Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here

by R.F. 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LittleToe

    Do the priests actively disuade them from praying to Christ?

    While some denominations practice open [usually verbal] warfare against other denominations, I'm not one of that type, prefering an ecumenical approach. But for all my tolerance and broadmindedness, I still can't find it in myself to call JWs "Christian".

  • frankiespeakin

    So even if they believe in Christ as savior they are not christians if they form a cult like, armstrong, the bible students, mormans, christadelphians and groups llike these?

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    If there is one lesson I learnt "the hard way" from having been a JW is that I should not judge others. As a witness I truly believed that I had "the truth" and judged the rest of the "world". As a Christian I now am very aware of my past and try not to make judgement on anyone. I say try because it's not easy, but I will not advocate one Christian religion over another as I have not personally experienced all Christian religions. I have been to different churches in my community and have settle where my family and I are comfortable. I think that if you are searching for God He will find you no matter where you are. I believe that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to all humans and cannot be contained in a building.

  • frankiespeakin


    Also with this Succesion they have the right to GIVE to the congregation the Body and Blood of Christ. So if you don't have the Apostolic Succesion then the rest of the Christian Dominations they have NO right to give communion of the Blood and Body of Christ. It is not a communion since the Holy Spirit is not there. They are only giving bread and wine, instead of the Orthodox Church that in the Communion the Wine and the Bread are becoming the Blood and Body of Jesus.IT IS A MYSTERY that ONLY in this Church is taking place.

    So what does that make the rest of these that call themselves Chrisitain that don't belong to your denomination?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover


    I love life, liberty, and the pursuit of learning.

    May each one have the same right. No on should dictate, or by force compel, another's belief.


  • dozy

    I've always noted that the few ex-JWs who retain a Christian belief and respect for the bible tend to merge into the primary denomination of their area - hence the Greek ex-JW going to the Greek Orthodox church & LT going to the Calvanists who are very strong in his neck of the woods. (Would LT have associated with his particular religion had he moved back to England , or would he perhaps have attended an Anglican or even a Catholic church - who knows?)

    Interestingly , presumably influenced by a hang-over from the GB /FDS control as JWs ,many seem to evolve a criteria in defining Christians that is inclusive of all religions otherthan JWs. Note LTs comments - his definition would include non Mary devotional Catholics as Christians (some of his Calvinist friends may beg to differ) while excluding JWs...

    Do the priests actively disuade them from praying to Christ ... for all my tolerance and broadmindedness , I still can't find it in myself to call JWs "Christian".

    If I recall correctly , it was Jesus who encouraged his followers to pray to the Father rather than to him , but I desist. As other posters have noted , ultimately the only judge of whether we are Christians or not is the Almighty.

  • carla


    Most Christians do not think of jw's as Christian because Christ is not their savior, they must go through the 144,000 or annointed. They also are prohibited from talking directly to Jesus. Yes, most people think of jw's just like the Armstrongs, Christadelphians, etc....a cult. When a group claims you must 'come to them' for salvation most Christians would consider that a blasphemous comment as you need only to 'come to Christ' for salvation. Another difference is grace which in my opinion, most jw's have no concept of what grace is or have it defined by the wt and it sticks with them a long time. Have you tried googling 'what is a Christian'? (or something on that order)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Does 'Unchurched' count?

    I cannot currently abide organized religion - as it all is beginning to look similar in many ways to me now - but I still believe in God.


  • AgentSmith

    Mrs Smith is further along the path away from the JW's than I. I have been to a Catholic church and one or two other smaller christian fellowships, but we go to the Methodist church. It suits my personality and I feel comfortable there. Jesus was a Jew, and you cannot lable him into any specific group. Thus I am Christian, I follow Christ.

    The body of Christ is spread around the globe. This makes my fellow Christians, wherever they go and worship, my family.

    You don't spend all your time in a building or church. You live and work and walk every day with Christ. I feel that is what makes you a Christian. Not where you spend a few hours every week.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I have always considered myself a Christian but now without the JW label and am looking forward to developing an actual relationship with Jesus. I have started attending an Alpha Course and plan on visiting local churches to see what they're like - I'm also planning on a visit to the Holy Trinity Brompton - Anglican I believe.

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