
by zack 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    What are your views on hunting? Any hunters in your former congos? And was there a "thrill" involved in the hunt?


  • jaguarbass

    What are your views on hunting? Any hunters in your former congos? And was there a "thrill" involved in the hunt?

    My views on hunting. I know that it was necessary as man evolved or advanced from primitive times. Personally I eat a lot of vegetables and could be a vegetarian if it werent so inconvenient. If a man is a hunter today that tells you something about his mentality and where he is coming from.

    It will be nice and good when we as a society advance from killing and eating other living things, mamals.

    Probably the reason the aliens wont make contact is we are too primitive. They would have to kill us when we tried to eat them.

    I remember reading a good story about a rich man who invited some hunters to his property for a hunt. Then he put them out in the woods with out guns and hunted them. The story described their fear and terror. Instant Karma!

    Look at the intelect and intelligence of the great white hunter Penis Chaney.

    Probably most of those who hunt wont read this. I see you havent been getting many responses. Reading and writtting are advanced skill for most hunters.

  • Xena
  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    If a man is a hunter today that tells you something about his mentality and where he is coming from.

    F^&K You.

    Many hunters make use of the large wooded land that surrounds where I live. I personally know their situations and who they are. Most of the people that hunt where I am do so because they are financially in need and use the meat to supplement their diet. They aren't on welfare and are trying to make it on their own without government assistance. Even the few that I know who can afford to buy meat and hunt, still eat what they hunt. If it weren't for them, countles people would die in car accidents on the interstate that runs right through our area. Even with the hunting to keep populations in control, there are enough deer that jump the interstate fences that it is not at all rare to have deer/car collisions. My nephew was almost killed in this way. A deer jumped in front of him, and even at a modest speed on our country road, it still manged to total his truck and cause the truck to roll many times. On the interstate, accidents are at much higher speeds (obviously).

    Unless you want to re-introduce and encourage the growth of predator species in all areas, (cougar, wolf, etc.) hunting is mandatory to control prey species populations. I don't personally want to worry about being attacked by a cougar every time I walk out the front door.

  • jaguarbass

    F^&K You.

    Like I said If a man is a hunter it tells you a lot about where he is coming from.

    Hunters like to kill.

  • Beep,Beep

    I don't hunt. Tried it one year, froze my backside. I have no problem with those that enjoy hunting. Yes there were hunters in each of the congregations I've been a part of.

  • Beep,Beep

    "Hunters like to kill. "

    Well possibly. I do know some who seem to enjoy killing animals. I also know some who enjoy simply being in the outdoors and watching the wildlife.

    By the way, does killing rats count as hunting? Farmers around here have no problems killing them even if they are animals, mammals even.

  • Stephanus

    F^&K You.

    Like I said If a man is a hunter it tells you a lot about where he is coming from.

    For one who's just made fun of hunters' ability to read, you don't show any sign of having read (or at least understood) one damn word that LittleDrummerBoy wrote.

    And for the record, I don't hunt, I don't shoot, and I'm not overly fond of guns.

  • zack

    Xena: Actually, I didn't think my first post went up, so I put this one up. Sorry for the double post.

    Thanks all for your responses.


  • jaguarbass

    For one who's just made fun of hunters' ability to read, you don't show any sign of having read (or at least understood) one damn word that LittleDrummerBoy wrote.

    And for the record, I don't hunt, I don't shoot, and I'm not overly fond of gu

    Think about it. You dont show any sign of having read or at least understood any of his words either.

    But your assesment is correct as I did not really adress his post. Nor did you.

    In defense of the hunters. I would say God likes to kill so the hunters are like God.

    If people have to hunt to feed themselves that tells me where there coming from. Is that an insult. If people have to hunt to feed themselves that probably says something about their reading and communicating abilitity. Is that an insult? If one doesnt have to hunt to feed themselves then they probably like killing.

    I think the post was asking our opinions on hunting. I dont like to see things killed. So I put in my 2 cents. So far not too many hunters are taking the bait anyway.

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