Your View On BREASTFEEDING In Public

by minimus 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Even though you say you are not against it, you are obviously not an advocate for it either especially if you tell mothers to pump and bottle feed. That's just disresptful, insulting, and insensitive.

    You don't have a clue about me yet find it so easy to insult me by saying that I am disrespectful, insulting and insensitive. Why? Because even I'm not jumping up and down and patting a breastfeeding mommy on the back for doing a good job? Because I said I think twice now - that a mother who is discreet while breastfeeding in public has no issue because she knows how to do it without drawing attention to herself? I find it once again intriguing how a persons opinion can result in another person, labelling them and calling them names for simply voicing what they think. I didn't tell anyone to pump or bottle feed. I simply said that pumping your breast milk is an option - which by the way, MANY loving mommies do. It might not be their first choice but are you telling me that every woman who makes a choice to pump is somehow less loving and therefore somehow of less value for the job they are doing? I don't see it that way. MANY working moms do it every day because they have to. Quite frankly I could care less either way. The act doesn't turn me off - there is nothing sexual about it - doesn't affect my daily living at all. You seem to have drawn some conclusion about me that I hope makes you feel better.

    There are about 4 women who die every day as a result of domestic violence. There are about 700,000 acts of rape against women yearly. About one in four little girls will suffer from sexual molestation at once in her lifetime. More women than men live in extreme poverty. Women still earn only 3/4 that of most men, regardless of education and ability........................sammieswife.

  • truthsearcher

    Samieswife said:

    I simply said that pumping your breast milk is an option - which by the way, MANY loving mommies do. It might not be their first choice but are you telling me that every woman who makes a choice to pump is somehow less loving and therefore somehow of less value for the job they are doing? I don't see it that way. MANY working moms do it every day because they have to.

    This is true, many working moms or moms of premies or sick babies are very grateful for their pumps as it provides a way for them to provide that precious life-giving mamma's milk for their babe when they are separated. And it does give the mother relief and does help to at least maintain a milk supply (although Scully's points are true too--it is a short-lived thing and can be very difficult for the mother to do well. She must make her body believe that it is the baby there instead of a plastic pump so her hindmilk will be released. If she fails to empty her breast properly, she runs the risk of plugged ducts/ infection and also her body will not get the necessary signal to make milk, thus eventually diminishing her supply. Also, "nipple confusion" and breast rejection are common problems because the action of breastfeeding requires much different and more vigorous use of jaw and tongue muscles.) I know that is probably more information than you all want to know but it is important to be aware of some of the ramifications.

    Something that I think is truly incredible is the mother's ability to manufacture antibodies on demand in response to pathogens in the baby's saliva. And it is even more spectacular because she need not already have the antibodies. It is a little immune factory! Another cool fact is that the older the baby gets, the more concentrated those antibodies are--so just when they start toddling around, getting into all kinds of germs, they get extra doses of immunity. How cool is that? (I believe it is our Creator's ingenious plan). This is one of the many health benefits to breastfeeding. If the baby's mouth does not come in contact with the breast, then this immune response will not take place. This would be another disadvantage of long-term pumping. But I assume we are talking here about the occasional public bottle?

    I am certainly not saying that a mother is less loving because she chooses this avenue. However, the thing that does concern me is when moms feel that even when the baby is right there beside them, that they cannot breastfeed them in public because of people being offended. And it happens more often than you would think.

    I am all for discreet nursing. However, we need to get used to the idea that breasts do have this important function. As has already been said, most moms are quite discreet and not interested in causing a stir. As for the others, well, truth be told, some probably do want to make a point. As human beings, we can be considerate of others while still doing what needs to be done. But even in those situations, criticism can be thrown at the mom. We should be encouraging them because of all the well-documented benefits to both mom and baby. Bottlefeeding mothers don't get any flack in public, so this is definitely a double standard.

  • minimus

    I've heard that fathers sometimes get JEALOUS! over the baby's being fed.

  • Gill

    There is absolutely no NEED to breastfeed in public!

    I have had five children and have breastfed them ALL. Never ONCE did I have to 'pop out a boob' and feed a child in public. There are plenty of private places to feed a little child ( not toilets either) and also it is easy to express breast milk into a bottle to feed while you are out! Babes are only breast fed completely in exclusion of everything else to six months at the very most.

    In my opinion Mums who need to breastfeed in full view of everyone are either lazy for not preparing bottles earlier, exhibitionists, or just not got the where withall to look for somewhere private or discreet, like the car they came out in in the first place. Babies can wait a few minutes till somewhere private is found.

    The society we live in does not appreciate a 'boob in the eye' in public and I never felt the need to cause a stir!!

    I do not like to be gawped at by 'strange men' or even 'strange women' or even 'strange kids'. Therefore discretion is the key and I breastfed whilst out regularly!

    I would also like to point out that we do not see people change babes nappies on park benches. There is no need to 'flash' any part of your anatomy, anywhere!!!

    Don't forget, the world has its fair share of freaks who like to intrude into other peoples private space but there's no need to attract them.

  • mouthy

    Don't forget, the world has its fair share of freaks who like to intrude into other peoples private space but there's no need to attract them.


  • free2beme

    Go somewhere private and cover up, or men are going to look and hope for a cheap quick shot

  • Abaddon

    I want the right to breastfeed in public. And I am a man...

    I think what some people are losing sight of here is the right to look the other way.

    To put their own foibles over the needs of every nursing mother and child they ever see is petty. Why should the mother and child scurry into a corner or a special room because you think turning your head and showing some tolerence is too much to do? It's almost like you're looking to take offence. It's a mother - possibly a new mother, probably a tired mother, and a #ucking BABY. Give them a break.

    As for freaks intruding into other's space, all you have to do is look the other way and shut up and you won't be intruding into a nursing mother's space anymore. Simple, eh?

    Considering the 'suffer the little children' scream that went up over Janet Jackson's nipple from parents whose kids see multiple acts of violence on TV everyday, it's obviously a cultural attitude towards nudity Europe just laughs at. As breast-feeding is non-sexual (well freaks might think it is sexual) it's good to see the vast majority of Americans don't have a problem with that.

  • Gregor

    my view of breastfeeding in public is usually obscured by a blanket or something.

  • nvrgnbk

    I want the right to breastfeed in public. And I am a man...

    I think what some people are losing sight of here is the right to look the other way.

    To put your own foibles over the needs of every nursing mother and child they ever see is petty. Why should they scurry into a corner or a special room because you think turning your head and showing some tolerence is too much to do? It's almost like you're looking to take offence. It's a mother - possibly a new mother, probably a tired mother, and a #ucking BABY. Give them a break.

    Nicely put Abaddon!


  • Gregor

    I want the right to breastfeed in public. And I am a man...

    Finally Abaddon and I agree on something. If a young, lactating woman wants to breastfeed me in public (or private) I want to exercise my right to take her up on it, by God!

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