Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?

by gumby 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    Gumelder said: On one hand i'm glad to know the truth about the witnesses but on the other hand i'm left void. So the question for me I happier in knowing the truth ( about "the Truth")

    Well sweetie, no one can define what 'happiness' means to another person, but the 'happiness' that we may have felt while still in the Borg wasn't real. It's kinda like a drug addict asking if they're happier without their bag of crack cocaine. The high/happiness they feel after taking a hit is not 'real life'-----and when they come down from their high, they're depressed as hell and want to feel that wonderful feeling again, even though it's slowly killing them.

    Discovering the truth about The Truth can have the same devastating effect. When we were believers, it's like we were constantly high. We just knew that God approved of us, and that we'd never grow old and die and that the New System of Things was just over the rainbow, and as soon as we got there, all our troubles would melt like lemon drops. Why concern yourself with savings, education, improving yourself or retiring? None of that was ever going to happen. I remember one of my friends saying when we were teenagers "...I'll never have to worry about getting old. I'll either be dead or in the New System, but never old."

    Real life is not like that and I think the main reason alot of us find it so difficult to adjust is that we loved the (empty) promises the WT made us. We realize now that we are getting older, that we do have to think about retiring and we have to acknowledge that we are going to die one day. And that can be hard to do. For me personally, I'm happier that I don't have to attend all their bullshit meetings anymore. I enjoy listening to Charles Stanley and James Dobson and I find their sermons a hell of a lot better than anything I ever heard at the Kingdumb Hall and it's helped me heal somewhat from the devastating effects this religion had on me.

    I'm like you: I'd love to have all the answers to life right now. But that's not going to happen. The best we can do is enjoy the time we have on this earth, and to love those who are dear to us while we can. As for myself, I believe that there is a life after this one. I've talked to people who have had Near Death Experiences and they all say the same thing: they no longer fear death. The Witnesses may seem like they're happy, but remember: their friendships and love for their family is all conditional on how loyal someone is to the Organization. The never-ending drudgery of 5 meetings a week, field service, assemblies, special meetings, personal study, family study is done to keep them on their false 'high'-----it does not bring true happiness.

    Now quit yer damn whining, ya stretchy green bastard, and go offer the CO a free nutshine.

  • MsMcDucket
    Many of us who were once Jehovah's Witnesses had a measure of happiness in our lives. For me, I had a hope in the future, I had answers as to why we are all here, I believed in a loving god who looked after me and cared about me, I had answers to all of lifes big questions

    First of all. Hello Gumby! Where you been hiding? And to answer your question, I felt that way with my mother's religion, but I felt that God was more kinder in my mother's religion. I just didn't like the hell concept. I thought the witnesses version was better. Man, I wish I hadn't of listened to the doorknockers.

    I could of been married to a pro baseball player, but that's another story! I never spoke to the man for over 20 something years. Then one day, I had a nightmare that he was in trouble. He gave me info 20 years ago that if I ever needed to reach him to call his mother. I remembered his mother's name!

    I found his number! I called him and asked him if he was ok? He was like who is this? He was really shakened? He kept saying who is this? I told him. He said he remembered me. He now calls me his angel. Weird, huh! He never said what was going on.

  • MsMcDucket

    One more thing. In my mother's religion, I believed that you could always call on God and that he would never put more on you than you could bare. The witnesses made me believe that God only listened to witnesses.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When you first arrive at the amusement park, you haven't eaten the food, you haven't
    gone on the new roller coaster, you haven't seen the acrobat. It's exciting.

    If you stayed all day from opening to closing, you are still content to try different rides
    and shows and food for quite a while, but you get tired. You are no longer excited, but
    may still enjoy yourself.

    Now, if you were starting to get tired, but you felt that your long day was to be topped
    off with a spectacular fireworks display right at the time the park closes, you could hold
    your excitement up longer. Suppose closing never arrived, though? The day just keeps
    dragging on. You start to get sick of the food and the rides. You've seen every show.
    It really is getting old. There's an announcement that the park is staying open all night
    and the fireworks might occur sometime that night, or perhaps tomorrow night. Can you
    stay happy then?

    The JW religion does that to you. It holds your excitement or sense of urgency for too
    long, then doesn't deliver results. There are plenty of other analogies that could work-
    Exercising, hiking, dancing too long.
    Continuous sex without the orgasm- not allowed to stop until it comes.
    Drinking heavily until you get sick, then being forced to continue drinking.

    Maybe ignorance is bliss, but only if you can stay in the frame of mind that you
    haven't had enough, yet- the finale is worth it. Once you know that the finale isn't
    coming- it's agony to stay. One can be happier than they were while pretending to
    know the end is near.


    GumbDub..My man!..I did`nt think there was a paradise coming until some looney tune told me thats the way it is,or I`d get a beating and God will kill me..LOL!!.....Do we live,then die and thats just it?..Is there a paradise coming?..Do we go to heaven?..Are we re-encarnated?..I don`t know!..I do know one thing,the WBT$ is absolutly friggin corrupt and I don`t want my kids near that sh*t!.....Right now you have the power to show your grandkids how to live,enjoy life and enjoy it with them..No one wants thier kids or grandkids to die of old age,disease or any other friggin thing,but for now,thats the way it is.....Look at and appreciate,what you have!..Theres not much point in feeling a loss,about something you never had...OUTLAW

  • Kaput

    Hey Gumbum!

    IMO, the REAL truth has been hidden by those having the power to do so. This has been ongoing for millennia. It's an extremely difficult journey for anyone who wants the answers to questions such as who/what created us or did we evolve...what is the eventuality for the earth and we enter another phase of existence after dying or do our atoms merely become assimilated by the universe, etc. We may embrace evolution, or Jesus, or reincarnation, but is it the truth? There ARE answers, but we may never get them during our lifetime. The Borg attracted truthseekers from the world by proclaiming itself the be-all end-all of truth. The reality is that for over a hundred years millions have been lied to and abused, and the chicanery continues. You know the truth about "the truth". Unfortunately, your family does not. How much patience do you have, waiting for them to come to the same realization as you have about the JW religion? I'm afraid your inner self will be in turmoil until all whom you love follow you out the door. It cannot be any other way for one who loves his/her family and the truth.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Knowing the truth about the "truth" is exciting at first. It actually reminds me of the feeling I had when I learned the "truth" from the jws. You are just dying to tell others all about it. But there comes a time when that starts to wear off and you start thinking about where do I go from here? I don't think any of us can know the complete truth about the future or an afterlife in this lifetime. If we could, the search would not still be going on.

    Maybe you need to ask yourself what makes you happy. For me, it is my family and good friends. But it also includes a belief that there is a loving God and a life that lasts forever. But all of this predates my experiences with the jws. Most churches don't demand that you believe everything that they teach. The jws, on the other hand, very much do demand this. Of course, you can just pretend and never actually talk about other ideas.

    As a jw, I always craved an honest exchange of ideas, like we have here on this board. Do you have anyone close to you that will honestly allow you to talk openly with them? That can make the jw experience much more tolerable. I am glad you have your family back. No one should have to be shunned, as the jws teach. Don't let others tell you what to believe or not to believe and hope can be a good thing. If you truly long for a relationship with a loving God, then work on that. If you want to instill a hope for the future in your children and grandchildren, then by all means do. I guess I am trying to say to find the good in life. I find that being in nature instills a wonder in me that makes me feel a closeness to the divine. It makes me think that everything will work out for the best in time.

    I find an emptiness in just living for myself. I also feel an emptiness in turning away from the beauty of creation and God. I could not believe that there is no future past this short life. I guess I am glad I learned the truth about the "truth". But I didn't let the errors of the jws take away my hope or my belief in the divine.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Damn...I had such a good reply that I was going to write, but..I swear...I forgot what the hell I was going to write.....Oh I remember....I for one am very happy I found out certain "truths about the truth". I now look at their literature with new eyes, and it can be quite amusing at times watching them spin their web. But, I stopped searching for what is true and what God has planned for us. I feel, that it will all be reveiled in it's own due time...and what we need to know....we'll know and learn through our experences in life. I do believe in God, I don't feel like I've turned away from Jehovah, as the Witnesses are fond of saying. I believe in the Gospels, but that's pretty much it. I don't have any use for any teachings of Paul, cause I feel his teachings are what started all this christian religious rules and regulations nonsense. As Jesus said....All you need is Love.....(oh wait...)

  • Gregor

    ...but I am a lot relaxter.

    Country Girl, that's the word I've been trying to put my finger on! Yes, I am a lot relaxter too.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?

    yes gumby bro. the truth will set you free. never forget it, even if it's the truth about God.


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