by Mary 204 Replies latest social current

  • Littledreamfaery

    Murder is the taking of a life, a fetus is a child in my opinion, a fetus is alive, to abort is to kill, to kill is to murder. It doesn't have to be 'illegal', murder is not actually written into law, murder has always been considered to be wrong and that is why it is seen as 'illegal'. If killing was made legal in law would you turn round and kill everyone you didn't like, I assume you wouldn't. Just because abortion is currently 'legal' doesn't mean that it is necessarily right.

    There are a lot of people who would disagree with your support of abortion.

  • fifi40

    John Doe

    What would you do about the millions of children thats parents cant afford them in third world countries then..........serious answers on a postcard please.

    I cannot believe you think these kids should be taken from their parents..............I assume you dont have kids.............because it beggars belief that anyone with kids would make such a rash, harsh judgemental comment.

    Whilst there are problems with the current system we have in place in our country.................nobody is going to starve, not get their teeth fixed or miss an education.

    This family are better off not working...............that is how the system works unfortunately sometimes over here.

    My answer to this current problem would be that for those receiving benefits, if they are fit and able to work, that they would be expected to do some type of work (10 to 20 hours per week) to qualify for those benefits.

    Kids who are battered and abused by parents should be taken away from those parents not ones who are not the richest in the world

  • nvrgnbk
    But hey well done, lucky you having a job.

    Thanks for your kind comments, Littledreamfaery.

    Luck has nothing to do with my having a job. I have the business I do because of a series of good decisions on my part. And alot of hard work and tenacity. And the willingness to go back for another day.

    Having said that, I agree we should help those less fortunate.

  • Littledreamfaery


    I agree with you, yes it would be a good idea for people who are able and fit to work who happen to be on benefits to work. Unfortunately our government doesn't seem to realise that this is a good idea, but hopefully one day they might.

    As to the third world counties, it makes me sad that there are actually people, in this world who cannot afford to live, who cannot afford to eat. And what makes me even more sad is the fact this was caused in part by countries in the west.

    No one should have to starve.

    You are also right when you say that the only children who should be taken from their parents are those who are abused by their parents, as their parents do not deserve to have them.

    John Doe

    In reference to sterilisation and abortion, you are thinking of eugenics, yes something that was something advocated by the Nazis. I'm sure thats something that really needs to be brought into being again!

  • Littledreamfaery


    Well I do think that those who have fortune should be willing to help those who aren't so fortunate. If only there were ways of helping people into work which actually worked, because the majority leave over qualified people in under paid jobs.

    :) Faery

  • nvrgnbk
    If only there were ways of helping people into work which actually worked, because the majority leave over qualified people in under paid jobs.

    LOL! Exactly! I'm one of those! I'm overqualified and underpaid. But that's another story, for another time.

    Take care Ldf!

  • IP_SEC
    Well I do think that those who have fortune should be willing to help those who aren't so fortunate

    yes, "should" is the operative word. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry christmas.

    Government imposed redistribution of fortune is WRONG.

    It is WRONG like some peoples refusal to make their own way in life.

    It is WRONG like if an individual has the means but doesnt help someone whose fallen on hard times.

  • eclipse

    Littledreamfaery, welcome!

    Just wanted to say, don't let John Doe get to ya....he says controversial things on purpose just to get a reaction out of people.

    I have learned to take everything he says with a grain of salt, and now find him amusing, in a dark humourous sense.

  • Mary
    fifi40 said: What would you do about the millions of children thats parents cant afford them in third world countries then..........serious answers on a postcard please.

    I think there's a big difference between these freeloaders in this article and the people in Third World Countries. Those poor buggers do not have any access to birth control and there is no system set up to help them feed, cloth or educate their kids (with the exception of charities that go into different areas). What pisses me off about the situation in the Third World countries is that there is no need for these people to live the way they do. My understanding (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) is that even when we send them money or food or medical supplies, etc. that there are 'profiteers' who confiscate most of what comes into the country and then they sell it to the people, who, of course, have no money. Given the economic state in Africa, if this sort of corruption didn't go on, we could get those people out of their plight in probably 1 - 2 years. They could be educated, given birth control so that they didn't have 20 kids, they could build homes, libraries, etc. It just pisses me off to no end that these people have to live the way they do and the governments do squat about it. Instead, they leave it to people like Oprah, who paid for a girls' academy school in Africa, which will make a huge difference in their lives:

    I cannot believe you think these kids should be taken from their parents..............I assume you dont have kids.............because it beggars belief that anyone with kids would make such a rash, harsh judgemental comment.

    I for one, do not believe the children should be taken from their parents. There's no evidence that they're abusive or mistreating the children. However, I do think that the parents should have to work a certain number of hours per week, not only to 'work' for the most generous benefits they're receiving, but also to set an example for the children that you need to WORK and get a JOB. Like I said before, children learn from their parents' example and the sad fact is: these kids are growing up seeing that their parents got a big beautiful home just handed to them, and that they get free food, free clothing, free shelter and god knows what else, each and every month without ever having to work for any of it. What kind of a message does this send out to kids?

    As for the comment someone made about the population 'decreasing', I say give me a break. People are living longer than ever, therefore, it's only common sense that you don't need as many to 'replace them'. There's no shortage of people living in England, or anywhere else in the world.

  • Gill

    Mary - I totally agree that there is NOT a population shortage in the world, but in the UK there is a WORKING POPULATION shortage simply because our population is ageing and there are NOT ENOUGH children being born here any more to replace the retiring elderly people.

    IN THE UK this is a serious problem. Schools are short of pupils and teachers beginning to lose their jobs.

    Children are important but far to expensive to afford in the UK which is why the government is so generous in its child care in comparison to other countries.

    WE NEED more children here.

    As the 'problem' in the system is noticed, changes will be made to adjust and I agree that the parents of these 12 could still work part time, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. BUT they cannot and we do not want them not to be supported.

    Children are our future, whoever they are and their parents need support.

    I don't agree with Margaret Thatcher's infamous phrase, that 'There is no such thing as Society'.

    In the UK we have a tradition of charity, caring and supporting eachother, even those that some think should not be supported.

    WE are not a perfect society by any means, but we have not degenerated to John Doe's suggestion of 'getting rid of' unwanted children once they are alive and kicking!

    Change comes slowly. I believe that the problems with the welfare state will always exist but we all contribute to it in one way or another and we should all benefit from it!

    Feed the kids, educate them and care for them!

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