Leolaia's Scenic Travel Photos

by Leolaia 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Le Havre Bridge, Le Havre, France, July 2003

    Farms in the valleys near Mount Fuji, Japan, July 2004

    Sidewalk view in Tokyo, Japan, July 2004

    Sunrise over Ayres Rock, September 2006

    Girl posing at the Great Wall, Badaling, China, July 2004

    Police officer at Tiananman Square, Beijing, July 2004

    Crocodile jumping out of the water, Darwin, Australia, August 2006

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Way cool shots Leolaia! Very impressive.

  • Leolaia

    I just made travel plans this morning for my trip to Copenhagen and Amsterdam (to go to a conference), this coming June.

  • bernadette

    the Ayr's rock pic is strikingly beautiful

    As for the croc - words fail me - it looks too close for comfort!

  • atypical

    Leolaia - I just saw the other Petronas Towers photos you posted - thank you so much! Those are shots that I haven't seen in any book. I'm going to make one my wallpaper. All of your other photos are beautiful, as well. I am so happy for you that you have gotten to see so much of the world.

  • Leolaia

    atypical....It's a beautiful building, and Kuala Lumpur is a very lovely city...I'd visit there again if I had the chance. I went up and walked on the skybridge in between the two towers. It was less than a year after 9/11 and the Petronas guide apparently wanted to reassure us by saying that we would be safe if a plane crashed into the building....not exactly what I wanted to think about while suspended from the ground between two towers of the world's tallest building (at that time).

    Another funny thing was that another tourist who happened to be there on the skybridge at the time turned up the next day at the same jetty I was taking to go to Tamen Negara National Park several hundred kilometers away. And then we ran into her the day after on the tree canopy walk... funny how you keep bumping into the same people...

  • Vivamus

    Very very very nice pictures!!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Leolaia

    bernadette... Here are some more crocs! Crocs rule!!

    Crocodile swimming in a lake, Cairns, Australia, August 2006

    Crocodile basking on a muddy river bank, Normanton, Australia, August 2006

    Crocodile in the Adelaide River, Darwin, Australia, August 2006

  • frankiespeakin

    Wow Leo, you really get around. I used to be desire to travel when younger but not quite so far away. I would guess it is a desire to see and exerience these land and cultures for yourself.

    I enjoyed the pictures, You have a real zest for the novelty's of life. I have a camera that takes some nice pictures, but lent it the women I "was" living with, (we are still very good freinds), I never used it very much, and happy she is putting it to good use. I was planing of taking some pictures but never did. I think all the women I am close to in my life like to save pictures, and look at them from time to time, I have alway had the mind that get preocupied with questions and answers that much time passes and I hardly notice it, and so I buy a camera, and +2 years go by and I only use it a couple of times. I would like to see more pictures with you in it, ( thus we can see what you feel like durring you travels, maybe even a few of your other half, if he don't mind.) But you like me, I suppose in that, the scenery is the thing that you like alot. I always liked the way things looked with a good camera and the right film on paper picures. Now with electronics taking pictures is cheaper than ever, just need to buy a chip!

    So do you alway plan to travel so distant?

  • avidbiblereader

    Leo, very very impressive to say the least, you have an eye, an eye for the unusual shot, an eye for the unique veiw, thanks for sharing, it was like taking a trip and never leaving the house.

    Did you like the Orient? I loved China, especially Hong Kong, I would love to get to Aussie land but haven't found the time yet, did you take classes on photography or is this natural talent? Very steady hand while taking the pics, do you take multiple shots of the same veiw and pic the best or is this just a natural talent.

    I could see your pics everyday, great way to start the day.

    Keep them coming as far as I am concerned.


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