Your View On BREASTFEEDING In Public

by minimus 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Minimus, I just discovered your thread and had to reply.

    My first baby I was not allowed to see for 24 hours because of my own health. I could have cared less, I wanted my son.....I was told not to breast feed him because of Jaundice problems.

    I didn't buy it and both him and I got started. After his first round of shots he was one of the rare babies who reacted to the DPT shots and went in to shock. The Pediatrician told me what saved him was the breast feeding.

    It was a nightmare.! Anyway, he was addicted to nursing and he didn't wean till he was two and 1/2 years old.

    It has been discovered that breast feeding contributes to intelligence, learning, etc., along with antibodies against anything the mother has had.

    He along with his younger brother, (also breast fed) Wound up in gifted programs,, mathematics, and languages.

    I attribute it to all that nursing!!!!!

    By the way, I never "whipped it out"!!!! I was never big enough


  • minimus

    Gee, I wish my mama breastfed me! I'm not so gifted.

  • nvrgnbk

    Mine did!

    Don't be so hard on yourself minimus!

    You way gifted in my book!


  • restrangled

    Minimus....I beg to differ!!!!!!! I think you are extremely gifted, you just don't realize it!


  • minimus

    Yeah.....yoo're a gifted copycat....NVR/////// Re, you're kewl.

  • nvrgnbk
    Yeah.....yoo're a gifted copycat.

    ...............................................................................That hurts real bad minimus!


  • minimus

    Ahhhh, don't be such a pussy. I was only kitten.

  • sammielee24
    Breastfeeding in publicIt's completely normal

    I hear that phrase all the time and it has no play really. A baby poops too - that's natural - and there's no way I want to see a woman changing her kid beside me in a restaurant. That has happened and sorry - but while it may be natural - and while mommy believes she has the right and so does baby - every patron in there was paying for their meal. If a woman is breastfeeding in public and is discreet there isn't a soul who even knows its happening.....but the last time I saw it happen, I was sitting in a sports bar/restaurant..middle of the was packed, and the lady on the stool made quite a production of doing it. The baby also puked up a little after and for all those was clearly uncomfortable.

    There are often benches just inside the entry of many restaurants that would work - I don't think bathrooms are the place. I don't think its always got to do with sexuality of the breast - sometimes and for some people, its just not a great thing to see - just like standing around watching a litter of pups nursing isn't cute for everyone. sammieswife.

  • truthsearcher

    Well, I see that this thread is still gathering a wide variety of opinions!

    Artists down through the ages have been captivated by the beauty of a mother nursing her child. Only in the last 100 years has the breast gone under wraps and been regarded as a purely sexual organ. (Even in the Victorian era, women breastfed openly--in church, none the less).

    I am sorry that some find it offensive, but maybe you too will learn to see it as a beautiful act of nurturing instead of something that disgusts you.

    I have a copy of Michelangelo's Virgin Mary nursing Jesus hanging in my home.

    Here are some others:

    An illuminated manuscript from the Middle Ages:

    A 15th C. Woodcut Engraving

    Louis IV and His Wet Nurse

    Rembrandt's "Holy Family"



    I found one for Richie Rich:

    Here are some thoughts from author Linda Sharp:

    "Inevitably, at some point during your nursing . . . many points if you plan on having any semblance of a life . . . you will face the controversy of NURSING IN PUBLIC! There you are, walking calmly through the mall, enjoying being out in the real world, and the tiny bundle in the stroller erupts like Vesuvius. You recognize the cry as one of hunger. Your breasts recognize the cry (yes, your breasts have ears) and immediately begin to flow. I defy anyone to try to tell a hungry infant OR a pair of milk happy orbs, to be patient. So, I would pull out the blanket, cover up the proceedings and sit quietly on a bench. The looks I would receive ranged from understanding smiles (other moms) to curiosity (teenage boys) to downright disapproval (I mean what was I hiding under that flannel cabana? Tinky Winky, I feel your pain.). One person was so intrigued, they sat down next to me and stared. I asked if I could see their ticket. What? Well, surely if you are going to watch the show, you paid admission at the door, didn't you? They quickly departed.

    Yes, I suppose it is possible to run around and find a bathroom, fitting room, or rack of clothes to hide in, but I guess I will never understand the "boob phobia" that is out there. Honestly, have those people who think there is something sexual about the nursing breast, ever SEEN one? I can think of nothing farther from a turn-on! And if a person is so offended by it being done, WHY ARE THEY WATCHING?

    Whether you follow the bible or subscribe to Darwin, one thing is the same, breasts were put here for this purpose. A woman gives birth and they fill up with milk, thus enabling her to feed her offspring, if this is the method she so chooses. So, if nursing is a choice you make, be tolerant, remember it is a natural, beautiful thing, and that "Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder." But if that person ever sits down next to you in the mall to watch? You have my permission to change it to "MILK is in the eye of the beholder." Ready, aim, fire!"

  • nvrgnbk
    Ahhhh, don't be such a pussy. I was only kitten.

    All I ever wanted was minimus' smile of approval!

    I feel so fulfilled!

    Hello truthsearcher! Good stuff!


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