Talk on Apostates

by IslandBrother 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary
    I think Pastor Russell was resurrected he is here posting on this board.

    Yep. I got a sneaky suspicion that he goes by the name "Rooster"......'postate bastard!

  • cultswatter

    WE hate doze blutty apostates on the internet cause they take away our member$hip

  • Rooster

    Yep. I got a sneaky suspicion that he goes by the name "Rooster"......'postate bastard!

    I can't get into this room from my home PC. after 30 min's I started a new guy and got right in. They have killed him though.

    Gawd he was funny so I thought.

  • bennyk

    Korah attempted to usurp the position of the Mediator of the Law Covenant. The Governing Body is attempting to usurp the position of the Mediator of the New Covenant. The Governing Body is the modern-day (anti-typical ) Korah...

  • kifoy

    Quoting Garybuss:
    "So Friends, hypothetically, and I repeat hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn't fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say, "Hold on there, that doesn't fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!", Yes even if it were one of Jehovah's angels."
    Minute 23, Beware Of The Voice Of Strangers, District Convention Of Jehovah's Witnesses, Selkirk, Manitoba, July 12, 2003

    Well, Peter tried that finger-in-ear tactic, did he not? When this carpet, or somthing, with banned food came down from the heavens. God demanded him to eat, and he refused. Not once but a number of times. But he was reprimanded.

    And when were talking about Peter.
    When Peter, the most clumsy, truthlacking disciple of all times, were given the most honourable tasks (the keys, and beeing the rock), there should be hope for anyone...


  • Brigid

    I still can't figure out what exactly an apostate is by the society's definition. From my understanding growing up it's anyone who has rejected the teachings of the watchtower bible and tract society or just doesn't go to meetings anymore and dares utter a peep of dissent about the organization either publically (as in this forum) or semi-privately (therapy sessions LOL!) I mean, that is the real thrust, isn't it? An attempt at a spiritual gag order--don't say anything bad about the organization or you'll be labeled an apostate, which they have set up as worse than Satan himself.

    I could care less if people are witnesses or not. I do not hesitate to speak truth about my experiences as a witness (most of them negative but some positive) I do not believe they have the ultimate monopoly on truth and in fact believe they obscure truth in many many ways, but they are what some people need to navigate these very scary life waters. simple answers; infantile relationship to god. I say, more power to ya if that's what you need.

    I just revealed myself to my family; essentially burning my bridges utterly. And it actually felt good. The freedom to finally be who I am, not pretending when I'm around them (which is rarely). If they choose the organization over a relationship with me; who loves them unconditionally and continues to open my arms widely to embrace them, then that is their choice. If they consider me apostate, it is no more a curious blip on my screen than if someone labeled me queen of africa...I'm simply not, but if that's what they choose to think...*yawn*

  • IslandBrother

    Hello everyone. Thanks for your comments. It is interesting how adamant everyone is about accusing the Witnesses of Apostasy. It appears many feel that apostasy is not something to be looked down upon. For thier very comments(by the strictest definition) are apostate. So while some may not use the term with regard to themselves they are accusing Jehovahs Witneeses of the very same thing they themselves are doing. I was preparing this talk and another brother had the same talk in another hall so we were bouncing ideas off each other. The thing is... i was faith strengthened to see how true everything that i have learned from the WTS was true as i read the comments to the talk. I was amazed at how spot on the attitude of the comments were with the way JWs have presented apostates in their literature. I know that people are going to eat up my words in this comment and so I don't bother. I hope that the topic was something that was appealing (however you choose to define it). I was honestly disgusted at the comments of some. Others were enlightening with regards to the darkness that encompasses apostasy. Take care Island Brother

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Island Brother,

    Is there still hope for me? What do I need to do?

    Stop reading the Bible?

    Stop thinking?

    Become a Watchtower parrot?

    Start shunning those who have scriptural grounds to disagree with "The Society?"

    Change my last name?

    Please, please help!

  • Zico

    Stick around IslandBrother, you might learn a bit more.

  • Brigid

    Do what thou wilt, Island Brother. You see what you want to see (hateful, venemous dens of demonized apostates--oh my!). As I see what I want to see (pretty much objectivity, people trying to go on with their lives best they can with the occasional very damaged soul who does hate the WTBTS-usually with validity)--the truth, my brother, usually lies somewhere in between when we take off our "glasses". Well if your schema works for you, well as I stated in my above post, more power to ya. Keep the "faith".



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