I went to the Memorial.

by RichieRich 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    Richie said: there's a good deal of brothers out there with holy spirit powered flashlights trying to tell people where to park.

    Oh my god Richie.....I just about spit my coffee all over the computer screen when I read this. LMAO!!!

    Crumpet said: What kind of mother kills off their offspring and deserves any sympathy for that? Her tears should be of absolute shame for her one year shunning of Richie even during what in this country is considered by law technically a minor. He didn't make her cry. He simply reflected back at her exactly what she said to him. If she found that painful well tough - its hard sometimes to hear your own words back at you............She is shunning him because he rejects an organisation.

    Couldn't have said it any better myself Crumpet. I have no sympathy for people who treat their own flesh and blood like shit and prefer to obey a publishing company in New York instead. I agree. I hope she did feel bad. Maybe it'll make her stop and think about what she's done. Did she or any other Witness ever stop to think about how Richie felt, being cut off like that? Nope, they don't care.

  • KW13

    Couldn't have said it any better myself Crumpet. I have no sympathy for people who treat their own flesh and blood like shit and prefer to obey a publishing company in New York instead. I agree. I hope she did feel bad. Maybe it'll make her stop and think about what she's done. Did she or any other Witness ever stop to think about how Richie felt, being cut off like that? Nope, they don't care.

    I believe mary, the phrase is 'out of sight - out of mind'. If they can't see something like pretend it doesn't exist.

  • penny2

    I'm feeling a little sad about how it turned out with your mum. In your previous thread I said I hoped your mum would give you a hug. I guess this wasn't destined to happen. I'm sorry about that. The indoctrination of the WTS causes people to act in an unnatural manner.

  • LittleToe

    IMHO you make some astute observations, and I thank you for your reply.

    When Jehovah's Witnesses call their religion "the truth" they are not in error.

    I disagree. Likewise I wouldn't call any religion or book "the truth", as I recently commented on in the latest Trinity thread. But I suspect we can agree to disagree.

    It constantly surprises me that people like your dad still take the religion seriously.

    You're not the only one. He's an intelligent and caring man. I can't help but wonder how much of the investment is tied up in loving [and supporting the decisions of] his parents. If it was good enough for them, its good enough for us, etc. This is a different generation that rarely does things for that reason anymore.

    To be frank and to my shame, I never questioned things either, even as an Elder. As you know, I was raised with it and believed it hook, line and sinker. To that end I can only applaud young, free-thinking people who come to realise its a crock without the kind of jolt that kickstarted my own awareness.

    It was something like: "should someone with AIDS go to a book study in someone's house?" I thought to myself what on earth is that all about. How is that relevant.

    I remember that well, but didn't know about her comments, so thanks for filling me in with that little detail. We had actually taken that lassie to the Hall, for her questions, and it was shortly prior to my realising that I would have to leave the WTS. Some supplementary questions had come out about AIDS, wherein it was suggested that folks with that ailment should go to the Hall Book Study Group rather than a private home. I was especially interested because I took the Hall group, but aside from that it had become de rigeur to ask those questions

    It seems he wants to bind his future self into a position where his bodily appearance would prevent him from reversing his decision to leave the Witnesses.

    I suspect he would disagree with you as to his reasons, but the psychology of such things is certainly an interesting topic.

    And I feel some get a perverse thrill out of seeing him do things they "wish they had the guts to do themselves" or some such silly notion. But that's a bit selfish because he is a real human being out there somewhere with a mother who is crying.

    I agree. Human nature is a strange and perverse thing, sometimes, huh?

  • KW13
    When Jehovah's Witnesses call their religion "the truth" they are not in error.
    I disagree. Likewise I wouldn't call any religion or book "the truth", as I recently commented on in the latest Trinity thread. But I suspect we can agree to disagree.

    lol, unless they believe the truth to be a lie..then that is the truth is it not?

  • daystar


    Great story. I gotta tell ya, I was right there with ya, except at my old Hall. Different names, different faces, same old people though.

    At the end, as you both left (which scene is all too familiar to me as well as I took an old girlfriend to the last memorial I went to, years ago), those lines Thin Lizzy wrote burst to mind.

    "The boys are back in town!"

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    I am glad that you are taking it so well because I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Their behavior is intolerably cruel. I am glad though, that at least one person smiled at you and showed some sort of fellow felling.


  • Dismembered

    Richie, I could picture everything you wrote. You're a great story teller.


  • kerj2leev

    Dude are you seeing someone to talk about all this.....you seem to have way too much anger going on here!

  • jgnat

    Richie's mom surprised me too. Fainting would have gotten as much attention. The woman has steel ovaries, that is for sure. It seems she misses being in charge of Richie's life. (Talking TO the girlfriend, getting her name wrong, grabbing Richie's arm). I am sure she would have wanted to pick the girl he dates, too.

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