Does A School Yard Bully Attitude Take Over This Discussion Board?

by The wanderer 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Sorry Richard, I cant help you. I'm an agnostic, I don' t know.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    I try to bring people TO God

    By whose d@mned authority do you do that?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    And does this god that you personally try to bring people to reside in the Pleiades cluster?

  • ninja

    If there is a fight on the board...I'll hold the jackets.....(and relieve you of any money therein)......he he

  • sass_my_frass

    I haven't actually seen it happen on this board that somebody gets bullied who wasn't up for a fight in the first place. It's not the lame, nerdy weiners here who are ganged up on, it's the blustering illiterates who think god have their back. An expression comes to mind about not starting something you can't finish.

  • 5go

    So, I try to understand where others are coming from and realize that we are each on our own path either to or away from God. I try to bring people TO God.

    I feel some have really been hurt and get real negative about those still believing in God, MOST are very respectful and willing to give each of us room on our journey. We have all been hurt. Each of us finds a way to cope. In the end, we should all show LOVE to one another as there is no other better way to be.

    My point in my opinion you are no better through your ignorance of the facts than some who has the facts and withholds them.

    I wasn't so much hurt by believing in god as was hurt by those that believed they were doing gods bidding and were wrong. Which sent me on my journey and my final conclussion that the facts do not support god as we know it.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I for one enjoy a good fight, battle of wits, or struggle. It is exciting and helps to shed pent up frustration. We don't come here just to massage each others belief system. We come here to test our own beliefs and views in the arena of debate.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I don't hold grudges, so I get into debates purely for the fun of it. I learn something new every time.

    For example the last debate I was in got me researching 'secular morality'.

    The one before that had me learning all kinds of new stuff about abiogenesis.

    I learn all kinds of things, I have fun, I release stress, and I check my beliefs.


  • LittleToe

    Your basic premise is wrong, so the label becomes meaningless, i.e.:

    he would bring along two of his friends and I would be alone.

    This place has no quiet private corner where you can get a hammering. Everything is posted in the open and folks rarely find themselves alone with their opinion, with such a variety of diverse viewpoints expressed.

    You will touch individuals raw spots from time to time, as we all do. Your presentation hits one such trigger, in that it is so "Awake!-ish". You may recall that quite some time ago I suggested that you might want to give yourself a break from such formal thread-starting and just enjoy and interact with some of the many other threads. That doesn't appear to have been of interest to you, and so people will continue to have a picture of you as an "Awake!-ish" thread-starter.

    You aren't being bullied, you're merely having your opinions challenged in a healthy way. Sometimes that's easier to to take than at other times, but its the way the cookie crumbles. I suspect that most times you enjoy it. The few times you get a bloodied nose you can put it down to experience, hopefully learn something from it, and move on with the next burning issue such as the tangible reality of gregor's waterworks performance schedule...

  • MariAruet

    That is interesting question wanderer I've had a similar question the other day Do you expect perfection in people?

  • jgnat

    I'm not sure if it is possible to always have calm, rational discussions on hot topics. Hot topics include religion, sex, morality, politics, and how the toilet paper roll faces out. Many discussion boards simply ban those topics altogether. JWD, by it's mandate and function, shouldn't. Also, exiting JW's need practice having opinions and expressing them openly. Many are quite clueless about politics, having avoided it their entire lives. JWD is a relatively safe forum to discuss these hot topics and to practice their discussion skills. By trial and error, I see ex-JW's gradually learn to express themselves productively.

    I think the discussion becomes unproductive or unhealthy if people descend in to personal attacks. It's a sign that the debater has lost his way in his own argument and is striking back. THAT is what will shut down a thread faster than you can say Will Robinson.

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