"You'll never even get to finish school in this System of Things....."

by WingCommander 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jankyn

    Yep, I too heard that...and now I'm middle-aged (but with an education and a good job, since I bailed on the bOrg and went to school in the late 70s).

    What's amazing is the supposed change in attitude about higher education. Why, if it's okay to get career training now, are we still hearing so many stories from young pups like Wing Commander? Nothing's changed at all--they still fear and ridicule people who are educated.

    Jankyn (yep, still p.o.'d)

  • yucca

    When 1975 passed by I decided i needed a job with benefits and a pension. By 1978 I got on on at the phone co. I am now retired with pension and benefits. I am glad I didn't listen to them. 1978 was the last time I stepped foot in a Kingdom hall. I was told I couldn't work at phone co because I would miss meetings. I told them when they help support what I needed to live financially they could have a say. Never heard from them anymore. My family also left so it was easy for me.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    But Armageddon was coming soon and what was the point of sending a woman to Uni to learn to be a doctor! In the new system we won't need doctors and the new system is coming Very Soon!

    Ah- hah! Gender revelation. I had you in the wrong camp, Gill, till now.


  • Gill

    Jeff - Must be my 'macho' handwriting!

  • MinisterAmos

    that particular phrase even made it into the books

  • Mary
    You'll never even get to finish school in this System of Things....." This statement was often echeod to me during my formative years. I remember my very first day of elementary school (Stateside) at the age of 4. My parents were flustered because they couldn't believe they actually had to START their only child into public school to begin with; after all, the end was right around the corner! This was 1984.

    Ya. My grandmother was told that my mother would never go to public school either. That was in 1938. I'm going to university now, instead of 20 years ago, thanks to the bonehead advice we were given about the evils of higher education and how close the New System of Things was. I wonder how many more generations will purposely neglect their children's education based on the bad advise from the senile idiots down at Brooklyn Bethel.

    'This System of Things' is like the Energizer Bunny: It keeps going and going and going........

  • lisavegas420

    hmmm....lets see did we miss any years. I started school in 1965 I was told I'd never go to high school.


  • Nowman

    I did not have natural intelligence but if I applied myself, I did well. I was also an only child. My parents never pushed me to do better in school. As long as I passed, I never heard boo. They never asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I grew up thinking higher education was not necessary. Even when I was 16-17, there were a couple of girls I knew that regular pioneered and went to college! My parents looked down on them, and you know what? I did too. Why? Because they were going to college.

    My mom and dad never said any like "you will never finish school in this system of things", they just never said anything about school period. When I found myself interested in something, they would come along and take it away right under my feet. I was so confused, I had not done anything wrong, yet they said I had to stop doing what I was doing.

    Just thinking about what I mentioned above makes me want to stop thinking about it.


    PS: I was really trying to let wing commander know that I understand completely...

  • moshe

    I started my electrician apprenticeship in 1971 . A few months earlier my 1st wife and I had started studying with a JW neighbor. All through my 5 years of apprenticeship I was told by the JW's to give it up and be a pioneer, as I would never finish it anyway before Armageddon came. I never listened to them and I can draw my pension anytime I want now from the 20+ years of work I had from that Union.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Yep, I was told the same thing. You will never finish high school before the new system will be here. Well I finished high school, got my nursing degree, got married, had 3 kids and now they are going to college!!!

    Where is the big A???? I hate that org!!!!!


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