Scream when Raped...

by KW13 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    "I am pretty certain rape pre-dates TV and movies." -BrentR
    Yeah, BrentR, I'm pretty sure it does, since it's in the Bible, even blessed by Jehovah himself at times:
    Numbers, Chapter 31 seems especially despicable, where it asks why have you let all the women live:
    ". . . Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves."

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
    It is just like a rapist organization to promote 'blame the victim' policies - in every situation - from rape to mental illness to all other suffering. The GB is a collective, rapist bully.


  • Insomniac

    My best friend was raped in high school. He was the captain of the football team, charismatic, handsome, upper-middle-class white boy. She was poor, of mixed race, and a bit of an outcast. She had to endure all of the kids in school calling her a slut, saying she'd made the whole thing up, and even saying that IF it had happened, she should just keep her mouth shut, so she wouldn't mess up his chance of getting a football scholarship.

    I don't know if she screamed or not, or if she was able to physically resist him at all. She never mentioned, and I won't ask. How she acted is not what's important; the fact that the boy violently assaulted her against her will is the only thing that matters. She didn't ASK to be violated; the situation was forced upon her with no warning. I'm just thankful that, screaming or not, she survived the attack and is, in a physical sense, ok. I hope the rapist has never had a moment's peace or one night's rest in the past 15 years, and that one day I'll run into him in a dark alleyway.

  • LearningToFly
    A Christian woman is under obligation to resist, for the issue of obedience to God’s law to "flee from fornication" is involved. (1 Cor. 6:18) By no means would it be proper for her willingly to submit to being raped.

    "Under obligation to resist" "flee from fornication" "by no means.... willingly submit to being raped"

    Rape is a crime! Who willingly submits to any crime? Paralyzing fear often imoblizes a womans ability to physically fight back, these statements only victimize the women again! It is beyond disgusting that this scripture is even used in the context of rape.

    My daughter and I take part in the Take Back the Night march and candle light vigil yearly to help bring social awareness to society and show support to the many victims and silent victims who do not speak out due to shame placed on them by society and religions archaic message.

  • KW13

    KW are all those quotes from WT magazines?Something about the vocabilary seems very un-WT like??

    Do you have the dates of the quotes if they are?I like to see context.

    fleaman, yes i do as a matter of fact. I am not sure what you are suggesting but i do hope your not suggesting that i've made all this up. judging by your response, and i am guessing that now i have provided links for the article you'll suggest my quotes are out of context, but its true is it not that the Watchtower themselves are the kings of context twisting - for example the scripture they use in Deuteronomy chapter 22 which was also talking to Israel not Jehovahs Witnesses.

    Regardless of the context, the Society still made the outrageous things i quoted 'law' for any JW. People were considered sinners for not screaming.

    Watchtower 1984 - 2/22 p24-27

    Watchtower 1980 - 10/15 p3-7

    Watchtower 1993 - 3/8 p6-8

    Awake 1989 - 8/22 p24

    I think those are all the ones i quoted from.


    Edit - Added Screenshot....


  • KW13

    Where are you fleaman?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Cheers Kw..thats all i wanted to know.I have no love for the jw org,i just like everything whiter than white when it comes to quoting their bollocks back to others (my stoopid parents for instance).

  • minimus

    Yeah, Fleaman, you doubt that this could truly be??

  • Spectre

    The blood boils when I think back on their pseudo-psychology crackpot ideas like this.

    Forget everything else that makes them wrong, after taking some psychology classes in college I could see just from that that they are wrong. I wanted to start a thread about obvious biblical flaws in dealing with human behavior. I mean, is it really just like heaping flaming coals on someones head when you treat your enemies nice? Is turning the other cheek always the best policy?

  • delilah
    Rape is an act of violence. One who is raped has had a crime perpetrated on her/him. Nothing else should matter.

    My thoughts exactly!! The GB and the elders can go straight to hell with their stoopid ideas of how certain situations should be handled. Same thing goes with their ridiculous ideas concerning child abuse..... ............don't even get me started.....

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