As of Thursday night I am no longer a Jehovahs Witness

by Es 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • collegegirl21

    That is awesome Es. I wish I had balls like you. I am too afraid to lose my parents. My dad had a heart attack when I was disassociated before and that killed me that I couldn't talk to people when I went to visit him in the hospital, I could barely talk to him. It killed me. So I got reinstated and I just want to move away and fade, I have been slowly making excuses not to go to the meetings though, so we'll see.

    I am happy for you though! You have given me motivation

  • Sparkplug
    Its such a relief.

    Aww my Es. It is a relief and at the same time the cry was needed. Hang tight my friend and know we all can relate and this Texas Gal wishes she were closer to hug ya!

  • Es

    awww thanks guys i really really appreciate it.

    Yeah its a tough one for the kids hey on one hand I want my son to see them coz he asks about them alot, but on the other like you have all said we come as a package. Hubby has already said he doesnt want anything to do with them if they dont want anything to do with me. He said if he ever saw them again he would tell them how stupid they are. I already made it very clear last time they asked to see my son that i didnt trust them not to indoctrine him.

    But last time we saw them which was a few months ago they promised to do all these things with my son like take him to the movies etc and they didnt so its prob never going to happen, there religion is far too important to them.

    And yeah they havnt spoken to both Blake and I for over a year, it took the birth of my daughter for them to come and see me, so it was like i was D\A anyway, nothing has changed i guess.

    Im wondering if the elders are going to call to confirm or set up a meeting, I know for sure im not going.

    aww sparkplug wish you lived closer too babe a hug would be nice

    luv ya all


  • Sparkplug

    ((((((((((((((((((Es and Family)))))))))))))))))

  • dobbie

    Es i'm so sorry this stupid organisation has control of your parents, but i'm so glad you had the strength for the sake of you and your gorgeous family to leave. I too held onto my d'a letter for a bit before posting but i haven't got blood relatives in it, only my husbands. It still sucks though. I know what you mean also about they would try to indoctrinate your little boy. I recently let my sis in l take my 4 yr old to a witness gathering as his best friends at school are the jw kids (unfortunately!), i couldn't believe it when he came home and started to ask if he could go to meeting with his cousin etc. My m in l had been saying to him wouldn't he like to still go to meetings with his cousin etc, she even texted my husband to go and pick up a dvd she'd done for my boy - of the whole jw gathering! I am still angry now and thinks its terrible to put things in a 4 yr olds head whenhis parents aren't around. This is the grandmother who has never bothered with him before, though she lives in the same town, and when he was in intensive care at 1 yrs old, she told me she wouldn't go and visit him becauseit was too far(30 min drive and she knew they thought he wasn't going to last the night), thing is though the assembly hall and a shopping mall are v near it and she can make those!My other son who's 2 doesn't even know who she is and i'm going to try and keep it that way.

    Well done Es for this brave step, i know its so difficult but you have the one thing that i have that keeps me going as well at the moment, two smashing kids and a supportive hubby. We are all here for you as well. Big hugs to you Debbiex

  • juni

    A big hug for you ES

    Sounds like your parents have already been a disappointment in Blake's life. As far as I see it -

    Mike - ES - Blake - Kaia = family and for those that want to accept you as a whole family are the ones deserving of a relationship. No longer are you under the rules of your dad's house. You are one with Mike and your life now is your family. Like the scripture says, "One leaves his father and mother and sticks to his wife/husband......". Even your father cannot dispute that.

    Best to you and yours,


  • IronClaw

    (((Es))) I am glad for you. I was so glad when it was over for me as well. I no longer have to live a lie. Its a great feeling. The feeling of Christian Freedom. You know its kinda funny, someone who never has been a witness can be the worst person in the world (ie:drunk, fornicator, lier etc.) and yet your father will say hello to that person in a supermarket, but turn his head on his own daughter in that same supermarket. Makes you wonder Es. As my brother always says to me; Always look forward, never back.

    Take Care, The Claw

  • LittleToe

    What a jerk. It looks like he's looking for an "official" reason to ignore you. Ah well, their loss!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They are cold aren't they?

    I had my 'confrontation' this past fall - I have never felt so free now that it is done and behind me.

    You can join our family if you like - we like good people.


  • Es

    dobbie- thats terrible, some people dont deserve to be grandparents, my sons pretty clued on for a 4 year old he knows nan and pop dont speak to me coz i celebrate birthdays, when I told him he said he was going to tell them off heheheh. I guess will just take it a day at a time.

    collegegirl-Its hard isnt it, I had a friend who had exactly the same thing happen to her infact I almost thought it was her for a min when I was reading your story.Her dad had a heartattack too and she couldnt speak to most of the people in the hosp. Then the next thing I knew she was getting reinstated.....I often wonder if she is happy???

    Juni- thanks babe, your a great friend

    Ironclaw- I know thats what annoys me, like my parents could go to my cousins wedding who had a child out of marriage and done many other things but couldnt come to my wedding coz I was marrying a non JW and I should have known better.

    Littltoe-thanks hun means alot


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