Isn't Jehovah a wonderful God?

by nvrgnbk 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    It should warm all of our hearts when we realize how close we are to seeing Zechariah 14:12 fulfilled:

    "....There will be a rotting away of one’s flesh, while one is standing upon one’s feet; and one’s very eyes will rot away in their sockets, and one’s very tongue will rot away in one’s mouth...."

    Thank you such much for recalling one of my all-time favorite scriptures Mary !

    Whenever a householder doesn't open their door for me, or otherwise rejects our loving message, I think about Zech. 14:12. Let's just say, it really brings a smile to my face.

  • goaly host
    goaly host

    He is up there with Allah and the rest. Thank jehovah for the true almighty the $

  • BizzyBee
    I'm sure that I will provide some of the bird fird that Jehovah prophesied about on His day of vengence.

    CENTERING TEXT - Is It For True Christians?

    Why Jehovah Prefers Left Justify

    (Just sayin')

  • brinjen

    Yes, yes! Just think: We are 24 hours closer to the Great Day of God the Almighty than what we were this time yesterday! It should warm all of our hearts when we realize how close we are to seeing Zechariah 14:12 fulfilled:

    "....There will be a rotting away of one’s flesh, while one is standing upon one’s feet; and one’s very eyes will rot away in their sockets, and one’s very tongue will rot away in one’s mouth...."

    Thank you for this loving reminder Sister Mary,

    Isn't it wonderful how our loving father jehovah is allowing more time to provide more food for the vultures? I would sure hate to see them starve. We should be asking ourselves, is 60 hours of field service enough? I think I should be doing more...

  • nvrgnbk
    I think I should be doing more...

    Agreed brinjen. If your health isn't suffering, you know you're not doing enough.

    If your health is suffering, but c'mon, you're still alive, you know you're still not doing enough.

    Isn't Jehovah a wonderful God? He loves Him some well-fed vultures.

  • TopHat

    Delusional people believe that God speaks to them through their television set, their potted plants, or through their cat. Equally delusional people believe that God speaks to people via printing presses in Brooklyn.

    I want to know WHO speaks to the writing department in Crooklyn.

  • Missanna

    Bro. Nvr I have to confess i've been missing some meetings lately due to work. I don't want to be destroyed by our loving god. what should I do? How shall i repent for my wrong doings? I have also been talking to ... worldly people outside of work... is this a sure fact i will be destroyed? Can we discuss this after the meeting Sunday?

  • Twitch

    Chaplain: Let us praise God. O Lord...
    Congregation: O Lord...
    Chaplain: ...Ooh, You are so big...
    Congregation: ...ooh, You are so big...
    Chaplain: ...So absolutely huge.
    Congregation: ...So absolutely huge.
    Chaplain: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.
    Congregation: Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.
    Chaplain: Forgive us, O Lord, for this, our dreadful toadying, and...
    Congregation: And barefaced flattery.
    Chaplain: But You are so strong and, well, just so super.
    Congregation: Fantastic.
    Humphrey: Amen.
    Congregation: Amen.

    Monty Python - The Meaning of Life


  • nvrgnbk

    I like that story Twitch even if it is from filthy and disgusting Christendom.

    Yes Jehovah is super! And really really strong!

    I'll see you after meeting on Sunday Missanna.

    I have an excellent article in mind for you.

    We're so close to the end, why lose your life for something silly like money?

    Isn't Jehovah wonderful, and well, really swell?

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