
by zack 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4


    I'm a hunter, and come from a long hunting culture. I was in a rural Vermont congregation, and there were several hunters in it. Venison was a staple of my boyhood diet, for sure.


    I've usually liked your posts, and as a similar-aged musician myself, I love your posting name. But, I've got to disagree with you on this one. As a lifelong Vermonter, you sound to me like the typical move-in flatlander up here who has no hunting experience, and really no experience at all in actually putting meat on their table apart from buying it at the supermarket, but who spouts off about being anti-hunting and all sorts of things in the rural life amidst a working environment that they know nothing about. These are the same people who see all logging as bad, who moved to Vermont because of its incredible pastoral landscape, and then complain in the spring when the farmers fertilize the fields because they can't stand the smell of cowshit!

    Your comments are typical of those who see "nature" as "out there," and humans as "over here," seperate from the natural world. Guess what? Humans are part of nature too. We're the reigning omnivore on the planet, and we're a physical and mental match for any other hunter in the animal kingdom, of which we happen to be a part. Your comment on your belief in karma was a joke. You might not have noticed, but the entire natural world is filled with killers - is it bad karma for the wolf to kill the deer, the lion the antelope, the spider the fly? Are they going to be punished for that by some invisible lawmaker, some mythical karmic force? Get with it, man - we're all a part of that great cycle of life, which is based on a hell of a lot of killing, from the microbrial level on up. Even if you're a vegetarian, the only way you're going to survive is to kill a hell of a lot fungi and insects who want those veggies for themselves! I'm sure you're not the sort of hypocrite that sees some kinds of killing (insects, rodents, fish) as okay and other kinds of killing (the cute animals) as wrong.

    Guess what - meat doesn't grow pre-packaged. Somebody is doing all the dirty work for you - your killing and butchering. That, to me, is really serious bad karma - having other folks do your shit work for you. Most people in first world countries are completely disassociated from where their meat, vegetables and fruits come from. Few of us can or have the desire to provide all of our necessities in a personal way - but the end result is that it leaves most people incredibly ignorant about what is involved in putting a meal on the table.

    I grew up in a house with guns in a very rural area where hunting was a part of the life. Also huge vegetable gardens, chickens and ducks in the chicken house and beef raised in the fields around the house. Chopping the heads off a hundred chickens early every fall, then plucking and cleaning them, or putting a .22 bullet into the brain of the beef we raised and then hauling it up with block and tackle and butchering hundreds of pounds of beef, was not anything I ever looked forward to. But it was nice to enter winter with a freezer full of chicken, beef and venison, and I sure as hell enjoyed eating it.

    Hunters love killing, eh?? What an asshole statement, an arrogant sentiment that could only come from someone who's never hunted or killed anything. Killing and butchering are bloody rough endeavors, and not for the fainthearted or queasy-stomached, but they are a necessity if you're a meat eater, and there are some of us who are still willing and able to do it for ourselves. And guess what? We've got a million years of evolution behind us of killing and butchering our food.

    Being in the wild, hunting, stalking, tracking, seeing game - all of these things are enjoyable. They reconnect you with 100,000 generations of our ancestors. The killing - the only pleasure there is the pride in doing it well - swift and clean and accurately. And wild animals, compared to how domestic animals are raised for meat, have an incredibly great life, roaming free and as they will, unless they're ravaged by disease due to over-population. The meat is better than just about anything you can buy - the best of natural feeds and no hormones and injections.

    My rant is done, except for one last point. Be careful about insulting the intelligence of posters who might be hunters when your own posts are filled with misspellings! I can connect you with the writings of some pretty intelligent hunters, if you'd like, starting with Jim Harrison, Paul Shephard and Rick Bass.


  • jaguarbass

    Hello Seeker4, Good post, I stand corrected and enlightened. You, Skyking, Jimbo, Blondie, Little Drummer Boy win, I loose. I enjoy your post also Seeker4. I have a new perspective on hunting.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    jaguarbass: To clarify, this is me, quoting you, quoting me...

    Or if you prefer: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with catsup" as one saying goes. Anyway, the point is, do you want cougars roaming the streets of New York, feeding off of random pedestrians? No? Ofcourse not.
    PLeas put that crack pipe down before you post or hunt. If you think cougars are going to be roaming the streets of New York and your ideology is protecting man kind. Your delusional. Roll another joint my man. I'm sure you were a good jw with your straw man arguments.

    You missed my point completely. The point was...which I made time and time again but which you missed anyway...was that the only way to balance prey populations without hunting is to reintroduce and encourage the growth of predator species. They would be numerous enough to overrun and threaten even densly populated areas. I'm pretty sure I'm not the one smoking crack or smoking dope on this thread as you mentioned.

    Seeker4: Good post.

  • restrangled

    Unless you are hunting to feed your self and/or your have an ego problem. Why do I say this? Because I have extended relatives that were hunters and trappers.

    It is a sick obsession to kill any animal for the thrill or profit of it.

    I had an uncle who trapped many beautiful wild cats and made a fortune on their coats. I had a boss that went on a hunt in Aftrica and came home with many stuffed heads.

    The boys that hunt in the enclosed Texas farms containing wild animals are the worst.

    Shooting wolves is just as bad, these are natural predaters and the for-runners of our own pet dogs.

    They are beautiful animals.

    If you have to coat yourself in urine to attratct the animal you want to kill, are one sick bastard.

    Hunting in general is a very sick game.


  • Seeker4

    JB: Hey, nice response. I didn't mean to come across as disrespectful. Appreciate your answer.


    I stand by my post. If you think of hunting as a game, you've missed the point completely. Did you ever hunt or trap, or are you basing your response on what you think about your family? Doesn't give you much of a basis to judge.

    Hunting is the very basis of our species. There's a good argument to be made for tracking being essential in the development of the human brain. If you equate hunting with canned trophy hunts in Texas or Africa, you're not talking about anything that the hunters on this thread have been writing about. You might want to read the other posts before you drop in a post like that. You're way off base.


  • skyking

    restrangled boy how do I start. Your wolf statement. Did you read my post? We had wolves here in Idaho already. We enjoyed the local wolves because they were not the killers that the Canadian Wolves are. I know a friend that watched a Bull Elk for two days before he decided to kill it. Wolves literally ate the Elks back hips off, he videoed the whole thing happening. Then the wolves came back every so many hours and ate a little more of the Bull. The Elk lived for two days traveling with only its front legs until he killed it to put it out of it misery. Guess what some one like you saw the video and demanded that my friend be fined for killing the Elk. He had to fight it in court he lost the case but the judge fined him $1.00 and court cost. We have Caribou deer here locally the only herd in the lower 48 and just this winter they closed down millions of acres of forest from the local people why because those lovely imported wolves killed all but a hand full of the endangered Caribou's. So we humans have to stay away from the herd of Caribou so we do not scare them.

    Yes people hunt in Africa but did you know that the money from those hunts actually has been the only source of funds for protecting the animals form poachers in many of the country's in Africa? So hunters have been the very people that have saved Africa's wildlife.

    I do not agree with the high fences but here once again you need to think about this those animals they are well fed while they are alive in areas free of predators. They never would have been born if it was not for hunting so the animal life it enjoyed was given to it because of hunting. With out the hunter the animal would not of enjoyed life. At Riggins Idaho there use to be a ranch that raised minks for fur. I have been at that ranch it was fun the animals enjoyed a good life before they were killed. Some animal activist came one night and cut all the fencing down all the minks died that night thousands of them because the minks froze to death.

    As for your sick bastard comment, I see you as the sick bastard and feel sorry for you. I hope you stay in the city you live and hope nothing happens that will make you have to kill to live. We are only one natural disaster or terrorist act away from it. If this happens you can come and live with me I'll teach you how to survive and I bet you will help me kill to feed your sorry ass.

  • Fangorn

    I've been hunting my whole life and I enjoy it, the whole process. Hunters and the money they provide are mostly responsible for the fact that there's any wildlife left in the world. It is pretty much a rule that when you have an organized hunting system, wildlife thrive, Africa is probably the best example of that. Bulldozers, plows and subsistence hunters have done more to eliminate wildlife than every sport hunter who ever lived on this planet. However, I've also learned that it is an absolute waste of time to try to reason with people that have taken an anti-hunting stance because they are for the most part driven by emotion and there's no reasoning with emotion. You can pretty much always tell what kind of people they are by their methodology, if they start out with insults and ridicule then it is an exercise in futility..

  • Fangorn

    One comment on high fences. While I don't hunt high fence myself I can see some merit in the system. For instance, there are many, many more black buck behind high fences in Texas than there are in all of India. Hunting behind those high fences supports that population, which also means it is supporting the effort not only to sustain that species but is also aiding in restoring it in India.

  • restrangled

    Seeker 4,

    stand by my post. If you think of hunting as a game, you've missed the point completely. Did you ever hunt or trap, or are you basing your response on what you think about your family? Doesn't give you much of a basis to judge.

    Yes I was basing my comments on hunters I have personally known. I was expressing my viewpoint on what they have done and there attitude towards animals. I've known about 15 hunters. Both inside and outside my family. They were all very cruel. If you notice I said hunting to feed your family is one thing but hunting for sport in my opinion is a game and a sick one at that. Trapping with those steel jaw contraptions is the worst.


  • Stealth453

    I love to hunt.











    - just depends on what we are hunting.

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