What is your heritage?

by greendawn 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    Im Australian but my ancestors come from english and welsh stock and all were free settlers not convicts.

  • RisingEagle

    I am German/Swedish. I could teach wonderbread, mayonnaise and eggs how to appear white. I get sunburned when hanging Christmas lights on the tree.

  • changeling

    Scotch, English, Welsh, German, Dutch, Irish

  • R.F.

    African American

  • Twitch

    Half German, half Ojibwe

  • Satanus

    Mennnonite - anabaptist, some of the original protestors against the catholic church.


  • Mulan

    I am mostly English and Irish. My great grandmother was Native American so 1/8 Montauk thrown in.

  • AGuest

    (and only a drop is needed, truly)... by means of the tribe of ben-JAH-min. Some African, certainly, but how much and from where is a complete mystery as most of the plantation owners didn't keep records of things like that. In fact, they almost always beat whatever tribal loyalties reared their ugly heads out of folks.

    And, yes, I do think it matters as to which "part" of Africa... as Africa is a continent, not a country... (i.e., I don't often see people ambiguously saying, "I'm European" or "Asian"...) and one could just as easily be Egyptian (or Ethiopian or Morrocan) and considered "white"... as one can be Kenyan, or Nigerian, or Rwandan... and considered "black." Yet, they're all "African"... aren't they.

    Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Bucky Katt
    Bucky Katt

    Irish tempermanent and German stubbornness.

    Not much to it.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    My maternal grandmother's great grandfathers both moved from Connecticut to Kansas with the Beecher Bible and Rifle Colony.

    The Beecher Bible and Rifle Colony consisted of a group of Connecticut citizens who gathered together to emigrate to the Kansas Territory to support the free soil/anti-slavery movement there. Officially known as the Connecticut Kansas Colony, it became popularly known as the Beecher Bible and Rifle Colony after Rev. Henry Ward Beecher raised money to purchase 25 rifles for the colony members and one of his parishioners donated 25 Bibles.

    Most of her emigrant ancestors came to North America in the 1600s-- from England (John Alden is among these, supposedly), from Wales, and from Ireland.

    My maternal grandfather's emigrant ancestors came here from Ireland in the 1800s (family story is that my grandfather's grandfather knocked his landlord over a fence in an argument and then had to run for his life).

    My paternal grandfather's emigrant ancestors came over from England and Ireland in the 1600s also. I have traced my paternal lineage back to the 1330s in England, but not with any great certainty. My grandfather's great great grandfather was killed by Sac and Potawotamie Indians in 1810. His wife had an MKT railway engine named in honor of her (#311), as she is considered "the Mother of Cooper County" in Missouri. Here is a pic of their youngest son, my grandfather's great grandfather, Samuel:

    Amateur genealogy enlivens my interest in history.


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