by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    hey comply comp....I think there was a bank robbery today when I was working about 50 yards away in was surrounded by police and we weren't allowed out of the doctors surgery we clean until the police gave us the green light....I think I may have been under suspicion...I picked a fine day to have a stripey jumper, mask and a swag bag on...he mum is back in hospital and got a barium swallow thingy done...the results said that there was some sort of blockage and now she feels vindicated in a way that it has proved her right...she has to stay in hospital for the next few days...she's annoyed...she hates being unable to do her own thing....its almost 6 o'clock here so gotta get back to work are off school and my boy has been playing Zelda constantly on the wii....well thats all for now....cheers big

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Ninja's near brush with the constabulary:

    Thank you for sharing the excitement of your day, Ninj. Hope you didn't wind up in gaol on account of your get-up. Just like the brother who thought he could go out in service sporting a beard. Before he's able to say a word to the householder, she tells him she wants nothing to do with student revolt. Happens every time, I tell you! I hope when Scotland Yard once again rounds up the usual suspects, you are dressed up nice and dubby and deflect all suspicion that you're a renegade from the law! Never wise to be at large. Janitors should dress in suit and tie, just to be on the safe side.
    Glad your mum feels better about what was of concern to her. But being confined in hospital is a bummer; hope she's out and about soonly.

    Had a great but longish day. Just back from my support group. Good love and real friendship there. Meetings are on every day, but I only go once a week. A lot of pain out there, yet the help is genuine and meaningful. Members feel at peace when present, away from the clash of the world. Such as it is here at JWD.
    A good night to all!

    Love and peace,


  • free2beme

    My father saved his letters to my mother, while in Vietnam. Most had to do with sex. He was horney, like all 19 year old's. They cracked me up, but I am glad he saved them.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    It's supposed to be another hot humid day here again (30C). Right now it's nice, there is a nice breeze and I've taken the laptop out on the back deck to enjoy the morning. Isn't wireless internet wonderful!! I can sit here, listen to the birds, smell the lilacs on the breeze, toss the squirrel some peanunts and catch up on JWD! True multitasking! lol

    Well, since yesterday was all play and no work, I think I'd better put my nose to the grindstone and tackle some paperwork I've been putting off, plus a few other things.

    Have a good one!


  • brinjen

    Got up at 5:45 this morning, checked out this forum made a few posts, had a shower breakfast etc. Caught the bus to work I'm a sales assistant got a lot of customers today that wanted me to spend a lot of time helping them with their $2 purchases so my sales figures for the day were down. Caught the bus home it's Friday night here so I am at my computer with a glass of Cougar & Coke chatting to you guys and making my 100th post!

  • looking_glass

    Well I am on my way out the door to start work as well. I am running late, because I just cannot seem to get motivated today. If I did not have stuff planned thru out the day, I would just work from home (but really not work). Oh well. The weather here is a little hinkey and I am not sure what it is going to do. I am hoping for good week end weather because of all the bbq's that are planned. How sad is my life that I am also looking forward to the week end so I can totally clean my place since it has not really been cleaned because I have been working non-stop for too long to even mention.

    On a side note, I have a GF whose son just had surgery and because they are JWs, I got a uber long e-mail telling me all about the miracle of life and how Jah has given his peeps knowledge ahead of time .... her son is out of ICU and is healing quickly because of no blood, blah, blah, blah. It is really hard to be supportive w/ crap like this. But I do believe in "to each their own" and if that is what she and her family want to believe I must support them because they have always been supportive of me regardless of where I am with the religion. But it still feels like I have eaten hot pizza and the roof of my mouth is burning because I am holding in all the words I wish to express to her.

    Enjoy your day guys. L_G

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    G'day to you all!

    Free's treasure trove of old letters:

    You're lucky to have those old letters, Free. We were all pretty much alike during our callow days of youth, even if we weren't so open about it! Thanx for sharing; I, too, am glad to have my family's old letters. Photograph albums also going back some 90 years.

    Mrs. B. enjoys the breeze as she types away!

    How deliciously cool to be enjoying the great out of doors as you visit with us. Wireless - gee, how does that work? Don't worry about explaining - I haven't even figured out radio yet! Thanx for saying hello...........

    Brinjen and the $2 sale.

    Isn't that just the way it goes?!? Yet you have to be accommodating and professional toward all. Hope your sales zoom skyward as appreciative, regular customers seek you out. We had an ordinary-looking person come into our establishment; she was attracted by our window display [my job]. Over a year's time she spent $XXXXXX. Please return and share again!

    CoCo gardens today:

    Bought some new sunscreen at the discount house for half price. I'm sure a lot more careful now about exposure to the sun than I ever was in my youth. It's really hot and dry up here in the mountains. I'm off to a yard clean-up job about 20 miles away. I charge about half my former rate, when I had to maintain so much power equipment. Now I'm back to the old-fashioned way of my youth - hand tools. I hate the noise and bother of gas-powered devices. The simpler the better. When I had to rush through all my jobs so as to get ready for meetings and service, I needed fast and efficient [when not broken down] equipment. These days I don't rush for anything - should I feel guilty for being off the treadmill?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    L_G and the Hot-Pizza Palate:

    What an illustration, Looking! It takes me so long to type that your story came in while I was at it. I can relate to your dilemma as I, too, was on the other side of the fence at one time. Now I feel that I must have been rather annoying chirping away with my heart-felt convictions as my withering audience was pulling out their figurative hair. You are correct in listening patiently; the opportunity will afford itself to get in the right word at the right time. I can attest to that! Thanks for letting us know.

    P.S. to Brinjen:

    Congrats on your 100th post - keep 'em coming!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Anyone up and about this time o' night? What did you do today?



  • misanthropic
    Exciting news, Miss Ann!
    Has your sister picked out names yet? Please keep us updated as you receive more information. Thanks for sharing.

    I was hoping to have heard something else by now but I haven't yet. Just hoping it's because she isn't feeling well with being pregnant and everything.
    Thanks for your advice on that project the other day. I'll let you know when I decide what to do, I might want to email you a picture if that's ok or I'll upload it and PM you the URL.

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