by Mary 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • found-my-way

    Kate, Im happy for your niece, (sorry to hear that your experiences were so detrimental...seems to be par for the JW course)

    lol, it almost looks like i had a double masectomy, it really sucks when you look in the mirror, and part of you has disappeared overnight.

  • kwintestal
    Hey Kwin , I thought I was the only one to have that surgery. Those lying doctors. Anyway, I gotta go back in May for a further reduction. They couldn't take care of ALL OF IT in just one surgery. Maybe we could start a "support" group.(pun very much intended)

    You too! Wow, small world!


  • found-my-way
    You too! Wow, small world!

    Don't you mean ''big'' world?

  • restrangled

    I am so aggravated ....I saw the question how did you lose your boobs? .....what a stupid comment. I don't even consider it a question, just a low class remark.

    After taking my mother in for Breast cancer, I feel, how low class and stupid can anyone get about womens breasts.

    How often do you hear cracks about mens special little parts. And by god, little they are when they make fun of women.

    I am in no mood for testostrone related opinions.


  • nvrgnbk

    I am so aggravated ....I saw the question how did you lose your boobs? .....what a stupid comment. I don't even consider it a question, just a low class remark.

    After taking my mother in for Breast cancer, I feel, how low class and stupid can anyone get about womens breasts.

    How often do you hear cracks about mens special little parts. And by god, little they are when they make fun of women.

    I am in no mood for testostrone related opinions.


    I did not ask the question, but I laughed at it, so I'll apologize to you. It crossed my mind all too late that it was possibly due to cancer. However, the tone of the woman participating in the coversation did not suggest that. It turns out that it was not related to cancer, but rather to breastfeeding. I am very sorry for your mother's situation. Please accept my most sincere regrets and apologies.


  • restrangled

    Thankyou NVR


  • found-my-way

    I meant no disrespect to the women who have lost their breasts to cancer. My heart goes out to them. please accept my apologies if I have offended anyone.

  • JWdaughter

    Yes. Lots of it. Just to get to normal, not like I want to be a supermodel or anything. Also lost breasts to the babies, but I would just get a lift and accept them as smaller. Big ones will just go the way of big boobs-down! I lost a lot of weight and would get tummy tuck and arms done. My favorite body part is my little fingers-so I will leave them alone.:) They are really cute. Invasive surgery is dangerous and has a lot of risks, but mentally, if your body is deformed enough to bother you, and can be fixed, it is worth it to take the risks, IMO.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    I'm so sick of plastic surgery. Instead of wasting it on jaded young LA women who wish to be 90 pounds with DD boobs, why don't we save the cost and expense and leave it only for those who really need it...i.e. breast cancer survivors and those with true physical disfigurements. Honestly...why do women these days feel it's necessary to look like a 10 year old boy with the breasts of a 200 pound woman? I'm only 21 and I'm perfectly secure in my looks and sexuality. I'm curvaceous at a ''whopping'' 125 lbs. with stretch marks and varicose veins...yet me and my boyfriend have sex every other night if not EVERY NIGHT. And for our ''older'' women/men on the board...I feel sorry for you if you even feel you NEED plastic surgery. Baldness, receding hairline, varicose veins, saggy tits...??? Just be happy you're still alive!!! I can't wait till I have gray hair w/ the gray pubes to match...that means I'll be justified in b*tching about the good old times and I'll have an excuse to be senile. Embrace yourself people!!!!! ~luv, jojo

  • nvrgnbk
    I'm so sick of plastic surgery. Instead of wasting it on jaded young LA women who wish to be 90 pounds with DD boobs, why don't we save the cost and expense and leave it only for those who really need it...i.e. breast cancer survivors and those with true physical disfigurements. Honestly...why do women these days feel it's necessary to look like a 10 year old boy with the breasts of a 200 pound woman? I'm only 21 and I'm perfectly secure in my looks and sexuality. I'm curvaceous at a ''whopping'' 125 lbs. with stretch marks and varicose veins...yet me and my boyfriend have sex every other night if not EVERY NIGHT. And for our ''older'' women/men on the board...I feel sorry for you if you even feel you NEED plastic surgery. Baldness, receding hairline, varicose veins, saggy tits...??? Just be happy you're still alive!!! I can't wait till I have gray hair w/ the gray pubes to match...that means I'll be justified in b*tching about the good old times and I'll have an excuse to be senile. Embrace yourself people!!!!! ~luv, jojo

    You go girl. That self-confidence looks good on you.

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