30 Minute Public Talk-CONFIRMED

by stillajwexelder 112 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JH

    So instead of having a total of 2 hours for both meetings on Sunday, it will be 1h45 ?

    It's still too long !

  • WTWizard

    It doesn't matter how much they shorten it. I can blow off a 30-minute meeting just as easily as a 4 year one. Association time? Who is there in that religion that is worth associating with, that the lead hounder doesn't purge upon finding that out? And the last thing I need is an extra 2 hours a month of service, where the hounders are going to try to tell me that I have to go out now that we have that much "extra" time. I still plan to blow it off.

    The only way I am ever setting foot inside a Kingdumb Hell for a service is if a group of men physically carry me in. And then I will fight it the way they trained the Witlesses to fight a blood transfusion. By physically damaging as much as possible on my way in (forcing them to bang my service bag into a window in the front door, busting a light fixture, etc.) and creating disruption during the boasting session (those comments you will not hear at the Puketower Study, you might just start hearing them anyway), that ought to give them a disincentive to dragging me into the Kingdumb Hell. And if I get disfellowshipped for doing that? So what. There isn't anyone worth associating with left. As long as I can do the maximum amount of damage to the organization, I don't really give a &$^#.

  • willyloman
    They were at pains to avoid talking doctrine, dismissing them as 'not as important as love'.

    The irony is, there is no "love." As flimsy as their doctrine is, they're better at doctrine than at showing genuine love. Now, conditional love (aka "approval"), they've got that down.

  • NewYork44M

    The talk could be reduced even further to one in which the entire basic message could be memorized by the audience:

    Good morning:

    We are deeper than ever into the time of the end.

    If you want to survive the impending Great Tribulation, obey us:

    Go to all meetings and go door-to-door with me right now.

    This is way too long. Here is the talk they should give:

    Do what we say or die.

  • minimus

    Maybe they feel that if they make service part of the day, then it will be understood that Sunday worship includes a shorter meeting and some field service......They'll make everyone feel as though they MUST do it all now. No excuses!

  • cultswatter

    Typical sunday meeting

    Now we will sing song # 21 "Jehoober is a goober"

    la de da la la la la .... squawk (everyone is swaying a bit)

    Here is brudder Roach Clip giving the pubic talk " Why Master****** is good for you"

    bla bla bla... youth book..... a vigorous climax!!


    Now we will sing song 10 "Groove with Jehoove"

    groov groov jehoov ... get in the groove don't snooze

    Now brudder Cristmas Tree will give direct the wacktower study TM entitled " Youth are Rebelling against Jehoba"

    The first paragraph: Bla bla disfellowship those satanic teens for rebelling against Jehoba(WTS)

    last paragraph" Kick the bejeezuz out of your kids cause they pissed off the GB

    Now song 34 "Praise the GB forever"

    ya de du ... The GB are great they do not Master****

    concluding prayer: OH Jehoba thru the FDS your holy bandwidth channel we are tuned in and we will not adjust our sets but remain faithfull even if 1914 is bullsh*t

  • stillajwexelder

    You forgot Song Number 8 " Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order"

  • PoppyR

    From what I remember the WT study ALWAYS Went overtime! It used to drive me insane, as if 2 hours at a meeting wasn't enough they had to waffle for the first half, rush through the second half, check the clock.. yep we should be singing now, but lets just do the review, same old wrinklies every week putting their hands up, song starts at the time the meeting should have finished...

    My bet is this 15 minutes extra will just give them more excuse to waffle in the WT

    If I was still going this would have been very welcome news, but a drop in the ocean to relieve the burden!


  • stillajwexelder

    No doubt I will here from all those Congos tha thave their TMS/SM tonight if the letter gets read. I will update you all as soon as I here

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    I have confirmation from a PO friend of mine that he received the letter yesterday, hasn't been read to the congregation yet.

    Summary: January 2008, 30 minute parts, elders to shorten their existing talks by a few minutes in each section to accomodate new 30 minute time frame. No mention of new outlines forthcoming (such letters usually have a "public section" to read to the congregation, and a "to the elder body only" section with additional details like that).

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