"You'll never even get to finish school in this System of Things....."

by WingCommander 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WingCommander

    This statement was often echeod to me during my formative years. I remember my very first day of elementary school (Stateside) at the age of 4. My parents were flustered because they couldn't believe they actually had to START their only child into public school to begin with; after all, the end was right around the corner! This was 1984, the year the first Apple MAC was introduced, 80's music was loud and in your face, the Delorean was cool, and Miami Vice was just in production. My parents had been baptized for over a year, though studying since the late 70's.

    Surely, their one and only child would never have to grow up in this evil system of things or ever even come near graduating High School, much less college? Fast forward to June 1997. I sat on a stage of bleachers waiting for my name to be called to pick up my diploma in a class of 150. I was in the top 10% of my graduating class, mainly due to my own natural intelligence, not due to any pushing from my parents to further myself into going to college. But alas, that didn't stop my class Valedictorian from going to college, his pushy JW mother didn't seem to care about the Society's position of higher education, so her boy was not only Valedictorian, but also attending a local college with nearly a full scholarship. What a slap in the face to the Society, and also to me. While I was happy to see a JW Valedictorian, the irony was sickening. Here was one JW, going off to college to be an engineer. Another had already entered the work force, and had no hope of college as his parents hadn't saved any money for him to do so, didn't encourage him to seek grants and scholorships, wouldn't sign for student loans, and also still preached that, "You'll never graduate in this evil System of Things." I couldn't believe the parents who had once spoken that I'd never see the end of High School, were still spouting this religious tripe 13 years later and applying it to college!! I was just devastated. I had taken my own initiative though, and had attended a vocational school for a while to learn a trade, and therefore had very desireable marketable skills. I had entered my profession at age 16, and one year after high school was working for a major firm, ahead of my peers in college. But that 4 year jump means nothing in 2007, as they have their degree from 2001 and much higher pay scale, and I have experience and am barely catching up in pay, if ever. On top of everything, I lost my father in 1999, so he won't be spouting off how, "I'll NEVER reach retirement age or grow old in this evil System of Things." Fortunately, through a series of fortunate events, my mother has seen the light about the Organization, and I won't ever have to hear such rediculous tripe about education again.

    I can only pity any school aged children of JW's that are still in, as I know for fact their parents are probably spouting off the same rediculous crap that was spouted off to me over 20 years ago. 20 years.......I remember as a small child wondering where I'd be in 20 years, wondering if I really would be in the New System playing with my pet tiger. I never imagined I'd have my own career, a mortage, 2 cars, a pet, etc. After all, none of us are even suppsed to be here living like this now, are we? Thanks alot WatchTower Society for installing a warped sense of paranoia into the hearts of your followers, and encouraging them to be ignorant janitors.........

    - Wing Commander

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We were hearing the same thoughts when I started school in 1960. I was expected to never finish high school, ever get a job, or ever get married.

    47 years later I anticipate retirement in about a decade and a half more. My grandkids are in school. And before I leave this earth [I hope] my great-grandkids will be in school.

    You just can't trust those Brooklyn Bastards, can you?


  • carla

    Good grief! I thought you were going to show us basically the same quote from the 1969 May issue of Awake! and here your an 80's baby?!!

  • StillGroggy

    Wow. Thank you for that WingCommander, as a JW that came in around the time when they were loosening the restriction on college, I never really felt the full effect of the anti-college stuff. I still told my guidance counselors I wasn't interested in universities and went to a technical school like other good dubs.

    But I ended up in community college anyway. I really get pissed off when I read stuff like yours. WTF was the society thinking?

    It's funny, you'll still hear stuff like this from JWs though. Since now the society is using the "It's right at hand", we have no proof it's any closer, but its still right at hand!!! I heard my wife talk about never having to pay off the house fully because of the end of the system. I told her "Lets not count on that, lets count on having to..."


  • garybuss

    I heard the same thing at home and at the Kingdom Hall. When I started first grade in 1950 I was told I'd never go to high school. Then I was told I'd never get married and have children in this old world. Of course, I'm 62 and a grandparent now.

    Not one single thing Witnesses ever told me came true . . . except their threat to shun me if I ever quit the group. That came true.

  • Elsewhere

    Yup... I remember being told the same thing when I was put into 1st grade. Next thing ya know I graduated high school in 1991... then graduated college.

    I'm lucky that I was skeptical about "how close the end is" and started saving for retirement.

    What is sad is my dad had almost nothing saved for retirement. Sometime I wonder what he's going to do.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Oh how I hate to see that sentence.. "You'll never even finish school in this system ". Why ? Because that was pounded in me from such an early age ! I can remember being in service with my mother at age 4 and having a pioneer sister say that very thing to me , that was 1965 . Guess what ,I started school in 1966 . When I was about 10, I was told , 'oh you will never have to go to high school ' . I also remember my older brothers being told the very same thing . I was a very good student and teachers were stunned in High School that college was not my goal . By my Senior year I was in full witness mode , and did not take my worldly grandfathers advice or accept his help to go on in my education. .......... Instead I got married the day after I graduated High school . I remember being so worried Armeggedon would come before I had a family of my own , and that honestly was the only thing I ever had the courage to dream for , no other goals or aspirations . When I did have children of my own I promised myself they would not be raised with doom and gloom always in front of them . Which was no easy task seeing my husband and I were both witnesses . As my kids reached college age I could not bear the assembly parts about ' how happy pioneer boy was since he turned down scholarships to seek spiritual goals instead .' I would talk to my sons at home and tell them that was not realistic . They knew I felt I had made a big mistake . One son went to trade school , the other used a two year scholarship and received his Associates , The youngest hated school and still is undecided . I am happy to see more and more parents my age are going against the societies advice and are at least seeing their kids get two yr . degrees. It is still looked down on to go four yrs. That is until they graduate into good paying jobs and can donate more ..then they are right back in good graces .

  • Descender

    You know it occured to me that JW's telling their kids that they'll be in the New System before they're out of school is very similar, albeit more harmful, to something that JW's demonize the "world" for doing. Telling their kids that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are real. Witnesses might not realize it, but getting their kids hopes up about an upcoming paradise that will be here just around the corner is most likely much more harmful than making them believe in make-believe creatures and people during their younger years.

  • Zico

    I was told this as well. It's currently unlike that my Dad will ever reach retirement either. Which is why he doesn't need a pension.

  • Gill

    WingCommander - It still 'stings' after all these years, doesn't it!

    I mentioned something along this line the other week about a very very intelligent JW relative who his parents are pushing into being a plumber so that he can help serve the bOrg. Many on the board seemed to think that hey! Plumber! Great! What they didn't see was that this young man was way, way ahead of plumber material, not that there is anything at all wrong with being a plumber! They're fantastic when you need a new bathroom, fix your drains, etc and earn a great wage! Great! But his lad could have been learning sciences, and curing cancer and god knows what else!

    I was an 'A' student all through my school years! I had a vocation! I would have done well! Maybe no genius but way ahead of boring average!

    But Armageddon was coming soon and what was the point of sending a woman to Uni to learn to be a doctor! In the new system we won't need doctors and the new system is coming Very Soon!

    I don't forgive my foolish parents!

    I don't forgive myself for giving in to them and just working as a cleaner. I must have been the most over qualified cleaner on the planet....bar a few.

    So now.....I find out, like the rest of you, that it was all a Big Lie, and just false advertising for a book publishing company!

    I could spit! And it still stings!

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