Do you belive you are anointed?

by unbaptized 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • greendawn

    So Moore, how did the two elders justify believing that you are not an anointed member (as they understand anointing to be)? If it's something inspired inwardly how could they know how you felt that inspiration? Alternatively how do we know that the GB members are truly anointed also seeing that they do not seem to have the saintly personality expected by such high ranking anointed?

  • Narkissos
    The bread and the wine seals your claim.


    I don't know if I interpret Ross' laconic answer by saying: it is not a special "claim" because it is, by definition, the common lot of Christians...

    Anyway I'd like to add that whatever "claim" is implied by the Eucharist is also implied by Christian baptism. Read Romans 6. So why make one, and not the other, the shibboleth of an artificial dichotomy?

  • LittleToe

    I guess my issue is with the idea that it somehow has some special effect of "sealing" someone.

    Sure, it makes a statement, in a similar manner to baptism. But it is a command to remembrance, rather than a sealing ordinance. Looking back, I can't beleive how much of a fuss the WTS have made over this!

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello there:

    Unbaptized: Good point about people thinking John the baptizer as being mad...(Jesus as well).. Also David's anointing not being knowledge to all.. Reminds me of this script:

    Rev. 2:17.......And upon the pebble a new name written which no one know except the one receiving it.

    Also liked you point about Joseph, and his dreams corresponding to the anointed being told by God that they are anointed.. But, if we recall, his dream really made alot of people angry, even his father Jacob. The witnesses think that ANY communication, in any way from God is DEMONISM>

    Greendawn...I don't know where those elders get off., telling me I definately wasn't anointed.. Geez, I was full time pioneering, and that still didn't get me any points with them. To me, the GB at this totally unspirited. That being said, it's hard to imagine a spirited person, running such an unspirited borg.

    Also, Excel: You said:

    Should the person develope uncertainty regarding their status before God, Jesus words can set the person straight when he said

    "You did not choose me, but I choose You..." John 15:16

    This is very beautiful, as I looked it up and the surrounding verses.

  • daystar

    We are all "anointed". We have but to see it.

  • free2beme

    I think I am, heck why not, sounds good to me today. As a member of the annointed I now want to annouce, "Jesus was a myth," "Christianity is just another religion that borrowed practices from Pagans," and the only true religion is the one that means enough to you to make positive changes in your life.

  • lesterd

    we know from the founding of the world, there is no flash of light or revelation, one matures with the spirit and knows when thier adoption is manifest and complete. If one does not know or feel this, the rest cannot be explained.

  • daystar
    we know from the founding of the world, there is no flash of light or revelation, one matures with the spirit and knows when thier adoption is manifest and complete.

    Who is this "we" and how can they profess such knowledge so self-assuredly? This contradicts what the bible, many other "holy" books and otherwise, and much personal experience tells people across the globe.

    In any case, we are all "godlike" from birth, we have only (LOL! Yeah "only") to awaken to this, realize it, in order to use it consciously. The kingdom of God is within us.

  • LittleToe

    On the contrary, some awaken to it suddenly.

    Each find their feet falling on different parts of the same road. To believe that the road only consists of the parts that your feet touch is either a little conceited or a little naive.

  • unbaptized

    Hello Star,

    I know exactly how you feel, but I wanted to make one more comment to you regarding this issue. Do not give up in the ministry. If you have left go back and resume your share of the ministry. Do not let anything stop you from serving the true GOD. If you are being persecuted by our brothers than that's part of your lot and you have to prove faithful even under those crazy conditions. Remember Jesus was not judged by gentiles, but by his own brothers who did not know him.

    And as far as the GB is concerned, they are still our brothers. They have GOD's blessing to feed the flock at the proper time. Do not find yourself fighting against GOD because some do not share your joy. Continue to prove yourself worthy with righteous acts of conduct. Remember our master said "If someone smites you, turn the other cheek"

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