"You'll never even get to finish school in this System of Things....."

by WingCommander 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hillbilly

    She has learned well.. it's ALWAYS our fault...good or bad in the Watchtowers passive/agressive little world.


  • Omegaman

    Hello Everyone

    It served the orgnaization very well when "young ones" dont go for higher education..........spending your best years building an organization once you figure it all out you are in to deep and its too late to go back......you are stuck...the society sure gave some bad advise ..I would agree if the system of things only had a few years or even a decade it would be unwise to go for extra education but if it goes on for 10,20,30,40+ years then it only hurts the people.......................it's turns into a self fullfilling prophesy........one gets stuck in a dead end job and then you go to the meeting and they say how bad the world is and how hard it is to make a living and how tired the world makes you and you sit there agreeing.............. but the kids that you went to school with who are now doctors or scientists etc are travelling the world and enjoying what life has to offer ......

    If you complain about your lot....remember Brothers " you knew when you got baptized that serving Jah was a sacrifice" so stop your complaining

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello Everyone

    It served the orgnaization very well when "young ones" dont go for higher education..........spending your best years building an organization once you figure it all out you are in to deep and its too late to go back......you are stuck...the society sure gave some bad advise ..I would agree if the system of things only had a few years or even a decade it would be unwise to go for extra education but if it goes on for 10,20,30,40+ years then it only hurts the people.......................it's turns into a self fullfilling prophesy........one gets stuck in a dead end job and then you go to the meeting and they say how bad the world is and how hard it is to make a living and how tired the world makes you and you sit there agreeing.............. but the kids that you went to school with who are now doctors or scientists etc are travelling the world and enjoying what life has to offer ......

    If you complain about your lot....remember Brothers " you knew when you got baptized that serving Jah was a sacrifice" so stop your complaining

    I like the way you think omegaman! Wecome to JWD!


  • Omegaman

    thank you, one of my only regrets is we didnt have JWD 20 years ago..........things get brighter with time ;o)

  • Invetigator74

    Being raised in the Borg from the age of 9 the only things I had to look forward to was Bethel, Full time Pioneering, or Gilead(training to be a missionary). I eventually left the borg at 18, but with no focus.No parental guide to steer me , being that I DAed myself, the family unit wasn't ever to be the same again.Thanks to the Lord,I landed in a civil service job which I recently was able to retire from at a young age, and my focus in life is becoming much clearer. On occasions I visit my parents,who still desire my return to the Borg,but appear in the last few years to accept the choice I made.I was mad at them and with myself for a long time. But you know what, I have the freedom to do what I want in this life!! I'm checking into some college courses . Still haven't a clue of "what I want to be when I grow up "(lol) but it'll be fun finding out.I applaud those who have the will to stick it out for there are many blessings/rewards once you achieve your goal. God Bless all on this board.

  • nvrgnbk
    thank you, one of my only regrets is we didnt have JWD 20 years ago..........things get brighter with time ;o)

    DITTO! O-man. Looking forward to your thoughts on matters.


    You know it occured to me that JW's telling their kids that they'll be in the New System before they're out of school is very similar, albeit more harmful, to something that JW's demonize the "world" for doing. Telling their kids that Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are real. Witnesses might not realize it, but getting their kids hopes up about an upcoming paradise that will be here just around the corner is most likely much more harmful than making them believe in make-believe creatures and people during their younger years.


    I can't remember any "worldly" kids who had nightmares about Santa or the Easter Bunny not being real...BUT I do remember myself having a few sleepless nights about being tossed into an Armageddon induced crevice because I wasn't worthy enough.

    Being born into this so-called religion is equivalent to living a horror movie. Armageddon and the bloody destruction of billions of non-JWs, even baptized JW-slackers, is the GB's Sword of Damocles which they dangle above the true believers and their children.

    -BONEZZ (who tested in the top of the class but barely graduated in 1969 because mom and dad said, "Don't worry about grades. Just get through school because IT won't be much longer." Ok, it's 38 years later and I'm play catch-up!

  • nvrgnbk


    I can't remember any "worldly" kids who had nightmares about Santa or the Easter Bunny not being real...BUT I do remember myself having a few sleepless nights about being tossed into an Armageddon induced crevice because I wasn't worthy enough.

    Being born into this so-called religion is equivalent to living a horror movie. Armageddon and the bloody destruction of billions of non-JWs, even baptized JW-slackers, is the GB's Sword of Damocles which they dangle above the true believers and their children.

    -BONEZZ (who tested in the top of the class but barely graduated in 1969 because mom and dad said, "Don't worry about grades. Just get through school because IT won't be much longer." Ok, it's 38 years later and I'm play catch-up!

    Amen Brother BONEZZ! All the sqandered opportunity is scarier than a horror movie! I feel your pain. Now we

    must live every day with NO REGRETS!


  • found-my-way

    I can't remember any "worldly" kids who had nightmares about Santa or the Easter Bunny not being real...BUT I do remember myself having a few sleepless nights about being tossed into an Armageddon induced crevice because I wasn't worthy enough.


    I used to have HORRIBLE nightmares of armegeddon....

    fire and people burning alive, lighting and hail and buildings that were falling in on everyone...they were the most vivid, graphic dreams I ever had (next to the wet dreams, but that's another topic). Shortly after reading apostate info, and learning about the Borg, the lies and the deceit, I stopped having nightmares of Armegeddon....

    I too was told to not go to Uni, A was right around the corner!, so I didnt, to the chagrin of my guidance counsellor, and teachers....ah well, no use being bitter about that (tho it is tempting!) gotta just use my life right now, the way I see fit, and find my way to happiness...

  • Omegaman

    when I was a kid and my parents were studing in the mid 1970's I remember seeing a movie on TV "Omega man" with Charlies Heston (you know the guy who played moses) I remember how scared I was ...hearing armegenden at the meetings, war, etc and watching this movie in my little mind I coundt quite understand everything I heard at the meetings but in my mind I felt scared of things to come...funny how I still remember that today

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