by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Today was some more gardening - planted some lettuce, spinach, peas and strawberry spinach - it's a spinach plant with edible berries. Never planted this before, so we'll see how it goes! I had some dahlias that I've grown from seed that needed to be transplanted and some geraniums that I rooted that were ready to be potted up as well.

    The vet came to the house today for my doggies - all the usual stuff - rabies, heartworm etc. That took up a good chunk of the afternoon. I love the fact that the vet comes to the house!

    Tonite we are getting some much needed rain, it's been about 11 days since it rained and today was a perfect day for planting with the rain coming.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Your daily doings are exciting to read about and much appreciated. As the forum is only open to me for about ten minutes at a time and then down for hours, I hastily read what I can and try to make at least one post before the inevitable blackout.
    Please continue sharing your day's events with us. Gotta try that new spinach, BB!

    Many thanks to YOU!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Day to All,

    I'm up and about and was happy to get connected to the forum after multiple hours of down time the last three days. When the pages don't open, I click on to other web sites and do research, using the time I have on the computer productively. I'd be very grateful to anyone reading this if he/she could tell me if these blackouts are only regional. Sad emo said it happened to her the other day. Yet there are continual threads and posts made while I am unable to connect. I have 100% success connecting to other sites.
    Your input would be appreciated. Thank you!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt - any answers would be appreciated - I'm fading...............


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Well, Thursday was a really nice day. Went out for lunch with two friends at this wonderful European Cafe. We had a great time, I love going out with those two - they are such fun!

    Friday was an upsetting day - I posted about it - my hubby was in a bit of an accident at work. Fortunately he's ok physically, but was in shock afterwards.

    Yesterday was spent just talking to friends and family - assuring everybody he was ok.

    Today he had to go to the police station to give a statement - didn't end up doing it - and will have to get a lawyer involved first. It's going to be a bit of a long haul I think to get this all sorted out. I had to de-stress and took the dogs for a 5km hike along the river. It is a beautiful sunny day, and I just have to remember that things could always be worse, I need to tackle one problem at a time (when there are so many to tackle!), and take it from there.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings BB!

    Glad your hubby is all right and that you're finding the means to deal with your own shock. Going for a walk is always a good way to clear the head. May try it myself a bit later when the air gets cooler.
    Thanks again!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Emo's back!!!

    My laptop went down again and I was too busy to post whilst at work so this is my first time back in a few days. I've had to catch up on my essay work - only another 500 words to think of and some padding out with references. Sometimes I'm amazed at how organised I can be when writing essays!

    Not much else to report really - stress, essays, more stress, more essays...

    All good fun!

    Peace all

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Glad all's well, Emo!

    I was worried, not hearing from you. I figured it had something to do with cyber-space aliens eating away at the guts of your laptop. Hope your exams go well, with a minimum of stress - or is it DIstress? I'm still in and out with JWD. On five minutes then gone for hours. Must be me as I see no other reports of outages.
    A beautiful warm and sunny day in the California mountains. Did all my laundry with a scrub board and a bar of IVORY in the bathtub, it put out to dry on deck chairs. That saves me 2 or 3 dollars at the laundromat. What I save here and there goes into the gas tank.

    A great day to all!


  • ninja

    hey hokey cokey coco.....da ninja here.....what a day....up at 5.30 a.m and finished tonight at 9.30 approx....zzzzzzzz......long wee mum got her stent in today to widen her gullet to help her eat...she has been sick since she got it in.........I couldn't get to see her with all the wifey and kiddiewinkles went up to see her.........right now my family are watching heroes and I have had 3 guinnii to drink....I watched the panorama docu on scientology on my comp..........about to go to bed....loads on my mind at the mo.....peace

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Friends,

    It's a real treat for me to be on the board any more, given some ongoing cyber-crashes that inflict pain upon my personal computer, not to mention my fragile emotional state [forced withdrawal from my friends here]. Looks as though I get to reply to da Ninj after 45 minutes of clicking on and on and on!
    Hope your mum's stent does the trick, permitting her to eat at least a bit more. Speaking of food, sounds as if you have a "full plate," Ninj. Hope you don't get too run down. Thanks for letting us know what's happenin' - so glad I got to reply. Try to make the best of my fleeting moments...........


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