The Way I Are.

by RichieRich 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere

    Wow! First JoelBear shows up and then a few hours later Richie is back. Coincidence??

    Anyway, glad to hear you are OK. Looking forward to hearing the details. And your poor mom. She sure will think this is all because you 'left Jehovah'.



  • LtCmd.Lore

    Hey Richie! You had a pretty interesting month... So are they gonna show up in a few days and arrest you for breaking out of jail?

    Dear Richie, I am so sorry that you have deteriorated to this point.... There has never been a question of my love for you- you know that...I hope all of your real friends are there for you now. You certainly need all the support you can get... I would be willing to correspond with you in the future if you will allow me to be your mother. Part of that is having some say in your actions...

    Kind of makes you want to scream doesn't it...

    Richie I'm ashamed of you! Deteriorating to the point of having a lawyer that doesn't do his paperwork!! That's like, twice as bad as hiring a bad machanic!

    "Part of being a mother is having some say in your actions..." How much say does HER mother have in HER actions I wonder.

    Well, I'm not sure how to take that. I guess it's kind of cool that she was willing to talk to you at least. How are you feeling about it?

    And your poor mom. She sure will think this is all because you 'left Jehovah'.

    So much for "If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own."


  • MadTiger

    Find new work.

    Being a bouncer and getting felonious assault charges is not fun and games.

  • Gopher

    Hey Richie good to have you back on board. The place hasn't been the same without you.

    But it hasn't been exactly dull. We've had a ton of newcomers join. Bill Bowen started a board war, trying to pull members away to his site. We kept getting spammed by a "Watchtower Exposed" guy who kept getting deleted and then set up new accounts, while claiming his forum has no censorship, compared to how terrible it is over here.

    Bigdreaux and Missanna told their incredible love story. Blondie's taking time off from the weekly WT study.

    We had the return of classic posters Joelbear from Georgia and Jesika from Texas after a few years' absence.

    Other than that, not much happened here.

  • poppers

    Wow, Richie, what a story. I look forward to your next installment.

  • Tara

    How horrible! Glad you got out.

  • quietlyleaving

    glad you're back, really missed your insightful posts.

    What a typical jw response from your mum - guess she is showing love in her own way.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Were you able to get any time in? You should be turning in pioneer hours, with all of your free time.

    How was the food?

    Did you have to do any manual labor?

    Did you pierce anybody while you were there?

    How many life-long friends did you make? and Did you get all of their email addresses?

    Did you make a shiv?

    Do you know all of the secret language, used in the slammer?

    Any gang wars? and If so, which side did you take?

    Did you decorate your cell? and Did your room-mate like your color choices?

    Sorry this happened. I would be so mad. They owe you 3 weeks of your life back. Not to mention, lost wages. That Law Firm, would hear from my new lawyer. $$$$$$$$$

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Did you meet Wentworth???

  • Stealth453

    Holy Crap Man!!!!

    What a load of $hit to had to endure.

    I, for one, am glad you are ok, and you made it through this ordeal.

    We all missed you.

    Peace bro.


    ps....sue the bastard as hard and as fast as you can.

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