Scream when Raped...

by KW13 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Grow up minimus..aint you got some crap questions to ask or something

  • ex-nj-jw
    Women indirectly tease men whenever they do anything in public view that might lead others to believe they’ve had or they’re having sex with someone. I’m talking mostly about public displays of affection, but there are other things that could give this impression.

    Ok, so who's standing around waiting for some female to hug or kiss so they can rape her?

    "Nowadays, a lot of young men and women set up housekeeping without the benefit of matrimony, which is surely their own business. But there may be some men around who think otherwise. These men figure that any woman who’s willing to live with, and obviously sleep with, a man without marrying him is an easy mark."

    So why is this directed at women, if the men are shacking up with women why are'nt the being raped to? Why just single out the females? Are you kidding me? WTF, I'm way past mad right now. How the hell can they get away with this crap? I just can't even say anything else right now, this is the biggest crock of shit I've ever seen!


  • Hortensia

    ""Women indirectly tease men whenever they do anything in public view that might lead others to believe they’ve had or they’re having sex with someone."

    this sort of reasoning is why extreme Muslims make women hide themselves in black drapery - so they won't tempt men just by being women.

    I say, as far as the GB is concerned, and anyone who wrote something that evil, fuck 'em with something sharp and painful where it hurts the most.

  • Stealth453

    Thanks for pi$$ing me off first thing in the morning.

  • KW13

    I think the worst part is that not only are the men who make these things 'law' uneducated in the areas necessary to be sure they are accurate but they also lack the experiences necessary to know what its like for a woman or yes a man going through that ordeal. Which means anyone that goes by what they are saying, has no guarantees.

  • mrsjones5
    ""Women indirectly tease men whenever they do anything in public view that might lead others to believe they’ve had or they’re having sex with someone."

    That is so sick. By that reasoning you could say that a pregnant woman is asking to be raped cuz we all know she's had sex with someone because of that bun in the oven.

  • sammielee24

    A pile of judgemental, bullcrap...makes me sick...this crud along with the 2 witness rule make me nuts.....sammieswife.

  • Nellie

    Let's see if I can get this right . . . From what I remember, a girl who "was in the city" was told to scream - because not doing so would mean that she consented since calling out would have gotten her help. But a girl who was attacked in the "country/woods/fields" was not held to this standard because there was no one to help her. That's why she was to call out for Jehovah.

    Reasoning on that - it makes me wonder how the girl who was raped in the fields felt when Jehovah didn't strike her attacker down!

  • unique1
    submit to being raped.

    SUBMIT??? SUBMIT??? REALLY??? Doesn't the very definition of RAPE mean you do not submit??? Unbelievable!!

  • katiekitten

    I hate the way they sensationalise things, like the crappy tabloid papers do, and generate a fear of crime that is unecessary. As far as I understand it rape by a stranger is pretty rare. You are most likely to be raped in your own home by a member of your family.

    They dont cover that so much do they? What to do when your elder husband pushes himself onto you and he knows you cant scream because it would wake the kids up, the neighbours would hear and they know you represent Jehovah etc etc


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