
by freedomloverr 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • LiveLife

    Neigh, neigh, but four other wives...humour is never wasted.

  • Gregor

    We used to have an old brother in the congregation who had a very pronounced, almost visible, aura. Seems legumes were his main food source and he never washed his clothes.

  • ButtLight

    Very interesting thread.....

    So I read up a bit.....and saw this as to how to help you see Auras (sorry its long)

    After your period of silent relaxation, notice the objects around you. Allow your vision to slip lightly past the first object you see, almost as if you were beginning to see double. Do you see anything unusual? Look again. Eventually you will begin to notice a white misty band of energy around the object, usually an inch wide, some times wider. Scan the room you're in. If you are still relaxed, you may notice that everything in your room has this same band of light surrounding its surface. This is an aura.

    Everything that exists has an aura; people, animals, objects, plants, the land. That misty band of light you see is caused by the speed that in individual or object is vibrating, and by their temperature and degree of consciousness. Many times, especially around people, the aura will be colored and have designs in it, such as rays or spirals. Artists throughout history have painted auric bands around the heads of wise leaders and saints, as a way to depict holiness. But the fact is, everyone and every thing has an aura - some larger than others.

    To test this, invite a few wall that is white or lightly colored. Remove all decorations so you have a blank surface. Dim the lights. Have one person stand with his or her back to the wall, looking straight ahead. This person should take a few deep, quick breaths to increase air capacity, and relax, empty of thought or expectation. The other people should stand at least half-a-room away from the person in front of the wall. When looking, allow your gaze to slip slightly past the individual, as if you are seeing double. Does an aura appear? Most people will see a white glow around the individual almost immediately. Some will see colors. Others will see designs in the colors. Have the individual in front of the wall move his or her consciousness to the left, then right, then high up near the ceiling. (This is done by the person deciding to; thinking makes it so.) Does that person's aura change location as his or her consciousness moves around? Most people will see this, especially after practicing for awhile. Don't try too hard, though, as too much efforting actually blocks your ability to see an aura. Once you are able to see auras in dim light, you can begin to train yourself to see them in full light. Tell yourself you can do it and you can. Trust the process. It works.

  • Sunspot

    Mulan, I just tried this (its night time here) out in my backyard and it worked! I saw a white haze around my fingers. I could make the hazes connect with a half inch gap in my fingers! Wow! I'm amazed!

    I am going to have to remember to try this!

  • wednesday

    I have seen a aura on occ during intense emotion. What i have seen not sure what it is called, is some kind of energy form-- sort of superimposed on a person. I have only had this happen once, but it gave me a "true" look at the real person. In this case, it showed a bent over man, drooling etc. very scary. I just saw this for a second and the person distracted me and it was gone.

  • GoingGoingGone
    i haven't really made a focused effort to do so, but, i do believe in it as an actual ability........along with such things as OOB's, astral projection, ESP and mental telepathy

    When I was in grade school, we had a teacher who had us try different things like this one day in class. One thing we did was take a deck of cards, and one student would pick and hold a card, concentrate on it, and we would try to see if we could 'sense' what it was. I guessed correctly probably 75% of the time!

    It was scary for me then, because I was a JW child who believed that this ability came from the demons, so I never ever tried to do it again. But I've wondered about it quite a bit, and at some point I might try to develop the ability. Still a little freaked out about it, quite honestly. Old beliefs die hard...


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Aura you kidding me?

    Sorry. Couldn't help myself. If you look closely at my aura you'll see a recurring pattern of letters.


    I'm told it's the lowest form of humor and sadly, I agree. But I also think it's genetic.

    I've never seen an aura, but I have noticed shimmering translucent waves around the platform at District Conventions. I'm pretty sure it's just a combination of Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide off-gassing from the ever-enlarging pile horse manure that accumulates there over the course of 3 days.

    Ok, now that I've purged my puns and sarcasm, on to a sincere answer.

    I must say I'm fairly sceptical in general but in keeping with my JWD Username, I'm more than happy to at least hear something out. I have recently begun meditating on a somewhat regular basis. I'm amazed at how "real" the experience is. James Thomas described it as something like "plunging naked into the cool waters of consciousness". I would have ridiculed this as recently as 2 years ago. Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to see Auras too!

    Thanks for being open enough to start this thread Freedomloverr.

    Open Mind

  • exjdub
    I also told exjdub that I don't talk about it publicly...but I guess he forgot that part.

    Sorry Bro! I didn't realize that you wanted it private or I would have never said anything. I just found it fascinating and admire the ability...I just wish I had it. I hardly post anymore and then when I do I get in the doghouse...


  • LiveLife

    Dammit, didn't you see the smiley???

    No worries, bro.

  • nvrgnbk

    I still want my aura read LiveLife.

    The beer's on me. LOL!

    OpenMind, you kill me bro. Aura you serious? LMAO!

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