Scream when Raped...

by KW13 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog
    It was then that I remembered the scripture in Deuteronomy chapter 22. It says that if a woman does not cry out when attacked, it indicates she is submitting to the man and is committing a sin against Jehovah.

    I had a friend that went through something like this. She blanked in and out while it was happening. Because she didn't scream, the elders were trying to say it was consensual. I felt bad for her because she almost was disfellowshipped and almost lost her husband. The elders were telling her husband that he had the option of divorcing. She had to prove her innocence which took her 2 weeks of going through hell (when she needed support) but she finally convinced them that she had no control.

    Makes me angry when I think about that story.

  • JWdaughter

    " By no means would it be proper for her willingly to submit to being raped." How stupid is that???If it is RAPE, it already means you are NOT consenting-WILLING. These people are idiots to even suggest that rape is a choice! One can scream or not-that is a judgement call that ONLY the victim of the assault can make. NO ONE else. Grrr.

    And while we are picking on their word choice, "PROPER"??? You mean if I am raped after labor day wearing white, I am also more culpable? Or if I wear a thong, it being LESS proper makes me more willing??? What cretin wrote this sh**??


  • steve2

    Yes, accepted: The Watchtower wrote absolute nonsense on rape and in the process made female JWs take responsibility for the sickeningly aggressive acts of males.

    The reason the Watchtower could perpetuate those sorts of damning blame-the -victim myths was because wider society (i.e., "worldy" people) also subscribed to those shocking myths.

    The Watchtower's nonsense is often simply an ignorant reflection of old, patriarchal views on women.

  • M.J.

    Some of the quotes here are "old light". The WT softened its stance for a time (mid 80s?-90s), hinting that screaming wasn't necessary. In a 2003 QFR, the WTS re-affirmed the screaming requirement, but put in the following escape clause:
    If one was incapable of screaming due to being "mute, unconscious, or paralyzed with fear", it's okay, since Jehovah can read motives: "since Jehovah is able to weigh all factors, including motives, he deals with understanding and justice in such cases, for 'all his ways are justice.'"

    See the 2/1/03 WT, QFR, p. 30

    Which brings up the question...If Jehovah can read motives, why does it matter if one screams? Shouldn't he be able to tell regardless whether or not the person "really wanted it"? (ughh, I know...)

    The real question to pin the WTS down on now days is what one should do when under threat of death by a weapon, such as a gun to the head. Take the bullet? Yes or no?

    Or whether or not a child is guilty for not screaming when victimized.

  • xnmad

    unless u have experienced it dont think any1,s fit to comment on how u should act, fear can keep u silent, believe me!

  • wednesday
    say, as far as the GB is concerned, and anyone who wrote something that evil, fuck 'em with something sharp and painful where it hurts the most.

    Exactly what i think too.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh MY Jehovah!! These people are nuts!!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    It's sick, but not particularly surprising. What if someone holds a gun to your head and tells you they will shoot you if you scream? What if you're so traumatized by being raped that you can't react at all? Things like this make me ashamed that I was ever a part of this religion at all.

  • steve2
    Things like this make me ashamed that I was ever a part of this religion at all.

    Now that's pathetic. Why not broaden out your over-loaded condemnation to include commonly held myths about rape victims that were and often still are perpetuated by Christian and other religions, including Islam. Inconveniently perhaps, the JWs are just one of sooooo many groups that advocate stupid, myth-bound ideas around rape. Singling them out is pathetic.

  • sf

    By no means would it be proper for her willingly to submit to being raped.


    I mean, seriously.


    TED: BITE ME, Brother!

    Hahahahaha, "willingly SUBMIT to Be-ing raped."...hahahahaha.

    You ARE a hoot.


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