Watchtower 2007 3/15 -- Is 1914 dropped?

by observer 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jayhawk1

    If Jesus came, why does he keep leaving? Like my mom says, "Take off you coat and stay awile."

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    In 1902, some 18 years after the parousia of 1874, C T Russell wrote in his article titled THE PAROUSIA OF OUR LORD JESUS AND HIS SUBSEQUENT APOKALUPSIS AND EPIPHANIA --AT HIS SECOND ADVENT: "The Scriptures clearly indicate that after the Lord has done certain things during his presence (parousia), … he will later make a manifestation of his presence;--a manifestation which will be discerned by all mankind: and this outward manifestation is designated his “epiphania” which signifies “shining forth” or “bright shining.” The Watchers [Russell’s adherents] keep separate these two thoughts (presence and manifestation) respecting the Lord’s second coming. (Zion’s Watchtower, March 1902 [R2972 : page 85]). Also, when interpreting the WTS's explanation of Matt 24, remember that everything Jesus prophesied in the Olivet Discourse is said by the WTS to have been fulfilled within the time of the generation that heard it. The so-called fulfillment in "our time" is a secondary fulfillment. The exercise then, is to find the parallels between the first fulfillment by 70 CE with the assumed fulfillment in "our time". Especially Jesus' statement regarding "this generation". Also, the fact that Jesus warned his listeners to ignore the deceivers who were even then giving out warnings that wars, earthquakes and famines were a sign. Doug

  • slimboyfat

    Doug Mason,

    The one who wrote the book about the divine name? I have been looking to purchase your book for ages. Do you happen to have any copies for sale by any chance?



  • truthseeker

    It's ridiculous to say every eye will see him and then turn round and say we won't see Jesus in person.

    Are they not aware that in times past, angels materialized into human form? Can't Jesus do the same?

  • wozadummy

    BLONDIE pointed initially to 3 times the WTS says Jesus "comes"

    Well in another of her subsequent posts she points to a 4th time he "comes" - in1918 as the bringer of the covenant. So there are at least 4 occasions the WTS says Jesus "comes" , but I think the point missed here is the fact that the rank and file witnesses have always had the "PAROUSIA" ,or prescence of Jesus at 1914 in mind when the WTS talks in their literature of Jesus's COMING. I believe that is because of intense focusing of the 1914 year as the most significant.

    The other comings are mentioned in a cursory way ,and because of all the data fed to witnesses they filter out the other comings and just think of the big one ,that is 1914.

    So then as others have mentioned recently there has been a depleting of attention on this 1914 date for some time now ,with Watchtowers focusing on day to day things like keeping spiritually and physically clean issues ,so there is a desensitizing on heavy study articles and the focus has softened.

    Blondie is right but the WTS has all these other "comings" as a way out of 1914 to the dumber R & F of today ,who could easily accept now a heavier focus on the Armaggeddon COMING.

    They blur issues by having lots of anti types ,typical scenarios , comings etc so they give themselves scope for changing or refocusing their teachings. I always had trouble trying to keep up with all these different ways of explaining things and I think most witnesses just answer from the paragraphs the safe way, which makes them easy targets for change of "light"!

  • wozadummy

    Add this:

    I also have the mag and on page 6 under the heading : GOD IS YOUR THRONE FOREVER it says "Christs coming will lead to nothing less than the complete restoration of planet Earth."

    There you have it, if you asked a Witness which coming is this you might get a perplexed look when you further ask " I thought Jesus came in 1914?" for I doubt they would have thought that one out much. All primed for new light

    I get my mags from a pioneer sister who knows my wife is DA'd and still talks to her ,when I bring up points to her about the wrong things in the org she puts her head in the sand still though .....if the WTS change the 1914 teaching or water it down she'll be there saying "look how good the GB treat us with these gems of light"

  • Gill

    Above Watchtower article :


    What images does the coming of Jesus Christ bring to your mind? Do you see it as an even that spells doom, desolation, and punishment for mankind? Or do you expect it to bring an end to all our problems? Is Christ's coming something to be feared? Or should we look forward to it.

    Concerning Christ's coming, the Bible states: 'Look! He is coming with th clouds, and every eye will see him,...and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.' (Rev 1:7) This coming refers to Jesus' appearing in the future to reward the just and punish the wicked.

    Rather than fearing it, the apostle John looked forward to Christ's coming. After receiving the revelation about htis coming and about what it will mean for the earth, John earnestly prayed 'Come, Lord Jesus.' (Rev22:20) But why do 'all the tribes of the earth ...beat themselves in grief because of him.?' In what wy will 'every eye' see him? What will Christ's coming accomplish? How can putting faith in it benefit usnow? The following article will answer these questions.


    'Terror in Sao Paulo.' That is how Veja magazine described the four days in May 2006 when organized crime brought Brazil's largest and richest city to its knees. Some 150 law enforcement officers, criminals and ordinary citizens were killed during 'more than 100 hours of terror.'

    Violence is making news headline in just about every corner of the earth. Human leaders seem unable to stop it. Our world is becomind an increasing dangerous place in which to live. Perhaps you feel discouraged because wherever you look there is so much bad news. However, the time for a change is near.

    Jesus taught his followers to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for God's will to take place, 'as in heaven, also upon earth.' (Matt 6:9,10) This Kingdom is a government with Christ Jesus as its God-appointed King. It will solve all of mankind's problems. for God's Kingdom to bring about changes on the earth, however, there has to be a change from human rulership to the rulership of Christ. This is exactly what Christ's coming will accomplish.

    A Peaceful Transition?

    Will the nations submit to Christ's rule peacefully? The apostle John was given a vision that provides the answer. John relates: 'I saw the wild beast (the world's political system) and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one (Jesus) seated on the horse and with his army.' (Rev 19:19) Ho will the kings of the earth fare in this war? Jehovah's anointed King 'will break them with an iron scepter, as throug a potter's vessel (he) will dash them to pieces,' states the Bible. (Psalms 2:9) The polictical system will be completely smashed. God's Kingdom 'will crush and put an end to all (human) kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.' Daniel 2@44

    What about the people who oppose God's Kingdom? 'At the revelation of the lORd Jesus from heaven with his powerful angesl in a flaming fire,' Jesus is portrayed as someone who 'brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news.' (2 Thess 1:7,8) 'As regards the wicked,' states Prov 2:22 'they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.'

    With regard to Christ's coming, the Bible says: 'Look! He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him.' (Rev 1:7) People will not see him with their literal eyes. Since his ascension to heaven, Jesus is a spirit person 'who dwells in unappoachable light, whom not one of men has seen or can see.' 1 Tim 6 : 16.

    Jesus does not need to take on a human form to be 'seen' by the inhabitants of the earth any more than Jehovah needed to do so when he brought the Ten Plagues on the Egyptians in the days of Moses. The people of that time had no doubt that jehovah was causing the plagues and they were forced to recognize his power. (Ex 12:31) In a similar way, when Christ takes action as God's exectuioner, the wicked will be forced to 'see' or perceive, that Jesus is being used by God to judge them. They will know this because manking will have been warned in advance. Yes 'every eye will see (Jesus) and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.' Rev 1:7.

    The destruction of the wicked and the removal of wicked rulership are essential before true peace and properity can be restored to the earth. Christ will accomplish that. Then he will take full control of all affairs on the earth and momentous changes will follow.'

    The Restoration That Brings Benefits

    The apostle Peter spoke about the 'restoration of all things of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old time. (Acts 3:21) This restoration includes the transformation that will take place on the earth during Christ's rule. Among the prophets through whom God spoke of the 'restoration of all things' on earth is the prophet Isaiah, of the eighth century BCE. He foretold that Jesus Christ, the 'Prince of Peace,' would restore peace to the earth. Regarding Christ's rulership, Isaiah's prophecy states: 'To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end.' (Isaiah 9:6,7) Jesus will educate earth's peoples in the ways of peace. Those inhabiting the earth 'will indeed find their exquisitie delight in the abundance of peace.' Psalm 37:11

    What will happen to poverty and hunger under Christ's rulership? Isaiah said 'Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples in this mountain a banquet....' Isaiah 25:6 The psalmist sang: 'There will come to be.....' Psalms 72:16. Moreover regarding earths inhabitant we read: 'They will certainly....'Isaiah 65:21,22

    (There follows a list of Isaiah and Psalm prophcies and then 'miserable life experiences of people in Brazil)

    What must you Do?

    You will find much comfort in the hope of Christ's coming and what it will accomplish. Jesus Christ is sure to address all the root cause of human problems and of the evils that beset us.

    What must you do to enjoy the blessing that Christ's rule will shower upon mankind? Undertake a careful study of God's word the Bible. In a prayer to his Father, Jesus said: 'This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.(John 17:3) Make it your goal to examine what the Bible teaches. Jehovah's Witnesses in your area will be happy to assis you in this regard. You have our warm.....' blah de blah

  • blondie

    This article confirms that the WTS is talking about Revelation 1:7 which they connect with Matthew 24:29-31 now as happening in the future in connection with the beginning of the great tribulation. They do not connect this with Christ's presence in 1914 any more. Up until 1970 the WTS taught that the great tribulation started in 1914 and was temporarily halted in 1918 to start again at a future date; but they have not taught that since 1970 at which time there was a WT study article adjusting that. That is why this article does not mention 1914 or Christ's presence. 1918 is also a date where the WTS teaches that Christ came to inspect the "temple" which they believe were the "anointed" Bible Students alive on earth at that time (not JWs until 1931).


  • undercover
    This article confirms that the WTS is talking about Revelation 1:7 which they connect with Matthew 24:29-31 now as happening in the future in connection with the beginning of the great tribulation. They do not connect this with Christ's presence in 1914 any more.

    Thanks for all the references Blondie...your hard work doesn't go unnoticed

    Is it possible though that since the 1914 date is proving to be more and more problematic that the WTS could just start talking of Jesus coming exclusivly as in the new article and over time quietly drop the whole 1914 mess?

    After a decade or so of talking about Revelation 1:7 and what that coming means and never mentioning the "old" coming/presence, in time most JWs will forget they ever believed that and when reminded they'll deny they ever did...just like most JWs alive back in the early 70s deny ever looking for 1975 as the date of Armageddon.

  • blondie

    undercover, they may stop mentioning 1914 eventually, but I don't see a WT study article in the future dropping the 1914--end of the Gentile times, beginning of the time of the end, been published, not in my lifetime (which hopefully will last another 35 to 40 years). 1914 still ties in directly with their doctrine that Jesus came in 1918 and inspected the "temple" and found only the WTS teaching the "truth" and thus gave them his authority on earth. That would also affect their teaching that the deceased anointed started being resurrected to live and rule in heaven in 1918. I think these doctrines are taught in the Revelation book which JWs today are now studying either for the first, second, third, or fourth time. Will that be hiding those doctrines?


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