How'd you pick your Avatar and/or Username? (Share a little bio?)

by Open mind 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Nothing too dramatic, my mom caught me several times with Zagor cartoon inside the watchtower she thought I was actually reading... actually dad found it rather funny ;)

    my avatars change from time to time sometimes in response to what's going on in my life sometimes because I just feel like it...

  • Tuesday

    I've had the User name "Tuesday" on most of the boards I post on. I came up with it for Tishie's old support4xjws board. Basically I posted a couple of weeks as my real name Tim, which I was still a witness and about to leave then I finally had the big blow out after a huge ordeal which I wrote about on the board. I stopped going to meetings and the first one I missed was the Tuesday meeting, I just remember that day being so peaceful and relaxing sitting home on my own. So since I was turning a new chapter in life I decided to go by a different name on the board and picked "Tuesday" because it was the best day of my life.

    My avatar hasn't changed in a while. It's of the comic "angst boy" which seemed to fit me. Whenever I'm talking about my JW past I'm usually venting, and my last few years as a witness I was similar to the character in the comics. Plus it's a pretty funny comic if you ever dressed gothic.

  • dedpoet

    My avatar is a pic of Harpo Marx, who I have long thought bears some resemblance to the now late Carey Barber. I am a fan of the Marx Brothers as well.

    I have used the name dedpoet for years on the internet. I am a poetry fan, both reading and writing it, and my all-time favourite poet is T S Eliot, who is a dead poet.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I really hate my name, ex-nj-jw I couldn't think of anything else. I wish I could change it.

    Anyway, my avatar is in support for Linda and Trevor for pancreatic cancer. Before that I didn't have a picture.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Alligator Wisdom:

    A play on words. (1) What comes to mind when you see an alligator? Are you wise enough not to irritate it? (2) The brain of an alligator is about the size of a human thumb. I may be stupid, but I'm learning all the time. Besides, would you mess with an alligator?


    Taken from the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived publication chapter 82. Accompanying scriptural text : ( Luke 13:24) "Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell YOU, will seek to get in but will not be able,

    Being raised as a JW, I was taught to struggle and contend in order to get approved by Jehovah. It burned me out. Now I realize that God is far more lenient and loving than the WTS portrayed Him to be. The avatar is a reminder of what energy I wasted in the past and to reassure me that Jehovah gives me strength that is not of my own.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)

  • UnConfused

    My avatar picked me.

  • Paralipomenon

    Way back in the day when AOL used to send out CD's en masse I used to sign up for a free month trial every time. Eventually I started to run out of user names based off my real name.

    I tried many combinations and "cool" sounding names but they were all taken so after a frustrating 15 mins of attempts I went over to the dictionary and opened it up to a random page to look for an obscure word.

    I found this one.

    Paralipomenon is actually an alternative name for the book of Chronicles. I liked it instantly because the meaning of the word would completely escape any hardcore witness.

    Since Chronicles is a book of the bible, I picked a book avatar.

  • bigwilly

    My username:

    Big - I'm 6'4" 270# Willy - Last name is Williams, Willy for short. And I couldn't resist the inuendo

    My avatar is me, in my utilikilt doing a psychobilly sorta thing. Sparkplyug made me change it from the devil guy I had before

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My Avatar is a picture I took , while on vacation, of a strom coming ashore on Myrtle Beach ,SC . I thought it fit well for how I felt when I first starting posting here . Troubled ,disturbed in upheaval emotionally . I have been a JW all my life ,and through those many years I have battled internally with doubts and fears . The mental acrobatics it takes to make sense of the witness life caused much confusion for me, causing a troubled mind . I began a search of joy and happiness when I turned forty . One day I asked myself to really look at my life experience , what had I learned so far and did I need a change . The answer was I was not happy trying to live up to others expectations, and yes I did need a change . So as a Troubled MInd I came to this board to seek out others that had similar experiences, and to learn how they have made a new life for themselves. My mind is no longer so troubled , yet I don't want to forget how it was before .

  • new boy
    new boy

    A "New Boy" at bethel was a guy who was just learning how everything in the society REALLY works. Someone who didn't know all the unwritten rules yet..........someone who was always learning, someone who needed to have humility. Part of the many class distinctions in the organization, to keep people off balance.

    As for my Avatar It is me in a German luftwaffe uniform.

    A fter a 15 year study.......I believe in reincarnation........we have been here many times. Through different means, I have found out that in my last life time, I was a pliot in WW II. I killed myself because I didn't have the courage to stand up to the "Nazis"...Thus my Nazis Jehovah's Witnesss life Everything that comes around goes the say.

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