Why did you leave the org?

by A-Team 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sass_my_frass

    Dfd; I had to be kicked out. Second-best thing that's ever happened to me. If those guys had had a heart and shown mercy, I'd still be dangerously depressed and ruining my marriage.

    WELCOME to our newbies!! You've really cheered me up today; it's just so great to know that three more people have found that exhilarating liberation. Congratulations, and welcome to life!! What a ride.

  • changeling

    Welcome A&W and icy!

    I'm fading. UN issue was the catalyst for breaking free. After seeing the Society's hypocrysy in that issue all the doubts I had squashed down for years came to the surfface. This time I was able to analyze them and see that I've know the truth all along - WBTS is a farce.

  • twinkletoes

    I had been in the Org for over 30 years and then one day, my son said he had come across an article about the WT + UN involvement. I couldn't believe it at first, and then we (me and husband Kaytee) decided to look into it, even phoning the UN in New York. Well, after it was confirmed, we then began to check out other things, False Prophecies, Paedophile issues, Blood U-Turn etc. We spent a whole week getting a letter together and sent it to the London Bethell, asking very politely, if they could explain these things to us. That was 4 or 5 years ago and we are still awaiting a reply !!!!



    My first post was on this thread. I think it's a good question so.....


  • Lucky Calamity
    Lucky Calamity

    to get a life.

  • allelsefails

    I have been an inactive witness for a while. The 586 - 607 issue started things for me. I tried to prove JWs correct but foundtoo much info that they were silly in their beliefs. Now I have a lot of questions but no answers.

  • doofdaddy

    After the complete collapse of my belief system and the gut wrenching realisation that I had been living a lie, I went in search of Truth...

  • Rocky_Girl

    It started with a JC.... I was a regular pioneer for 3 years at the time and my dad is and was not an elder. My best friend was a new pioneer with an elder father and had been in trouble for messing around with boys at school. She told the elders that I set her up to be molested by my cousin. I knew nothing about any of it, I told them that and they questioned me for 2 hours before my dad made them stop. He would not let them question me alone because I was a minor, they tried to push the issue but he stood his ground. They ended it by asking me to apologize for not telling her parents that I knew she 'liked' my cousin. I refused.

    For the next two years, those elders made my life hell. They pulled me into every situation involving young people and I was in more JCs than the average elder, even if it was to prove that I was not involved by providing an alibi. Then I was considered bad association because I was involved in so many JCs. That was it for me as a JW, though I went to memorial and other special talks from time to time. After about 6 years of not going to meetings I started looking at the org, looking at the teachings and reading the bible by itself. I didn't see love in the org and I decided that was a good enough reason to let it go inside as well as outwardly.

    It is my standby answer for all my JW family, except my parents, "if it isn't loving, I won't be part of it"


  • wobble

    I left because the FDS/GB were putting themselves in the place of Jesus, between me and my God.

    I considered their posturing and outrageous claims to be blasphemous.

    The above is why I left.

    I also could find no proof in scripture for 1914, but had I felt that the GB were genuine and likely to change, I would have stayed, I believe, although the Cult attitude of they will tell you what to think, as well as believe, was annoying me hugely.

    Of course,since leaving I have found out much much more,the falsity of their blood doctrine, the child molestation problems (ongoing),the lies, twisting of scripture,dis-honest translation etc etc etc.

    Freedom is WONDERFUL !!!



  • warmasasunned

    i left in jan 92, i left because i was unhappy, since then everything as fell into place jw`s are just like any other religion, granted they are more extreme in there views, but just a religion.

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