We have the truth

by MutualRespectPlease 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    Welcome, Mutual! Good first post!

    I know many of you despise the expression, "The truth" but at least hear me out. There is just too much evidence for me to deny that the Witnesses have the truth. I have served in other countries. I have witnessed first-hand the hypocrisy of the churches and their members, and I have seen some in the congregations. At the same level? No way.

    Why don't you share some of that evidence with us, rather than just personal opinions?



  • TopHat

    I don't believe the GB of the WTS has the TRUTH....I do believe however that God our heavenly Father has the truth, and his son Jesus Christ. Organizations of a religious nature run by MEN can NOT have the truth simply because they are MEN and not GOD.

    I sincerly believe JWs are good people who are the recipients of the "Wool being pulled over the eyes" I was one of the sheep of the WTS...but no more.

  • eclipse

    If they have the truth:

    then why are they so afraid of any of the brothers and sisters to do any reasearch on the net?

    If they had the truth, they would not be afraid of what we would find.

    Please tell me, if they had the truth, why did they never apologize to the brothers for 1975? Why did they in turn BLAME the brothers for coming up with the date, when it was printed in their Awake! and Watchtower?

    Please tell me, if they have the truth, why do they flip flop on dates, on doctrines, old light becomes new light becomes old light.

    Why are we disfellowshipped for doing the very thing you are doing, coming here and doing research about the organization?

    Why is it, that you can denounce a belief in god, but once you state that you do not believe that the organization is god's spirited directed annointed organization, then you are called an APOSTATE???

    Why are so many of their doctrines not even found in Bible? There NEVER was a biblical organization. The word never appears in the Bible.

    Ask yourself, If Jesus himself came down, and asked the Society how much money they make off of the contributions, how would Jesus respond?

    How would Jesus respond if he saw that they paid victims of abuse, to keep quiet so as not to tarnish the organization's name?

    Ask yourself, if Jesus said you would recognise them by their fruits, and when this organization only produces ROTTEN fruitage, how can you justify to yourself that this could possibly be the truth?

    with all due respect my brother.



  • What-A-Coincidence


    Intelligent people as yourself who would have studied the HISTORY of the WT would realize that it's a cult. I served in Brooklyn Bethel and I TOTALLY AGREE WITH WHAT YOU STATE with regards to humilty, and not getting rich.


    "As Hassan states, legitimate organizations will be honest about their motives, and members of legitimate organizations should be able to discuss their group's failings as well as its strengths."

    edit: In your second thread you mention that you read books on Cults. Did you read this one?

  • bigdreaux

    your answer to the n.g.o. is what was the motive? well, why are people disfellowshipped for joining the y.m.c.a. when their only motive is a place to work out. no matter what the motive was, it was hypocritical for them to do it. why not "rely on jehovah" for what they need instead of turning to a org. they call satanic on a regular basis.

    as for good will among brothers, your delusional if you think it's all honky dorey. and there is very little charity given to those within, and none to those outside the org. they all patted themselves on the back after katrina saying how wonderful what they did was. yes, i'll admit, they did some good, but, it is nothing in comparison to other churches, that helped EVERYONE not just their own. also, there are still churches and faith based groups here working hard everyday. where are the witnesses? they pulled out months ago.

    you really need to take a good look at this religion and ask yourself, do you really have the truth, and if so, are you really following christ's example.

    as another person posted, a feel good attitude does not constitute truth. where are your ANSWERS to what is posted here?

  • smellsgood

    Welcome to the forum MutualRespect.

    I personally have never been a Witness. I have to disagree with you about the WT naturally.

  • Miss Bliss
    Miss Bliss

    *SIGHS* So much I could say but alas I will keep it as simple as possible. I'm not really sure why you felt the need to come here at all. You stated you new this site existed as if it was eating you up inside not to have a poke around here. What purpose does that serve you or Jehovah? Do you not trust enough when the Society warns it's flock to stay away from sites like these. It was my understanding when I was a witness that reading apostate material was an unforgiveable sin? That all leads me to believe then that you came here for another reason. Did you find what you were looking for? There is a reason people get defensive without provacation is it because you yourself have doubts and by defending your stance it gives you some temporary peace of mind?

    Not all of us here had all that bad of an experience with being Jehovah's Witnesses. A lot of us were not abused or have bad parents or bad experiences with congregations or elders. For me it was the contrary I had some really good experiences with congregations and elders and still to this day I am thankful that I was raised with good moral values. You say that JW's are so happy but my friend you are poorly mistaken. I knew more sad depressed people who were JW's then I do in the so-called "World" Do you know why that is? Because you live a lie one that is forced upon you without you even realizing it...Because the Society is an emotional vampire that sucks people's willpower so slowly you don't even notice what you have become, a pawn....

    Deprogamming is a strange and hard but extremely rewarding process Do you know why? Because in the end I get to be the best me I can be. A me that makes her own decisions and chooses her own actions as well as faces her own consquences.

    Someone said the Society asked "what is the hardest thing about being in the truth?" I say "It's living the lie"

    ~Mad Love~ Miss Bliss

  • changeling

    I would like to read your post but I won't do it until you format it into paragraphs. I'm not the only one on here who feels this way. So, paragraphs, pretty please?


  • kerj2leev
    I have seen lives change completely after a person studies the Bible with the Witnesses. People who had terrible, unhappy lives change them, and become happy, well-adjusted.

    Thousands of people change their lives everyday, without the help of the Witnesses. Infact I would bet that more people change their lives through Chirstendom then through the Watchtower.

    BTW thank you for your sincere comments! I would suggest you do as the Boreans (Acts 17:11) and make sure of all things, not just what the Society feeds you!



  • poppers

    From Miss Bliss: "Someone said the Society asked "what is the hardest thing about being in the truth?" I say "It's living the lie""

    What a great line!

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