into the hell of dissipation.

    You know, it is sad that people like Rosalie come on here with fire-like zeal, ready to tell everyone how this young man "knew the rules" and at 17 was "old enough to know the penalties for breaking them." BUT when it is pointed out that she is just as guilty of "breaking the rules" by coming to this website, she surely does not feel the same rules apply to her.

    No mercy is merited for others-just swift and severe punishment. But if she were "found out" about knowingly joining this site and repeatedly coming here, certainly she would seek mercy. I am pretty sure she would find none from the elders. They would label her apostate and probably have some choice and demeaning words for her. She would swiftly be df'd.

    What she would find out is her entire network of friends and perhaps family gone. She would feel the lonliness of no one to turn to. No one to talk to. Just a total sense of rejection.

    Then and only then could someone who so mercilessly looks upon others with condescension dig deep enough into their hearts and develop fellow feeling for others.

    The good news is, the longer she comes here, the greater the odds of her being found out. Then maybe we'll see.........

  • ronin1

    I truly hope that does not happen to Rosalee because based on her comments and attitude of 'righteous indignation', she probably would not survive the DF and shunning that would be put upon her.

    She definitely needs to understand about forgiveness, compassion, and empathy.


  • Quandry

    I can't understand where Rosalee has gone. Just when we started talking about her disobedience in coming to this site.

    Yes, others should toe the WT line-what did she say-"We must have rules"-and those who don't step to are "judging themselves" but the rules just don't seem to apply to her.

    Come back and judge yourself, Rosalee...........

  • Watkins

    You know... 17 yr. olds shouldn't even be allowed to be baptised into a religion - especially the WT.

    The brain is not fully matured until about 25, and the part that is still developing is the part that links consequences with actions. It's a fact. A teenager cannot fully comprehend the potential future consequences from their sometimes irrational behavior of today - even if it's been beaten into them for years.

    I've heard of kids being baptised as young as 9 and 10 - there should be a law against it! Oh right, separation of church and state...

    Jesus himself wasn't baptised till the ripe old age of 30! You'd think that would be a major point of doctrine in religions, but they want the numbers and the cash. Sad. And mommy and daddy were so proud...

    No matter what age - a drunk driver who kills 4 people should be punished to the full extent of the law, whatever their religion happens to be, no matter their reasons for drunkeness. It's against the law for a reason - innocent people get killed and maimed. At 37 years I think he still got a light sentence, but it won't bring back those 8 parent's children, will it?

    -My 2 cents - ain't worth much these days is it?-


  • mrsjones5
    I can't understand where Rosalee has gone.

    It was passed her bedtime...children need their rest

  • Quandry

    One last offer to Rosalee

    You said:

    I stand by the JC committee. They are imperfect but from all I've seen they always try to be fair.

    Well, let's test your theory. Why don't you put up or shut up ---"Judge yourself" by their standards as you want others to do-- go to the elders and confess that you have joined yourself to an apostate website, frequently and freely conversing with your fellow posters, the apostates, for quite some time.

    But knowing they are fair, stand by them and tell them you are ready to take your just punishment.

    Write back and let us know how the treatment is.

    What do you say? Isn't that fair? Or are the rules only for lesser ones and not you? What are you afraid of?

    You answered other posters-where is my reply? Cat got your tongue?

  • SnakesInTheTower
    I see that R did not get the point.

    just to clarify...R refers to Rosalee not getting the point..

    I seen too late that there is another poster on this thread with the same first letter. Sorry about that ronin1. Your points were spot on

    By the way, where is our illustrious wannabee apostate Rosalee? Guilty conscience? Salving it at the Puketower Study? Tearfully confessing to those wonderful, merciful elders? Maybe she did get the point and left, since her position is indefensible. Ironically, WE will welcome her back with open merciful nonjudgemental arms.

    Hopefully this is the last word. Peace out. LOL!

    Snakes ()

  • BizzyBee

    Sweet BFD .. I'd love to study the Bible with you. PM me and I'll give you my addy ... later .. Rose

    *tap, tap* Uh, Rosalee? Have you gotten your Sept. KM? BFD may study the Bible, but you may NOT.


    • Does "the faithful and discreet slave" endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate?–Matt. 24:45, 47.

    No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects. Some have pursued an independent group study of Biblical Hebrew and Greek so as to analyze the accuracy of the New World Translation. Others explore scientific subjects related to the Bible. They have created Web sites and chat rooms for the purpose of exchanging and debating their views. They have also held conferences and produced publications to present their findings and to supplement what is provided at our Christian meetings and through our literature.

    Throughout the earth, Jehovah's people are receiving ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions, as well as through the publications of Jehovah's organization. Under the guidance of his holy spirit and on the basis of his Word of truth, Jehovah provides what is needed so that all of God's people may be "fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought" and remain "stabilized in the faith." (1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 2:6, 7) Surely we are grateful for Jehovah's spiritual provisions in these last days. Thus, "the faithful and discreet slave" does not endorse any literature, meetings, or Web sites that are not produced or organized under its oversight.–Matt. 24:45-47.

    It is commendable for individuals to want to use their thinking ability in support of the good news. However, no personal pursuit should detract from what Jesus Christ is accomplishing through his congregation on earth today. In the first century, the apostle Paul warned about getting involved in exhausting, time-consuming subjects, such as "genealogies, which end up in nothing, but which furnish questions for research rather than a dispensing of anything by God in connection with faith." (1 Tim. 1:3-7) All Christians should strive to "shun foolish questionings and genealogies and strife and fights over the Law, for they are unprofitable and futile."–Titus 3:9.

    For those who wish to do extra Bible study and research, we recommend that they explore Insight on the Scriptures, "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial," and our other publications, such as those that discuss the prophecies found in the Bible books of Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation. These provide abundant material for Bible study and meditation, whereby we can be "filled with the accurate knowledge of [God's] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him as [we] go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God."–Col. 1:9, 10.

  • BizzyBee
    I can't understand where Rosalee has gone.

    Rosalee is a drive-by apologist. We've been through this before...

  • Quandry

    Buzzybee says

    Rosalee is a drive-by apologist. We've been through this before...

    No! Tell me this is not true. Do you mean that she wants to vehemently defend the rules of the WTS but does not feel the need to adhere to them herself? But... but this would make her a, a, HYPOCRITE! Can this be?

    I am surprised. I had not known this about her. That does not seem very -like to me.

    In fact it makes her very much like , doesn't it? Especially when she resorts to naughty name calling.

    I think that perhaps she comes here to this forum to convince herself that she is "in the truth" and is desperate to make sense of teachings that she cannot explain, knows they change at the whim of NY men and suspects were never biblical in the first place.

    Do you have a reply, Rosalee?


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